- 2,756
- Brisbane
- thelvynau
- Thelvynau
dr_slumpThe thing is that almost the whole rest of the world doesn't care about them.
According to you i know plenty who do just because you dont care doesnt mean the world doesnt.
It doesnt work that way.
dr_slumpThe thing is that almost the whole rest of the world doesn't care about them.
Anyway we are drifting off subject it does seem like alot is expected but obviously not everything can be implemented in a single game maybe spread out over a series.
SimonKI really don't see it as too much is being expected. Nobody expects things to be implemented, no harm in asking though. It's like those few guys that are determined to a have free roam mode and come up with all their ideas for it. I don't think they're expecting all of what they're asking or even the mode at all, doesn't mean they can't put the ideas forward though.
True enough but wouldnt it all still raise expectations too high.
SimonKDepends how you think really. Personally I would never get my hopes up based on what I or other people wanted the game to be. I mean if I was interested in a free roam mode like they bring up (I'm not, for the record) and had been reading it for months then GT6 came out without anything like it, I wouldn't see it as my hopes being dashed as they were never raised in the first place. Disappointed yes, but that's a different feeling IMO. It's just ideas and brainstorming.
No, not at all. All the dlc requests I see is about more cars, tracks, wheels, events. Hardly anything out of this world.thelvynauSo my question is do you think we have gone overboard when it comes to requests? are we asking too much of pd?
Most europeans don't even know what, as example, a holden is.According to you i know plenty who do just because you dont care doesnt mean the world doesnt.
It doesnt work that way.
dr_slumpMost europeans don't even know what, as example, a holden is.
Nobody here drives australian cars, only a handful even know about them, even less are interested in them (I personally know nobody who is). Btw, how many thousand do you know?
I'm sure it's the same situation for asia and big part of america.
Oh and maybe you can tell me how many cars you guys export, just to see how popular they are in the rest of the world.
It works even less your way.
700'000 cars in 5 decades is just not that much you know.If they dont know about us why is it our monaros are exported to the US and sold as pontiacs seems to be better than you think and every person i have talked to from other countries aside from you online and off are impressed with aussie cars.
But as i will be reminded by someone this is drifting off topic so im going to leave the debate there if you wish we can continue in private message if you like.
dr_slump700'000 cars in 5 decades is just not that much you know.
GT5 Premium selection covers every type of vehicles imaginable, only thing it misses are sport-spec RR cars (despite having Fiat 500 and Beetle which are RR, but not sport cars RR configuration as represented by Porsche/RUF).
With such selection it covers the possibility of creating sensation of driving of almost all types/configuration of vehicles imaginable.
So why do people insist on having even more cars?
But forza and other racing sims are real, there is no "if's".
You can't say that "if" Toyota, Nissan, Lambo, Pagani etc didn't existed, Zastava would be the greatest cars in the world.
Comparison and Competitiveness makes things to evolve and get better.
Also have in mind that a lot of people bought PS3 or "and" a PS3 just for GT5.
About "more", is a fact that the human kind is greedy, but here this is not the case. Cause we dont get new staff constantly to even begin start talking about greed.
Sorry Earth, but wen you're speaking about LeMans cars, let us discuss the following:
Forza has plethora of LeMans cars, I know, I play FM4 regularly. It also have the LeMans track. So, form of LeMans is there when Forza is concerned. Cars, track.
But Forza do not have the essence of Le Mans. It does not have variations of time of the day/night. It does not have weather changes. It does not have grip surface properties that changes dependable of the time of the day and temperature of the surface/air and influence tyre-wear or physics behaviour. It does not even sport Endurance racing in the very career mode.
Forza lacks essence of LeMans. Something that is much more important to overall experience and something that gives actual meaning to sheer fact of existence of those LeMans cars in a game.
There should be no trade-off to that fact.
I would never trade 10 new LeMans DLC cars for the fact we have such astonishing and unique LeMans in GT5. It is not even a discussion-worthy.
Being relevant have nothing to do with cars. Your forementioned Forza should not be considered relevant because it fails to deliver everything that GT5 delivers in one package when actual scope of options for creating a overall racing experience in concerned. But strangely, nobody talks about it. Like it is not important. Like it is more important to have 2012 LeMans Audi. Or any of the 120 cars pumped so far through DLC, without any other essential update (with exception of the initial update that resolved the problems we all had with the wheels) in content or functionality.
I can't agree with such reasoning. It is so deeply wrong.
Its easy to flip this argument around and say it doesn't matter how much they capture the essence of Le Mans when you only have one relevant car to race on it, the Peugeot 908, and maybe the old dinosaur R10
GT5's car list is full of mysterious holes, something that is rather shocking considering the 6 year gap between it and GT4. I know I know I know, PD has been making other games in that time frame. But if making other games hurts their bread and butter franchise this much they better reconsider that business strategy in the future.
Relevant supercars are suspiciously missing from GT5. There is a whole laundry list of cars PD could have added in time for GT5's 2010 launch. Just off the top of my head where is the premium Bugatti Veyron, the Aston Martin One-77, SSC Ultimate Aero, Noble M600, or Koenigsegg CCX?
Even the Ferrari roster is thin and lackluster. Yes we have two F1 cars, but we're not allowed to race them. I just now looked over Forza 4's Ferrari car list and stopped in the middle of doing so, it was just too heart breaking seeing what should have been in GT5 or perhaps added as DLC.
As I said earlier, if PD releases the game every 2-3 years, the complaints and requests will slow dramatically. Give us by far the lowest rated Gran Turismo game, add mostly lack luster DLC in 6 month intervals, and then expect us to wait 5 years for the next title? Totally unrealistic. Gran Turismo fans may give Kaz one more chance and he better not blow it next time or he can say goodbye to his $80 million budget and hello to becoming a small niche product
No i didnt, it was an analogy to make my point that with "if's" when some things are facts you arent getting anywhere.Wow, you completely misunderstood my point and flipped it. I wasn't talking about if car manufacturers didn't exist, I'm talking about other game titles of the same genre, didn't exist. I was giving a hypothetical "what-if" situation.
The key word is "direct"... but cause both games are console sellers, flagship titles for each console and cause they share much more than just the genre are competitive products.I also said that "In my opinion" that PD isn't in direct competition with T10, if they were, we would he a helluva lot more cars and content coming. So where's the competitiveness? Just because they share the same genre, doesn't mean their in direct competition.
It isnt jealous in a bad way though, they just want to have more fun and are willing to pay for it.Back to that, if other titles didn't exist, would someone still want more of the game? I'm saying no, all the posts I've read here have to do with "well Forza's getting this, so I wan't something too!". If you took the counterpart out of the equation, I firmly believe our "human nature of greed", as you put it, isn't true but as it stands it's rather more of a jealous factor. Some GT fans are jealous to hear that another game is getting something and we don't!
No it isnt over the top, have a look at the greatest teacher of all = History.I'm a very humble person, I'm satisfied with what I have, I don't dwell on small things, I make the most of it. This isn't only me, this is a large number of people, so to state as fact "human nature", is a bit over-the-top.
If they dont know about us why is it our monaros are exported to the US and sold as pontiacs seems to be better than you think and every person i have talked to from other countries aside from you online and off are impressed with aussie cars.
But as i will be reminded by someone this is drifting off topic so im going to leave the debate there if you wish we can continue in private message if you like.
CaptainHarlockNot anymore they're not. That goes for Pontiac as a whole as well,
CNN: GM Pulls Plug on Pontiac
The Monaro was sold in the US as the Pontiac GTO, but it didn't do nearly as well as GM expected. In 2006 it was withdrawn from the US market.
I'm always interested in seeing what people in other countries are driving. I admit I hadn't heard of Holden until a few years ago. Anything they want to put in I'll be curious to see.
daus26Good read throughout from some of you. In my opinion, wishlist, demands, and all of the other things is normal, no matter how ridiculous it is. Bottom line for me is that some of our "attitude" towards something is too much. It's fine to "dream" about a certain content or feature, but to be angry and uptight about something they're not getting is a little bit annoying to see. I mean it's more than fine to show our dissapointment, but getting personal towards PD is just not right.
Each of us draw a different thin line in which we expect something. The major difference is the understanding on what PD is as a developer compared to others. People simply look at the fact that PD being one of the most successful developers in making a franchise, makes them as much capable as everyone else... which is not the case.
Right now, we need to ask ourselves just how much better GT5 can really get. Will DLC really solve it? And sure, there are demands like polished physics, more content, and more events (a.k.a Spec III). They may or may not be simple to you, but wouldn't it make sense for them to save all that stuff for GT6 instead?
sumbrownkidPd didn't promise jack crap. All they said was 1000 cars. You guys assumed they were all premium. You guys overhyped it and then got disappointed.