about this gospel thing....
current editions of bible contains just over 20% of original texts. they are far away in content from original. the rest, called apocrypha, is stored in vatican library, collection Z. noone has access bar pope and the few chosen men of church.
for example, in the '50 edition of bible [so called 'the millenium bible'] in poland, lilith was still mentioned in genesis, she is not anymore. [lilith was first woman god created, according to old versions of bible, not eva.]
outside of church's current version, there is quite wide belief that christ in fact lived in a relationship with mary m., some even go as far as saying that they had offspring. which was finally eliminated around 9th century. as they say.
the nature of godhead is human. created by and for humanity. growing old and being replaced with the new one. we, humans, breed and kill our gods.
christianity is in its winter. just give it some time, less than century i'd say, and it will be no more than wiccans running circles around bonfire on samhain. any followers of zeus around?
problem is, we still didnt invent new religion. or, we invented new religion already, only it is a bit different in form and not everyone is used to it. yet.
humanity doesnt need gods anymore, we can explain most of the stuff that we needed gods for before. we have medicines to keep us happy, so most of us doesnt have to go to church to have hope. and those who go ? there is nothing wrong with that. if thats your drug, go ahead. everyone needs some fix. call it jesus, call it valium, call it money, call it whatever you like and have it
the second coming? happend for me anyway, did you miss it guys?
I am a self made man. And i worship my creator.