Religion is contrived

  • Thread starter Danoff
The question you need to ask yourself at this point is not "How can you see pain?" but "What IS pain?". Then the answer to your question will be excruciatingly obvious.

I notice you avoided the phrase "painfully obvious". :)
If only I could quote that in its entirety for my signature... :D

Best laugh I've had today :lol:

Edit: Sorry... Second best...

The question you need to ask yourself at this point is not "How can you see pain?" but "What IS pain?". Then the answer to your question will be excruciatingly obvious.

IF that's the case. Then how do you define your reality?
I try... :D

Ummm. Huh?

How do you define your reality. If you can see pain, and perception is reality(because it is) how do you define reality. I've never seen a pain before in my entire life. So, how does it work for you?
I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where you read this:

The question you need to ask yourself at this point is not "How can you see pain?" but "What IS pain?". Then the answer to your question will be excruciatingly obvious.
I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where you read this:

So, why are you now avoiding my question as you say I avoided yours in the past?
You wouldn't be asking it if you'd actually read the earlier part - the answer to my short paragraph renders your question irrelevant and indeed nonsensical.

Go on. Ask yourself:

What IS pain?
You wouldn't be asking it if you'd actually read the earlier part - the answer to my short paragraph renders your question irrelevant and indeed nonsensical.

Go on. Ask yourself:

What IS pain?

Good grief, you really get boring sometimes you know that? We have to answer all your questions but when you find a question irrelevant, as I have found yours in the past, you just avoid it totally and ask another question. Cute. Stop overanalyzing and just answer my question.

How do you define your reality?
As I said, the answer to my question renders yours irrelevant and nonsensical.

And mine appeared first... If you hadn't glossed over it you wouldn't now be asking a very, very silly question indeed.
about this gospel thing....
current editions of bible contains just over 20% of original texts. they are far away in content from original. the rest, called apocrypha, is stored in vatican library, collection Z. noone has access bar pope and the few chosen men of church.
for example, in the '50 edition of bible [so called 'the millenium bible'] in poland, lilith was still mentioned in genesis, she is not anymore. [lilith was first woman god created, according to old versions of bible, not eva.]

outside of church's current version, there is quite wide belief that christ in fact lived in a relationship with mary m., some even go as far as saying that they had offspring. which was finally eliminated around 9th century. as they say.

What or where is the source of all of that Information? If it's that book "The Da Vinci Code", than you've must have missed the foreword. ( :odd: ) The book clearly says (not exactly) in the foreword "Some events or characters depicted in this book is fiction". So this arguent, or story I should say, about Mary Magdelline being Jesus' wife was just for entertainment purposes only.

christianity is in its winter. just give it some time, less than century i'd say, and it will be no more than wiccans running circles around bonfire on samhain. any followers of zeus around?

This was actually predicted by Christ (and rightfully so), but I forgot where the scripture was.

the second coming? happend for me anyway, did you miss it guys? ;)
:yuck: *shudders*
Here you go famine.....pain is an unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.

So now what?
No, that's a dictionary definition of the feeling of pain. The question is what IS pain?
No, that's a dictionary definition of the feeling of pain. The question is what IS pain?

Would you do me a favor and just make your point already. I'm pretty sure I know where you're going with this.
Here you go famine.....pain is an unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.

So now what?

You raised the analogy, so I'm not sure where you are going with this..

Pain can be seen...there is a terrible situation that can arise in operations where the patient can't move but is conscious, and can feel pain. Nowadays doctors use a special monitor that can see this pain and avoid the horrible experience. It monitors the effects of stress..a side effect of pain. The increased electrical activity of the brain..the chemicals pumping into the heart, the endorphins released. Like I said, I don't know where you are going with this.

There are plenty of things that we can't SEE that exist ( we have five senses ;) )

You can't see
Sound waves
Radio waves
X - Rays
Micro waves
The wind

None of these things are anything to do with spirituality.

I used to know some very odd people in the past :lol: One in particular was this girl who thought she was a witch. She could talk to the dead ( apparently ) and see ghosts. She would say, there is a ghost of a small boy over there...and the reason that I couldn't see it, was (according to her ) that I didn't believe in ghosts...

That's my problem with your spirituality, it requires belief...I like reality, eg things that are still there whether you believe in them or not.

I'm sure you are a balanced person in the flesh Swift, but I thought the church was meant to make you a better person, and in some of posts you come across as a dogma fixated something or other ;)
You raised the analogy, so I'm not sure where you are going with this..

Pain can be seen...there is a terrible situation that can arise in operations where the patient can't move but is conscious, and can feel pain. Nowadays doctors use a special monitor that can see this pain and avoid the horrible experience. It monitors the effects of stress..a side effect of pain. The increased electrical activity of the brain..the chemicals pumping into the heart, the endorphins released. Like I said, I don't know where you are going with this.

There are plenty of things that we can't SEE that exist ( we have five senses ;) )

You can't see
Sound waves
Radio waves
X - Rays
Micro waves
The wind

None of these things are anything to do with spirituality.

That's my problem with your spirituality, it requires belief...I like reality, eg things that are still there whether you believe in them or not.

I'm sure you are a balanced person in the flesh Swift, but I thought the church was meant to make you a better person, and in some of posts you come across as a dogma fixated something or other ;)

See, again, people saying that "I thought christians were supposed to be like this...." When very few of you either were christians at one point or bothered to do the reasearch to see what it means to be apostolic.

You example about pain, still can't see it or even tell if that's a definite sign of pain. You believe in gravity, why? Because no matter how high you jump, you're coming back down. You believe in radio waves why? Because you can tune your radio to different stations. You don't believe in spirituality whay? Because you will not even consider the possibility that something you can't put your hands on exists.
Pain is electrical energy, Swift. It moves from pain receptors, up nerve fibres to the pain centre of the brain and appropriate responses - usually the sympathetic recoil response - are transmitted down nerve fibres to muscular nerve fibres to provide the response.

Pain is EASY to see.

Out of interest, was man "created in His (God's) image"? Does that mean that man's body is perfectly constructed (ignoring birth defects for now)?
See, again, people saying that "I thought christians were supposed to be like this...." When very few of you either were christians at one point or bothered to do the reasearch to see what it means to be apostolic.
Well what's the point if it's not to make you a better person...

You believe in gravity, why? Because no matter how high you jump, you're coming back down. You believe in radio waves why? Because you can tune your radio to different stations. You don't believe in spirituality whay? Because you will not even consider the possibility that something you can't put your hands on exists.

You're missing my point Swift. I don't have to believe in radio waves, and they still work. If I refuse to believe in gravity, will it make any
What or where is the source of all of that Information? If it's that book "The Da Vinci Code", than you've must have missed the foreword. ( :odd: ) The book clearly says (not exactly) in the foreword "Some events or characters depicted in this book is fiction". So this arguent, or story I should say, about Mary Magdelline being Jesus' wife was just for entertainment purposes only.

This was actually predicted by Christ (and rightfully so), but I forgot where the scripture was.

i don't know this book. the history of jesus and mary m and their offspring is a common knowledge and a source of heated discussions among bible scholars.
they originate from gospels of other apostles than the 4 we know, that are held in vatican, but some time ago were still accessible to public.
prieure de sion? stories about origin and true purpose of holy grail?

it is as much of a story as anything else about christ. it is not an argument - i wasn't argumenting anything. it is very interesting part of christian mythology, that's all.

christ wasn't first prophet of this type [don't think he actually predicted this, old testament did]. every religion has predicted the final days of itself. you know, no man could really think that it is going to last forever :).

we, the people. we, the spirits. we, the gods.
Because you will not even consider the possibility that something you can't put your hands on exists.

He believes in radio waves, gravity, UV, radiation, and wind, and you can't put those in your hands. So evidently he DOES believe in something that can't be put into your hands.

He just doesn't believe in something that hasn't been proven to even exist.
He believes in radio waves, gravity, UV, radiation, and wind, and you can't put those in your hands. So evidently he DOES believe in something that can't be put into your hands.

He just doesn't believe in something that hasn't been proven to even exist.

No, it says he doesn't believe in things that he can't measure or quantify by instrumentation. And technically, you can put UV, radiation and wind in your hands. It just doesn't stay there to long...heh heh..

Pain is electrical energy, Swift. It moves from pain receptors, up nerve fibres to the pain centre of the brain and appropriate responses - usually the sympathetic recoil response - are transmitted down nerve fibres to muscular nerve fibres to provide the response.

Pain is EASY to see.

Out of interest, was man "created in His (God's) image"? Does that mean that man's body is perfectly constructed (ignoring birth defects for now)?

Are those the same type of signals used to send data from the eyes, nose tongue and skin? I'm just wondering.

Adam and Eve were peferct human specimens, until they sinned. That's when death came upon them and birth defects, mental retardation and other afflictions came on the human race.
No, it says he doesn't believe in things that he can't measure or quantify by instrumentation. And technically, you can put UV, radiation and wind in your hands. It just doesn't stay there to long...heh heh..

Are those the same type of signals used to send data from the eyes, nose tongue and skin? I'm just wondering.

Adam and Eve were peferct human specimens, until they sinned. That's when death came upon them and birth defects, mental retardation and other afflictions came on the human race.

So god punishes 70 billion people for something that 2 people did thousands of years ago? What a jerk.
So god punishes 70 billion people for something that 2 people did thousands of years ago? What a jerk.

You could say that yourself, if you've nevered sinned. But since you have, you're not innocent of it yourself.
I haven't sinned according to the 10 commandments, and being born isn't my sin. It's ultimately my parents' faults, I had nothing to do with "original sin" bullcrap. And don't go around telling others they've sinned, it doesn't give Christians a good rep.
I haven't sinned according to the 10 commandments, and being born isn't my sin. It's ultimately my parents' faults, I had nothing to do with "original sin" bullcrap. And don't go around telling others they've sinned, it doesn't give Christians a good rep.

Well, you just explained the concept of orignal sin. But I don't even need to go there. So you've never stolen anything in your entire life, always honored your mother and father at all times and have never took the Lord's name in vain?
Well I figured I could jump into this thread to since the topic of religion has become a hot one with me recently. I have given up on religion entirely and gone the scienctific route. God can't exsist due to physics, nor can heaven or hell. Not to mention a lot of the miracles couldn't have ever happened when looked at in the eyes of science.

Another thing is that church is based on money, the last time I went they took up like three collections. I'll give to charity as I see fit, I don't need to be in the position that I sinned if I don't give.

The way I look at it is religion has changed so much over time that there can't be a right one. I mean look at ancient Greece, they believed in Zeus, now a days their religion makes for intresting class and great Disney movies. Christianity will be the same in a few hundred years.
Well I figured I could jump into this thread to since the topic of religion has become a hot one with me recently. I have given up on religion entirely and gone the scienctific route. God can't exsist due to physics, nor can heaven or hell. Not to mention a lot of the miracles couldn't have ever happened when looked at in the eyes of science.

Another thing is that church is based on money, the last time I went they took up like three collections. I'll give to charity as I see fit, I don't need to be in the position that I sinned if I don't give.

The way I look at it is religion has changed so much over time that there can't be a right one. I mean look at ancient Greece, they believed in Zeus, now a days their religion makes for intresting class and great Disney movies. Christianity will be the same in a few hundred years.

Thanks, I really needed a good laugh. 👍
Well, you just explained the concept of orignal sin. But I don't even need to go there. So you've never stolen anything in your entire life, always honored your mother and father at all times and have never took the Lord's name in vain?

How can I sin when the lord does not exist to me?

I've taken a lord's name in vain, but who? I don't know. But I've never intentionally disrespected Jesus H. Christ.

And no I've never stolen, I've always honoured my mother and father (of course), I love thy neighbour and all that good stuff.

Aside from not believing in them, I've done a pretty good job abiding by them, but those are my own morals— not those of a book preached to me.
Well I figured I could jump into this thread to since the topic of religion has become a hot one with me recently. I have given up on religion entirely and gone the scienctific route. God can't exsist due to physics, nor can heaven or hell. Not to mention a lot of the miracles couldn't have ever happened when looked at in the eyes of science.

Another thing is that church is based on money, the last time I went they took up like three collections. I'll give to charity as I see fit, I don't need to be in the position that I sinned if I don't give.

The way I look at it is religion has changed so much over time that there can't be a right one. I mean look at ancient Greece, they believed in Zeus, now a days their religion makes for intresting class and great Disney movies. Christianity will be the same in a few hundred years.

Hey Famine, we made one come to his/her/our senses. :lol: :P ;)
Oh I've had some doubts on religion for awhile, but studying physics has really sealed the deal. And I'd be a he :D.
How can I sin when the lord does not exist to me?

I've taken a lord's name in vain, but who? I don't know. But I've never intentionally disrespected Jesus H. Christ.

And no I've never stolen, I've always honoured my mother and father (of course), I love thy neighbour and all that good stuff.

Aside from not believing in them, I've done a pretty good job abiding by them, but those are my own morals— not those of a book preached to me.

Ah, but you said....
I haven't sinned according to the 10 commandments, and being born isn't my sin.

So you are judging yourself by those rules of the "christian" god.