Religion is contrived

  • Thread starter Danoff
Who says the consequences only affect them? You're advocating murder because of choice? Choice is more important than life? If you don't have life, you can't make choices.

What the hell? No. I said noone is in subjection to anyone. Anyone can technically chose to do something, but there are going to be consequences. Come on Brian, you know better than that.
He may know better than that, but he tries very hard to pretend that we don't know it.
Who says the consequences only affect them? You're advocating murder because of choice? Choice is more important than life? If you don't have life, you can't make choices.

You can't have life if you can't make choices. Without choice, life is useless. Without life, choice is useless.
"Hermit" just means "living alone without contact with society". Nothing wrong with movin' to Montana and raising dental floss. Now, if I'd mentioned "psycho" or "gun nut" or "unabomber"...

LOL, so true....

Needless to say, I'm not a native to Montana, but I have spent the last 16 years here.....AND I'm not saying that I have guns in a 10" PVC pipe burried in my back yard stuffed with guns and ammo. :sly:
Wanted to add something real quick.

Just because you get your choice of who/what you serve does not negate the survitude.
So all you'll need is a bloke on a white horse saying he's the Son of God and that'll be enough for you?
You know theres a lot more to it than that.
BTW on that day there won't be any mistake about who he is.
You know theres a lot more to it than that.
BTW on that day there won't be any mistake about who he is.

Why's that then?

Will he be wearing a carnation in his left lapel? Or will the crown of thorns and the stigmata give it away?

If a man comes up to you in the street and says he's Jesus what will lead you to believe him?
Why's that then?

Will he be wearing a carnation in his left lapel? Or will the crown of thorns and the stigmata give it away?

If a man comes up to you in the street and says he's Jesus what will lead you to believe him?

Famine, for a man that is as obviously educated in the scriptures as you've proven, why would you even ask such a question?
I'd simply like to know.

What would it take for a Christian to believe that a person is Jesus?
I'd simply like to know.

What would it take for a Christian to believe that a person is Jesus?

Well, since I'm not going to be here when he comes it doesn't matter now does it?

When Jesus comes back he's coming for the entire church, his body, to take them off this world. Now, I won't need to recognize him when he comes because he's not coming as a man or a baby this time. He is God coming back for his church. There will not be any "buy walking down the street"

Oh, also, after his ressurection, Jesus walked with the disicples and talked with them about the scriptures. They didn't know it was him until he almost left. Now, You're going to say, "See, so how would you know if his closest friends didn't?" Like I said earlier, he's not coming as a man. Would you like some scripture for this?
I have a Bible. I can read.

I'm curious what physical manifestation "The Second Coming" would take. What, in particular, makes you think you won't be alive for the Second Coming?
I have a Bible. I can read.

I'm curious what physical manifestation "The Second Coming" would take. What, in particular, makes you think you won't be alive for the Second Coming?

Luke 17:24
For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.

Matthew 24:38
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Luke 21:27
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

As you can see, when Jesus comes, I'll be very much alive, just not on this earth.
So there'll be lightning, a cloud and some people being taken from a field?

Sounds like alien abduction to me.

I'm not seeing any particular physical manifestations here. And why do you think you won't be alive in your current physical form when the Second Coming is upon us? Is there a set time?
What happened to all the other gospels ? Why did they only vote in the ones they did ? Why is it that mary Magdeline is not cellibrated as the wife of Christ . They were married / companions at the time and Christ was a Jew so why is it buried except only in some of the gospels ? Did it happen when Christ was voted to be devine ? What if the other gospels say something different ?
* Emperor Constantine initiated the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE to help address questions about Jesus' nature. Specifically, the council convened to determine if Jesus was human or God. The council eventually found that Jesus was made of the ``same substance'' as God, and therefore was a God.
before this he was thought to be another prophet like Moses.
why did it take 300 + years to figure it out ? Why did men decide ?
The bible as we know it was edited and compiled by a group of men over hundreds of years..when did God get to put his word in ? who or whom did he talk to ? the dead sea scrolls and the coptic scrolls both speak of Christ in human terms..what place do they have in the Christian world ?
What happened to all the other gospels ? Why did they only vote in the ones they did ? Why is it that mary Magdeline is not cellibrated as the wife of Christ . They were married / companions at the time and Christ was a Jew so why is it buried except only in some of the gospels ? Did it happen when Christ was voted to be devine ? What if the other gospels say something different ?
* Emperor Constantine initiated the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE to help address questions about Jesus' nature. Specifically, the council convened to determine if Jesus was human or God. The council eventually found that Jesus was made of the ``same substance'' as God, and therefore was a God.
before this he was thought to be another prophet like Moses.
why did it take 300 + years to figure it out ? Why did men decide ?
The bible as we know it was edited and compiled by a group of men over hundreds of years..when did God get to put his word in ? who or whom did he talk to ? the dead sea scrolls and the coptic scrolls both speak of Christ in human terms..what place do they have in the Christian world ?

Wow, man. You guys are a trip. Jesus was married? come on. Jesus was 100% man and 100% God at the same time. Such is the mystery of the Godhead. I know you all are going to try to quantify it or put it into your realm of understanding but the simple fact is that we can't.

He wasn't thought to be a prophet by his diciples now was he? Or the 500 that saw him accend into heaven after he reserected.

"The bible is old and written by different people. Therefore I can dismiss it on that basis"

1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

I know, you're going to say that somebody put that in there specifically to help the crazy religious people to stay different.

It just comes down to do you believe in God or not. If not, the the bible will be a foolish thing to you. And you will only have faith as far as you can physically see. But for those of us that are saved, we undertand that the power of God comes through his word.

Famine: When Jesus comes the second time, his chuch ISN'T going to walk among us here. When the trump sounds and the lightning flashes that's it. I'm gone to heaven along with every other baptisied believer dead or alive. So that's why I won't be here and there is no need for Jesus to take a physical form. You'll simply wonder why there aren't so many people on the roads one day or why so many are out of the office. For the ones that don't believe and aren't expecting him, it will be a normal day. For those of us that believe, we will be brought into paradise.
Swift these are honest questions . I am not arguing against beliefe I am arguing in an effort to understand you. I did not make any of this up . Its all information about that era in history and leads to questions . Is this not why you are asked to be a witness to your faith ?
Fact ; Jesus was a Jew and during his time the society he lived in virtually forbid a jewish man to be unmarried. according to jewish custom celibacy was condemned.
the earliest christian records the Nag Hamadi and the dead sea scrolls claim that Christs companion at the time was Mary Madgeline..companion as in wife .
The bible is not the only information that exist about that time in history . The bible did not just suddenly appear to us in its present form . It was compiled by men . It was written by men . Men decided what to include in it . unless of course you know different.
Swift these are honest questions . I am not arguing against beliefe I am arguing in an effort to understand you. I did not make any of this up . Its all information about that era in history and leads to questions . Is this not why you are asked to be a witness to your faith ?

Actually, I became a christian adn witnessing was part of the package. Though I do certainly enjoy it.

So, what part of scripture or what I said has you confused?
There is tons of stuff about religion that has me asking questions Swift . My interest run towards history .
Lehead, Jesus was unmarried, he dedicated his life to preaching along with his 12 apostles, he had no home and no provisions to take care of a wife. Jesus was born a Jew, but he started Christianity, he wasn't bound by any laws and customs made by men, only the laws given by God, and God never said it was a sin to not marry. Whatever the customs were, if they were man made, they meant nothing to Jesus.

Also you say, what happened to all the other gospels, what otrher gospels. Once the bible was finnished by the disciples gospels, no other writings were to go into it. Anything written after that no matter who wrote it, or what it said was to be included, it was after the disciples finnished it. The Bible was written by men who were inspired by God, the words in the Bible are from God, look at the prophesies that came true in it, how would normal men have known to write about thoes unless they were inspired by God. For example Nebuchanezzar's dream of the giant image and Daniel being able to interpret it, how could Daniel have known about the world powers right up to our day without divine inspiration.
There is tons of stuff about religion that has me asking questions Swift . My interest run towards history .

Ok, well I don't know much about religion. I'm a very spiritual person. So if you have questions about a relationship with Jesus, going to heaven or things like that I'll be glad to help! :)
For those of you that don't beleive in spirituality or God because you can't see it. Do you also not believe in pain? You can only feel pain, but I seriously doubt anywone would say pain doesn't exist.
For those of you that don't beleive in spirituality or God because you can't see it. Do you also not believe in pain? You can only feel pain, but I seriously doubt anywone would say pain doesn't exist.


You can't see gravity either.
For those of you that don't beleive in spirituality or God because you can't see it. Do you also not believe in pain? You can only feel pain, but I seriously doubt anywone would say pain doesn't exist.

Of course you can see pain!

You can't see gravity either.

But you can measure it, see it in action, feel it.
It effects everyone in the same way...not just those that believe in it.
If you disbelieve in gravity, do you float? Of course not...that's what makes it real... :lol:
It doesn't need belief to work.
For those of you that don't beleive in spirituality or God because you can't see it. Do you also not believe in pain? You can only feel pain, but I seriously doubt anywone would say pain doesn't exist.

Correct, but that's not the only reason why. There is no credible evidence that God, or for that matter Jesus Christ is alive and well. The teachings and the overall moral standpoint that the bible promotes is out-dated. Life changes over time, and when life changes, the teachings have to follow.
Also don't forget that prophecy is not credible either because the "signs" that christ gave concerning his return happended over and over again throughout history.
You can't see gravity either.


I believe in gravity. Not because it can be measured or because it is constant or observable. Not because its existance is an integral part of our understanding of the physical laws we live in - no, it has nothing to do with our observation of reality.

I believe in gravity because my emotions tell me to - and my emotions are always right.

(of course we can observe pain)
about this gospel thing....
current editions of bible contains just over 20% of original texts. they are far away in content from original. the rest, called apocrypha, is stored in vatican library, collection Z. noone has access bar pope and the few chosen men of church.
for example, in the '50 edition of bible [so called 'the millenium bible'] in poland, lilith was still mentioned in genesis, she is not anymore. [lilith was first woman god created, according to old versions of bible, not eva.]

outside of church's current version, there is quite wide belief that christ in fact lived in a relationship with mary m., some even go as far as saying that they had offspring. which was finally eliminated around 9th century. as they say.

the nature of godhead is human. created by and for humanity. growing old and being replaced with the new one. we, humans, breed and kill our gods.

christianity is in its winter. just give it some time, less than century i'd say, and it will be no more than wiccans running circles around bonfire on samhain. any followers of zeus around?

problem is, we still didnt invent new religion. or, we invented new religion already, only it is a bit different in form and not everyone is used to it. yet.
humanity doesnt need gods anymore, we can explain most of the stuff that we needed gods for before. we have medicines to keep us happy, so most of us doesnt have to go to church to have hope. and those who go ? there is nothing wrong with that. if thats your drug, go ahead. everyone needs some fix. call it jesus, call it valium, call it money, call it whatever you like and have it :)

the second coming? happend for me anyway, did you miss it guys? ;)

I am a self made man. And i worship my creator.
Of course you can see pain!

Wow, you must have some superman type vision or something. How can you see pain?


I believe in gravity. Not because it can be measured or because it is constant or observable. Not because its existance is an integral part of our understanding of the physical laws we live in - no, it has nothing to do with our observation of reality.

I believe in gravity because my emotions tell me to - and my emotions are always right.

(of course we can observe pain)

Then you just gave a great testimony as to why spirituality is true.

I believe in gravity. Not because it can be measured or because it is constant or observable. Not because its existance is an integral part of our understanding of the physical laws we live in - no, it has nothing to do with our observation of reality.

I believe in gravity because my emotions tell me to - and my emotions are always right.

(of course we can observe pain)

If only I could quote that in its entirety for my signature... :D

Best laugh I've had today :lol:

Edit: Sorry... Second best...

How can you see pain?

The question you need to ask yourself at this point is not "How can you see pain?" but "What IS pain?". Then the answer to your question will be excruciatingly obvious.