RKM Motorsport - Tuned Tuners - May '13

omg wtf…… i really hate u two :(
I really thought u gave up -.-
now gloat all u want about making us fall for that april fools joke, but pleasee don't do it for real
LOL JKcaps

I like how you did this without telling me beforehand. I only found out because I recieved a PM about it from someone else. :P Knew it was a prank straight off the bat, because you would've told me before shutting up shop for real. :sly:
Your lack of an NSX submission was the only thing that let a tiny bit of doubt live in my mind.

Yeah really can't be arsed submitting an NSX to be honest, I hate JGTC cars. That and my "lack of motivation" cited to some is actually true.

omg wtf…… i really hate u two :(
I really thought u gave up -.-
now gloat all u want about making us fall for that april fools joke, but pleasee don't do it for real

:D Only a few people got it straight off, one of whom was Leonidae... Then again the Finns normally do stuff for the 1st as well.

I like how you did this without telling me beforehand. I only found out because I recieved a PM about it from someone else. :P Knew it was a prank straight off the bat, because you would've told me before shutting up shop for real. :sly:


Wait...YOU didn't even know?! Oh, that's just terrible. :ill:

Yeah, I'm a right git ain't I?
I did get it, I thought it was an april fools joke as well when I saw it yesterday after i came back from skl
but when i check this morning, it was still locked, so I though u guys were serious
so damn u, and u better do a good job with my Quattro to make up :D cuz i hate u for tricking me so badly
I never really thought it was real until AFTER April Fool's had already long passed and you were still closed.
So I take my argument that there is no value in succeeding at life was received and accepted and that I have now quashed any hopes and dreams you ever had? Then my job here is done, get back to your tuning. The April Fools thing is a nice cover story btw. ;)
So I take my argument that there is no value in succeeding at life was received and accepted and that I have now quashed any hopes and dreams you ever had? Then my job here is done, get back to your tuning. The April Fools thing is a nice cover story btw. ;)

Indeed, thank you sir. :lol:
lrn2timezone. I reopened at 7AM my time. :P

And sides, made it work better.

You know, I thought it was April 3rd today for some bizarre reason.:lol:

Edit: Fat and slow ninja edit- no I was right, that was 7hrs in to April 2nd you remained closed- refer previous sentiments.:P
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I forgot it was April Fools Day when he closed it. :dunce: Again, I thought it was just because of too many requests coming in :dunce:

We'd just go on request break if that was the case. No point closing if we're still going to accept reviews and release our own cars. :)👍
Ok ok, you guys fooled me, now let's just get back to the way things were. With my most recent purchase, the 2000 Ford Falcon XR8. And I have to say, this is bar none, the best tunes you have ever put together. I know you wanted it to take on the DTM boys, but this is overkill.
Where do I start with this? The handling, the fun or the fact that you can jump into this car and regardless of how bad you are at driving, it will always be on your side.

Well, let's start with how it corners. In a word, great. This car has become so much more agile that its 1350kg and size would suggest. Before, it just won't oversteer, it was recalcitrant to turn and it wouldn't be very forgiving if you ran off the road while braking. It would twitch, and then hurl you into a tyre wall. Now, it turns in almost instantly, and has the grip to keep up. It will let go, but it is so retrievable that it just doesn't matter. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that this is damn near perfect. What you have done here is create a car as sharp and as agile as a go-kart to drive but with the forgiving nature of your DB9.

This car is also huge fun, it can take the fast corners of the TGTT almost flat out, and never lets go. But when it does, all you need to do is either lift off, or just gently shape it into a huge graceful drift. I wasn't quite sure about this car at first. I wasn't too sure about blowing all my money on it, but now, I really love it. In fact, it is the only car that I have ever driven that has pretty much no flaws. I was very reluctant to revert the setup to stock for the review.
This is one of those cars which does almost everything. It's fast, it drives well, it can easily wipe the smile off cars that have a lot more power and are lighter than it, and it is the only car that can cause me to drive on the TGTT for no reason other than to just enjoy it. In short, this car, with this setup, is nearly perfect.
(tested on TGTT)
Bravo, for being one of the only tuners that people actually cared about. I mean, like people PANICED when you closed. You mean that much to people:tup:
Ok ok, you guys fooled me, now let's just get back to the way things were. With my most recent purchase, the 2000 Ford Falcon XR8. And I have to say, this is bar none, the best tunes you have ever put together. I know you wanted it to take on the DTM boys, but this is overkill.
Where do I start with this? The handling, the fun or the fact that you can jump into this car and regardless of how bad you are at driving, it will always be on your side.

Well, let's start with how it corners. In a word, great. This car has become so much more agile that its 1350kg and size would suggest. Before, it just won't oversteer, it was recalcitrant to turn and it wouldn't be very forgiving if you ran off the road while braking. It would twitch, and then hurl you into a tyre wall. Now, it turns in almost instantly, and has the grip to keep up. It will let go, but it is so retrievable that it just doesn't matter. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that this is damn near perfect. What you have done here is create a car as sharp and as agile as a go-kart to drive but with the forgiving nature of your DB9.

This car is also huge fun, it can take the fast corners of the TGTT almost flat out, and never lets go. But when it does, all you need to do is either lift off, or just gently shape it into a huge graceful drift. I wasn't quite sure about this car at first. I wasn't too sure about blowing all my money on it, but now, I really love it. In fact, it is the only car that I have ever driven that has pretty much no flaws. I was very reluctant to revert the setup to stock for the review.
This is one of those cars which does almost everything. It's fast, it drives well, it can easily wipe the smile off cars that have a lot more power and are lighter than it, and it is the only car that can cause me to drive on the TGTT for no reason other than to just enjoy it. In short, this car, with this setup, is nearly perfect.
(tested on TGTT)
Thanks for the review! The XR8 doesnt get nearly as much attention as it deserves. Glad to do it justice. :D

We lied. Still open. ;)

What do you mean we lied? You lied and I played along. :P

I wasn’t ever really planning to do a review for one of these RKM’s tunes as all the ones I’ve tried have been excellent and that seems to be the general response by everbody who’s tried them but after trying someone elses (the below McLaren one) I thought I would so here's a mini review.

My RKM Marlboro White and Orange McLaren F1 (Based on the old school McLaren F1 GP Car)

Ahrweiler - Street by priesty_lfc, on Flickr


This Tune

Ahrweiler - Street by priesty_lfc, on Flickr

Despite my RKM ride only having 640bhp compared to 861bhp available to me in my Matte Blue McF1 I went to the MR Sports Cup in Aspec assuming my Blue beast would destroy the competition, I did however I wasn't to impressed with the kind of times I was posting plus the fact it was VERY tail happy so I decided to buy another F1 and use RKM's tune as mentioned I have a few of them and they always seem to impress me.

Looking at what I needed I was slightly concerned with the fact that I wasn't adding any performance increasing parts (after all being 220bhp down is quite daunting) so off I went back to the MR sports cup, again destroying the opposition but feeling much happier with the stability of my RKM version F1.

Interested in what these 2 could do against each other off I went to practice mode and to Trail Mountain (my testing track for all of the tunes I try), I decided to go with my Blue F1 first knowing the brute force of this tune will be interesting to see against my other times posted, 7 laps in I called time and was suprised to see I had set a new fastest lap 1:23.213, up next my RKM tuned F1 and first lap I posted 1:23.153. Happy with that I quit out with a new fastest lap in which I didnt even break a sweat doing. :)

Then writing this I decided to give my Blue F1 another try out as 220bhp extra must be good for something, 5 laps in I posted 1:22:855, another new fastest lap! Back to my RKM tuned F1 3 laps in I hit 1:22:353 and I know it should have been even faster as I screwed up the corner before you hit the mini straight/chicane.

Before I tried this I was pretty much always of the opinion that the more power you have the faster you will be, not so. I have to say the RKM F1 tune is awesome, its so stable round the corners and under braking its stupid, anywhere you put it goes no questions asked. The ride is also fantastic as you glide over the bumps without making the car unstable in anyway and i'm sure this tune will be beating alot of people in higher horsepower cars all over the GT5 lobbies :)

Great work guys 👍

I will post both of these rides on my profile for anybody to try if they fancy it.
Before I tried this I was pretty much always of the opinion that the more power you have the faster you will be, not so. I have to say the RKM F1 tune is awesome, its so stable round the corners and under braking its stupid, anywhere you put it goes no questions asked. The ride is also fantastic as you glide over the bumps without making the car unstable in anyway and i'm sure this tune will be beating alot of people in higher horsepower cars all over the GT5 lobbies :)

Great work guys 👍

I will post both of these rides on my profile for anybody to try if they fancy it.

Thanks for the review! I'm actually suprised our car is faster despite being 220bhp down. Although it does reinforce the ol' saying, "Power is nothing without control." ;)
You got me, I'm an April fool. That's what I get for logging in after a VERY long day out in the sun. Just for that, I may have to start requesting GT-R tunes for each review I've done! Let's see, there's the GT-R, the GT-R Black Mask, The GT-R V-Spec, the GT-R V-Spec (GT Academy), the GT-R Prototype, and 5 different race versions of the GT-R. Mua-ha-ha-ha!
We focus primarily on grip tunes. Drift and stunt tunes will be refused. We may also refuse certain cars or requests if they are deemed to be ridiculous or simply unnecessary.

Sorry, couldn't hear you over the awesomeness of our request disclaimer. :sly:
RX7 review: (tested on Suzuka)
This is a very special car to me. The RX7 was one of the cars that used to dominate Suzuka in GT5P and was, and still is, one of the most balanced cars in GT5. So of course, like the ford GT and the NSX, I had to buy one. But like the ford, it didn't keep its character (the thing that I liked), and kept its weak points (which I hate). As a result, I haven't really touched it. But seeing as you do a tune for it, I thought I'd give it a go, to see if it could capture the character and fun of my old car.

Well, sort of. This tune seems to put consistency ahead of fun, which is fine, but I was rather hoping for a bit of both. I was hoping for it to strike the fine balance between fun and consistency, and it doesn't seem to be set up that way. On fast corners, it completely gives up cornering and just understeers, perhaps due to the spoiler. You can have some fun on slow corners, but it just doesn't seem like it was meant to be driven for fun. What it was meant to be, it seems, is a calm and collected racer that can be driven effortlessly fast. It was a good car to start with and it's even better now, but I just wished it was a little more fun.

NSX review (tested on Suzuka)
Before I start my third review for the NSX, can I just say, RKM, I hate you, I really hate you. I hate you cuz you made me fall so in love with the NSX that I wasted 30 minutes driving around Suzuka for this review when I was only supposed to do 5 minutes of driving. I really, really loved this car before, and even more so now that I've spent some time with it on Suzuka. This was the RX7's only rival on Suzuka, the only car that could beat it. And no wonder, it is still just as good as every other time I've driven it. The car handles with pin point accuracy, but is forgiving enough to let you off even you go mental with it. Know what, forget what I said about the XR8 yesterday, this is better, this is, and probably always will be, the best tune you have ever done.

So, which do I prefer? That's hard, because both cars, even though they are very similar in most respects (power, weight, PP etc.), they are completely different. The RX7 was set up to be a very easy car to drive even when you’re agitated, but the NSX seems to be set up for more fun. Choosing between them is hard, but if you told me to pick just one, I would always go for the NSX.

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