• Thread starter Fryto
It looks like the patch is submitted for approval to Sony/MS for the consoles.
I just received this e-mail:

Dear Gamer,

We want to inform you that the causes of the save game corruption and crashes are the following:

  • Inviting friends in your motoclub
  • Partecipating to Championship in the World Tour

We are putting all our efforts in working on the patch that will solve these issues and other minor ones following your feedbacks and suggestions.

We're happy to inform you that PC/Steam patch is yet online. Console patch will be released shortly after following the approval process of the platform holders.

We apologize for the inconvenience and we assure you support in the future. Please help us to improve your game experience by reporting issues or suggestions to:

Customer Support:http://milestone.it/contacts/support/?lang=en

Steam BUG Thread:http://steamcommunity.com/…/discussio…/0/618457398964899602/

Please remember to specify:

  • On what platform are you playing (if PC, describe your computer’s specifications).
  • How many time did you experienced the bug.
  • A detailed description on where/when did the bug showed up.

Thank you for your understanding.

Milestone Customer Support
Nice shots @MXHyland now you have had more time with the game, have your opinions evolved much more on Ride?
Is it a worthy successor to TT?
It's more of a spiritual successor than anything. And as far as opinion on the game goes, I like it, a lot, which is probably pretty obvious by now. With that said, it's nowhere near the most impressive title from a graphical or a technical standpoint.

As I've said earlier in the thread, the bikes are very nicely detailed, however the surroundings and environment look more often than not as an upscaled last-gen game. There are also some LOD issues (mainly with AI opponents) and pop-in in the distance if you look closely. Also, seeing how other games such as pCARS and Driveclub utilize the hardware to their advantage, RIDE should have been able to run at 60FPS - though I can look past that.

In it's current state, I'd only recommend the game to bike (game) enthusiast who are willing to put up with the game's shortcomings and bugs. While I've only encountered a few of them, the game is admittedly in a somewhat rough state still.

I presume that we still do not have any more advanced controls like a true Photo Mode?
Noting the likes of Gran Turismo's, which is in a league of its own. I doubt we'll see one like it until TT2. I sorely miss the shutter speed option.
Today's Skython is a happy Skython. My copy of Ride just arrived, two days before the official NZ release, and two days before Amazon's estimate. Which proves not only that Amazon's estimates are a bit crap, but that it is possible to cheat release dates when they're this messed up... But only just.

Edit: And jeebizz, the game has two discs on PC.

Double edit: Are you really doing this to me?

Are you really doing this.jpg

Man, estimated install times are even more dramatic than a bunch of stereotypical teenage girls.
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I Just brought the NR750 its most definitely not worth the price tag. I do feel the pricing needs to be redone.

Why are SRADS's so much less expensive than the other historical superbikes?
I wouldn't think the prices matter that much because the races have really good payouts.

Also, I've been really enjoying the Ducati Streetfighter. A great bike to ride.

Blur edit.jpg


Blur edit 3.jpg

Also gave the 2004 ZX6R a ride, because it's awesome.

Blur edit 2.jpg

blur motion.jpg

Well, I tried.jpg

I've also found out that your character can get a sex change whenever they want, and the game even remembers the character settings... Yes, of all the things I notice, that's what I noticed. :P
what about the prototypes then?
my beef is with the strange pricing within categories. It in some cases forces you to grind events so you can get the bikes you want. Which is now getting boring after completing almost all the events.
In my opinion, the biggest sin in this game is the complete lack of bonuses for higher AI difficulty, pro physics and turning the aids options off. Affinity levels would've sufficed too.

2500cr per race is pretty shabby.
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In my opinion, the biggest sin in this game is the complete lack of bonuses for higher AI difficulty, pro physics and turning the aids options off. Affinity levels would've sufficed too.

2500cr per race is pretty shabby.
online is even worse for payouts i came third and got 400cr then carried on in the lobby and won the next one and didn't get a single credit for my win.
Just played the Moto GP 14 demo, on PS3. Graphics are a lot smoother, trees, bikes all better, replays.

Still enjoying Ride though, just when you compare them, side by side, Ride is a lot rougher:nervous:
online is even worse for payouts i came third and got 400cr then carried on in the lobby and won the next one and didn't get a single credit for my win.
Damn, that's barely an incentive to keep on playing in multiplayer. Do the payouts depend on the amount players in the lobby?
My thoughts on the demo - screens will be added later, because Upload is having issues right now.

I tried it on Pro at first, with all aids off. For whatever reason, it didn't suit me at all. I couldn't get a smooth line into corners or out of them and I even had a tankslapper pretty easily. I guess this is like the risk of riding an actual bike, but I'm not a biker.

So I changed it to Semi Pro, still with Anti-Wheelie off, manual gears and no TCS and I love it. It feels spookily near to Tourist Trophy to me and I couldn't ask for anything more as that feels the most intuitive bike game I've ever played.

Technically the demo is a mess, however. The frame rate drops to 15-20fps in extremes and the Free Cam could really use some anti-aliasing and motion blur for the scenery. Based on that, all of my Ride screenshots will be post-processed, as most games add this with their photomode, so I don't feel it is cheating.
Technically the demo is a mess, however. The frame rate drops to 15-20fps in extremes...
It's quirky for sure. Less than 30fps should be unthinkable for game developers nowadays. I enjoyed
the racing though, so it's off to a good start :D
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Played the demo on xbone.

Graphics are bloody laughable for xbone.
Bikes sound like ps1 era samples.
Physics I hate.

Would only buy when it's like $15 if that.
The frame rate drops to 15-20fps in extremes and the Free Cam could really use some anti-aliasing and motion blur for the scenery.
That doesn't sound good at all, honestly. Never had any, or should I say noticed, framerate drops on the PS4 version nor any issues with anti-aliasing. I wonder how badly the XB1 version played before the ''significant performance boost''.

I've had framerate drops to zero, and then found my guy on the floor and the bike further down the track.
PS3 eh guys......

It looks much better on crossbone than PS3, but I think ps4 just edges it at the minute.

I wish I could show you guys my garage screen though.
I've got 25+ bikes, and most of them are either invisible, or appear where another bike should be.
Like the s1000rr is a Desmosedici and the desmo is invisible, and the fireblade is a vfr, but the vfr is a CBR.

It's just a joke.
But at least since I got mxhylands advice, I've been able to progress through career mode without one single data corruption.

So that's something.

Yeah, the game doesn't run very smoothly on any platform. On PC, looking back involves a five person que being served by a senile old man (it's not that bad. But there is a pause), on the Milano, and Miami street circuits there are loads of huge frame drops too. And my PC isn't exactly a slouch, the game is. As we all know, badly optimized. Still enjoying it though, because it doesn't get much better than pulling a 10 second wheelie on a KTM Superduke.