What?!...it was the Romans that gave the Bible new life. The Codex Vaticanus around AD500, it's the version you read now.SwiftI mean, look at Rome. They trried to destroy christianity in a similar way that Hitler tried to destroy the Hebrews.
I'm not really in the mood for regurgitated Christian dogma, but since this thread is about religion and not just Christianity. How about you tell me how to achieve quiescence through the stages of Chien and K'unXVII...anyone? systematically answering questions one at a time?
XVIIif you guys wont give me a list, maybe ill start asking questions
why is the bible the best selling book of all time and the number one book translated into the most languages?
Number of languages the Bible has been translated into: More than 1,200 (as of 2001)
Number of new Bibles distributed (sold or given away) in the U.S.: About 168,000 per day (as of 2001)
im sure those number are a little bit bigger now
PSBecause it's been around forever and it takes a lot of books to make a good fire.
Exactly...not everything is connected to the bible...well spottedXVIIwhat does that have to do with anything concerning the bible?
Tacet_BlueWhat?!...it was the Romans that gave the Bible new life. The Codex Vaticanus around AD500, it's the version you read now.
Where on earth do you get your facts?
Why do you think you use Roman numerals...see XVII or whatever his name is
In the UK during the 1990's 110 new churches were opened, but 220 closed....go figure.
I'm not really in the mood for regurgitated Christian dogma, but since this thread is about religion and not just Christianity. How about you tell me how to achieve quiescence through the stages of Chien and K'un
You'll find that the Romans were more concerned with the Carthaginians after the humiliating defeat at Cannae by the hands of Hannibal, and they had a problem or two with the prosperous Greeks.SwiftHmm...you've never heard of nero? Lighting the path of his chariots with christians burned at the stake. Or having them fed to the lions in the colissium for sport? Sure, things in Rome changed, but it wasn't always like that. Just like things in Germany have changed.
Yes..they went to Synagogues and MosquesSwiftAbout the churches closing. Well, that just doesn't have too much relevance. The people from the closed ones easily could've just went to other churches.
Tacet_BlueExactly...not everything is connected to the bible...well spotted![]()
There are other religion's that could be discussed here that aren't quite so soaked in dogma, or driven by fear.
Edit: It was 220 Churches per year that closed during the 90's, that's over 2000 Churches shut down due to lack of attendance.
PakoI've seen better contributions from 10 year olds in the drifting forum. Please add value to the thread or refrain from posting.
SwiftAnd who said I serve God because I'm afraid of anything? Fear, as you are thinking of it has nothing to do with it. When I say that I "fear God" it's not like I'm afraid he's going to zap me to hell if I don't do exactly what he says. It's more like how you fear the power of the sun(from Malcolm X). Or, Extreme reverence or awe, as toward a supreme power. That's the kind of fear we're talking about.
And you know it was because lack of attendance?
Tacet_BlueFear however you phrase it...
Prov 16:6 (NEB) ...the fear of the Lord makes men turn from evil.
Job 28:28 (NEB) ..."The fear of the Lord is wisdom, and to turn from evil is understanding."
Jer 5:22 (NIV) "Should you not fear me?" declares the Lord. "Should you not tremble in my presence?"
Prov 8:13 (NIV) To fear the Lord is to hate evil.
Ps 111:10 (NEB) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and they who live by it grow in understanding...
Prov 9:10 (NEB) The first step to wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Ps 19:9 (NIV) The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.
and of course all that burn in hell ye sinner stuff
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-- their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." (Revelation 21:8)
I am not afraid of dying, I do not fear hell, and do not seek solace in a supreme power...my life is good thankyou![]()
I intend to enjoy it to its full. Almost to the point of hedonism. I'm sure that's probably a sin too![]()
Fear is fear...I don't know what you mean by definition, it's the same wordSwiftNow you're saying that the definition of a word doesn't matter?![]()
SwiftOh well, with the scriptures you posted you more then proved my point of what biblical fear is. Thanks 👍
Tacet_BlueFear is fear...I don't know what you mean by definition, it's the same word
Well first you said there is no fear, then you thank me for making it clear as to what biblical fear is...
Some religions don't require you to fear your God quite so much.
Anyway have a good one, I'm off to sin a little bit more
OT: Well done Liverpool 👍
fear, reverence, awe, veneration
a profound emotion inspired by a deity; "the fear of God"
SwiftTacet Blue, now that we have confirmed info about what it means to "fear" God, what else would you like to cover?
Tacet_BlueHow about all the fearing the wrath of God stuff, the eternal damnation in flames and the punishment for breaking commandments and sinning.
I can sin as much as I like...you on the other hand live in fear of retribution...that's the fear I'm talking about, not the "profound emotion inspired by a deity"; "the fear of God",
btw that was the ninth definition down on google ;
Enough of that, tell me more of the Quiescence![]()
Tacet_BlueHow about all the fearing the wrath of God stuff, the eternal damnation in flames and the punishment for breaking commandments and sinning.
I can sin as much as I like...you on the other hand live in fear of retribution...that's the fear I'm talking about, not the "profound emotion inspired by a deity"; "the fear of God",
btw that was the ninth definition down on google ;
Enough of that, tell me more of the Quiescence![]()
God receives pleasure from us when we praise him and bring him glory, and he's saddened when we don't.
GT4Maniabelieving without asking questions
GT4ManiaHere mankind is, trying to explain everything from HIS knowledge and from what HE knows of this world. What do we really know from this world?
GT4ManiaIf life really started from a big explosion, then what's the point of living it? What's the sense of your life? What do you live for?
GT4ManiaEver wondered where your soul would go?
GT4ManiaGod made us according to His image
GT4ManiaIf there's no life after death (no Christianity), what's the sense of life?
GT4ManiaWhat do you live for? You live, waiting to die, but then you don't know what's after death. Without Christianity, you see death as an END. With Christ, it is a new beginning. This is the hope Christ has left with His death on the cross and His resurrection.
Speaking as an atheist, I could not disagree more strongly with this statement.GT4ManiaIf there's no life after death (no Christianity), what's the sense of life?
What do you live for? You live, waiting to die![]()
Danoff, what do you live for? Study, work, fun, family, money, your kids of you have some, women, success, perfomance?
When you die some day, what's happening to all the thins you accumulate on earth? What's gonna happen to all the relationships you had? To study, work, fun you had, money you accumulated, family, etc. All this stays on earth.
Ever wondered where your soul would go?
God made us according to His image (Genesis), so that we can live forever, but not on this earth.
This is why animals don't have our intelligence or our knowledge.
If there's no life after death (no Christianity), what's the sense of life?
What do you live for? You live, waiting to die
but then you don't know what's after death.
With Christ, it is a new beginning. This is the hope Christ has left with His death on the cross and His resurrection.
DukeSpeaking as an atheist, I could not disagree more strongly with this statement.
PakoAgain, no one can nor should they assume how you feel. However, I can personally testify that my life after Christ is much, much better than before Christ.