You raised the analogy, so I'm not sure where you are going with this..
Pain can be seen...there is a terrible situation that can arise in operations where the patient can't move but is conscious, and can feel pain. Nowadays doctors use a special monitor that can see this pain and avoid the horrible experience. It monitors the effects of stress..a side effect of pain. The increased electrical activity of the brain..the chemicals pumping into the heart, the endorphins released. Like I said, I don't know where you are going with this.
There are plenty of things that we can't SEE that exist ( we have five senses

You can't see
Sound waves
Radio waves
X - Rays
Micro waves
The wind
None of these things are anything to do with spirituality.
That's my problem with your spirituality, it requires belief...I like reality, eg things that are still there whether you believe in them or not.
I'm sure you are a balanced person in the flesh Swift, but I thought the church was meant to make you a better person, and in some of posts you come across as a dogma fixated something or other