sicbeingbecause, without death there is no end to life, so why have time?
Prayer doesn't help you in job interviews, or getting a job, or blah blah a job.
Those are odds, odds of how you present yourself compared to other people, or the odds that an opening is even available. Maybe he had no intend of hiring you at all because he already knew who he wanted for sure? Think prayer is gonna help change his mind? I think ud have a better chance begging than praying.
All this prayer stuff that helps u in ways that u cant help yourself is all just odds or decisions NOT made by you (he has the right to choose you and not choose you, the world doesnt revolve around you and your praying, this is an actual human being making those kinds of decisions for you.)
danoffWhat? Human beings are an intelligent species and we are classified as a natural animal (kingdom animalia). You just proved yourself wrong in the previous quote as you said that intelligent species constitute a minute fraction of a point - and then you said that the constitute zero. I don't see how that makes sense.
SwiftPrayer does work and prayer does change things. As Pako said, you may not get the answer you want, but you ALWAYS get an answer.
DemonSeedin modern science, if something occurs 5 or less times in 100, you can say it does not occur. error margin or whatever is the english name for it.
Tacet_BlueRead that back yourself
How can that be called "working" you pray for something but you don't actually get what you ask said earlier that it doesn't matter whether people pray or not, some outcomes are inevitable. That's so funny. Pray for a neon pink sky, see how far you get, or pray that you sprout wings
The link to the paper Pako provided is a little bit dodgy to say the least...The sample used is only 363 and that includes control.
The error factor built into a sample of this size is over 10%. Assuming that there are equal numbers in the control as there are in the active. Then there are 181 in the active and the error is 1 over root subject...which in the case is + or - 7.4%, a spread of nearly 15%...quite high!
It also doesn't give any details as to how many people in that sample had positive results, or indeed how many in the control sample had positive results. It doesn't give details as to how many in the active group had negative fact it gives NO details![]()
As a scientific paper, it is would have to try harder to get an aspirin approved
Christians seem to choose what they believe, based on what makes them feel good, without any regard for truth or fact
ie I don't want to be related to a bacteria, so I think that is false....
I don't like the idea of life without meaning, so I will invent heaven...
Truth is not based on personal opinion...![]()
I had to laugh at the lower blood pressure group as well...lower than who? Have you seen the Reverend Ian PaisleyLow blood pressure ...sure
I could take a group of Aethiest's that all train in the Gym regularly and compare their blood pressure to a group of hard line Christians, that pray every day, and use those stats to "Prove" that praying raises your blood pressure
Edit: Sample is bad...that makes little difference to the figures though. Control 196 1/root sample = +-7.1% a spread of 14.2%.
It seems that I have researched this paper more than the author bothered to...
Edit 2: Speaking of the author, I thought I check out who she is.
Well, far from being a scientist..she is a Pastor at a Community Church and has only written one paper. She is not a Doctor, Professor, or has ever had any peer reviewed works published...
Debra A Williams
Pako, you'll have to come up with better than thatIf that's all it takes to convince you...then have a look a my web page about how you should donate all your money to me...cause I say so
sicbeingswift u said that with prayer u always get an answer, im gonna assume u mean u always get an outcome.
well duh? even without prayer ull get an outcome.
for example. i pray to have good health. now either which way u go, if u get good health, or bad health, ull say god chose it for you for a reason.... well u HAVE to be one or the other, and u just say that god chose the path for you...
see what im getting at? i could pray, right now, in full belief in god, and pray to wake up on time for work without setting my alarm, now if i wake up late, its because god wanted me to? or maybe its because i didnt set my alarm...?
and dont say god wanted you to learn your lesson and remember to be a responsible person and set your alarm clock either, cuz id just laff at that
DukeHonestly, "no answer" can't really be construed as an answer. That's like saying "something comes to those who wait". Of course something comes.
You are right Swift, I don't understand how prayer works...or to be more accurate, I don't think it does work!SwiftAgain, you simply don't understand how prayer works. Prayer, is not only for getting stuff. Infact, that's the smallest part of it. It's about conversation with God. Now, there will times when there is a need. Like you need a new refridgerator, car, job, healing or whatever. That's when you ask. But it's not like Santa Clause where you just go to him for goodies.
Just because I don't believe in a Christian God, doesn't mean I don't believe in God, or many GodsSwiftI can see why you don't understand because you don't believe in God. You think that you have the power over your own destiny. That's true, you do. But only a to a certain point. There's things that you can't control, that's where praying for needs comes in. But hey, if you don't get it, that's ok. But it's not about praying to win the lottery or anything. That's just being selfish.
Yep...personally I think Aesops book of Fables is more relevant to 21st century life, and has a valid set of ethics/morals...isn't one of the commandments "don't work on the Sabbath"...hmm...SwiftI've got plenty of scripture on the subject. But since nobody here considers the bible anything more then a storybook....![]()
SwiftBad assumption. You always get an answer. You get a yes, no or wait. The problem is most people don't consider wait or no an acceptable answer.
Also, to pray for sometehing that you can do yourself, like setting the alarm, is tempting God. And kinda dumb to be honest.
PakoThe Same thing I can say about you guys, you can say (or have said) about people like Swift and I. If you choose not to see the benefits and effects of prayer then you won't see it. I know people that have asked for financial benefits and have received money totaling the amount owed within pennies. You might say that it is pure chance that it happened, but when a complete stranger hands an envelope to you and says, "I don't know you, and I don't know why, but I was compelled to give this money to you" and they walk away....... No one knew of their financial position except God. God IS the only explanation to this. This is one of millions of personal life experiences and testimonies that have no other explanation except for some kind of divine intervention.
Knowing God and getting to know him takes an awareness of his presence in your life and the lives around you.
Revelation 3:20
sicbeinggod is the only explanation for someone comming up to you and handing you money? you're joking right? what if I had a lot of money to give and decided to hand a homeless person some extra money? Because god told me to? you make it sound like this person handing you money is some dummy god drone sent here who has no past history just to hand you money, thats a little slim-minded
PakoDid you even read what I posted? Honestly..... Continue to ignore what's around you. Your choice.
sicbeingoh no i read it but i dont believe what you said about people getting money to the exact penny of what they needed, and whos to say what they "needed" in the first place?
sicbeingid have to say i dont know what youre talking about, ive never heard of that before swift. but you also have to remembr with whatever youre talking about that each person has different immune systems, thats the only agrument i can think of
sicbeingoh no i read it but i dont believe what you said about people getting money to the exact penny of what they needed, and whos to say what they "needed" in the first place?
*snip*.....totaling the amount owed within pennies.
SwiftI knew you would say that. So people cured of diabetes, aids and cancer just have certain immune systems? Then why can't doctors just tap into that and get vaccines?
SwiftI knew you would say that. So people cured of diabetes, aids and cancer just have certain immune systems?
SwiftThen why can't doctors just tap into that and get vaccines?
FamineYes. Except for diabetes, obviously.
Because that isn't how the immune system works. It's also not how diabetes, AIDS and cancer work.
As it happens, you - and everyone on Earth - is developing cancer all the time. 99 times out of 100, the immune system clears it up.
FamineMaybe, maybe not. It depends on the type of diabetes. Type I isn't genetic, for a start. MIDD won't clear up EVER.
If you can choose, then it is not really truth now is itPakoIf you choose not to see the benefits and effects of prayer then you won't see it.
That does sound like's all about giving money to the not so needy. "Send me your money, book a place in heaven"PakoI know people that have asked for financial benefits and have received money totaling the amount owed within pennies. You might say that it is pure chance that it happened, but when a complete stranger hands an envelope to you and says, "I don't know you, and I don't know why, but I was compelled to give this money to you" and they walk away....... No one knew of their financial position except God. God IS the only explanation to this. This is one of millions of personal life experiences and testimonies that have no other explanation except for some kind of divine intervention.
Knowing God and getting to know him takes an awareness of his presence in your life and the lives around you.
Revelation 3:20
SwiftI have seen people healed of all these kind of things, tumors disappear, sight cleared up, leasions removed, lame limbs made whole and more. But that was just lucky right?
SwiftMy healing was paid for by the stripes taken by Jesus Christ.
Isa 53:5 But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
1Pe 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
I have seen people healed of all these kind of things, tumors disappear, sight cleared up, leasions removed, lame limbs made whole and more. But that was just lucky right?
Well, I guess you can call it that. However, I know that there are forces at work that go far above our level of comprehension.