
  • Thread starter husa
I will have had rFactor for one year once December 30 rolls around. I have to say that the experience was amazing. It was a true evolution (at least to me) from Sports Car GT to rFactor. Many more ways to play, highly customizable, amazing environments, and much more. Simply put, this was a great racing experience for as long as I've played this. I'm hoping to get into the Driving Force Pro experience. I hope that's what I get for Christmas. I could likely enjoy rFactor in a new light with the DFP.

I've been meaning to talk about my one-year experience with rFactor. Amazing stuff. Shout out to Image Space on a job well done.

[UPDATE] I'm going to download that Radical SR3 (from RACE07) mod for rFactor. I still have a guilty conscience of downloading anything that's a straight conversion from a game people are not supposed to make available for rFactor. But since progress on the Radical mod for rFactor is dreadfully slow and that this is my last day enjoying broadband at school in my off-time, I'm going to get that and hopefully get to enjoy this deal. Also, my computer doesn't meet all the requirements for RACE. This may be my only chance to get to race these wicked cars. So I'll give this a go.
- Based on original content from Blimey! Games' recent BMW M3 Challenge.
- Conversion to rFactor by morning_wood.
- Complete physics rewrite using Kangaloosh! carFactory.
- Damage model by JTbo.
- RealFeel compatible.

44MB Zip archive. Installation instructions contained in readme.



E92 m3 released for rfactor. i had a little trouble braking, so i upped the brake bias to 64%.
i use these realfeel settings for my dfp, along with the controller.ini settings included in the corvette C6 mod and lfs wingmanprofiler settings.

Just a quick post... this past Sunday marks one year since getting rFactor. This game was almost a true successor to Sports Car GT with a lot more material and more ways to customize than the former SCGT. When a game developer even updates their own game with amazing content, and as the content adds much more appeal to an already hot game, it just makes it better. There are some unreleased mods that should all be amazing when fully released. Hopefully I can enjoy a new year of rFactor for all my times playing rFactor.
Can i ask is this worth the 50=60 quid for the game and a wheel? I'm seriously considering getting it and a saitek r440
Dunno if anyone plays with the Lamborghini Gallardo but here is a ferrari skin i made for it!


See full image
A mod I recently downloaded was the Spec Racer Ford mod for rFactor. I've seen two races before featuring these cars. I think both of them were SCCA Runoffs action. The cars are actually not as fast as I thought they were. And for some reason, I can enjoy racing these cars in darker times without having to worry too much about slowdowns. I still seem to have a problem racing at night in rFactor. Some 24-hour races I've done had me resort to the AI driver to carry me through the nighttime portion of races. It's like the game slows down more in darker conditions. It's why I went ahead and set a frame rate limit for when I do night races or races with cars that have lots of polygons. The Spec Racer Ford can still run night races on my PC without too much slowdown. Only thing is, the game slows down somewhat when you try to look to see who's behind you.

Anyone else have this nighttime issue with rFactor?
Yeah I have had that. It's to do with the real time lighting from the cars headlights, that can really knock you back performance wise.
Ordered the game last night, should be here by end of this week or early next.

Wheel is next on the list
here's An E92 m3 w/ more realistic physics than the one from the m3 standalone game. Its quite fun to drive :) not as fast as the corvette, but more fun heh.

- Based on original content from Blimey! Games' recent BMW M3 Challenge.
- Conversion to rFactor by morning_wood.
- Complete physics rewrite using Kangaloosh! carFactory.
- Damage model by JTbo.
- RealFeel compatible.

44MB Zip archive. Installation instructions contained in readme.


I now have the game and its brilliant! The formula 1 88 and 79 mods are awesome 👍
I just might look into that '88 mod.

I'd like to ask all MMG 2007 mods I find are rar. files, does anyone know where to get a exe. file for it?

Edit: Ignore above :)