Rocket League

  • Thread starter evanzo7
This update looks incredible. I'm glad i don't take this game as seriously as i use to. I use to be furious once i was done with the game lol. I still do rank but not as often as I use to because that issue still ain't fixed to where people are doing that smufing/boosting crap.
I am extremely stoked for this update.

The cosmetic side of things has me most engaged. I can't wait to trade away some of my shoddy items to some dudes who are new to the game, since I have so little items of good value.
I attempted to score some of the rare things you could get in crates in hopes of making them valuable trading items. So far Ive only scored two decals. I ought to change up my game plan and offer the crates themselves while the rarity still means something. The 4 super rare trails that everyone sought to have is really not that special anymore since everyone pretty much has it.

Rumble mode is fun and hectic. Plunger would be my favourite if the string had less restrictions on it. It would seem that the plunger will only stay active if the distance between you and the ball stay under a limit.

Also, @Apok grey sunbursts look more fantastic than black ones. :rolleyes::P
I got two crates so far. Got the facelift Road Hog in one and a decal for merc in the other. Pretty meh.
Did manage to trade my cobalt sunbursts for gray ones, so I'm happy.
@Apok I had to give up my white Sunbursts to get mine.

The pixel fire trail and polygon trail look dope. Those are so far the only crate exclusives I'm genuinely interested in having, but I want to prioritize acquiring the black and white sunbursts first. The demand for the exclusive will drop as more people will eventually get them.

I guess it has.
I had a "version mismatch" last night when trying to go online, and then found the new version in my downloads, so it's definitely there. :dopey:

EDIT: Holy 🤬, Rumble is simply fun. That's all I can say.
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Once the novelty has worn off, things will be back to normal.

Frankly, I'm not enjoying Rumble mode that much. Why do I feel like a grumpy old man saying that? :lol:
I have a friend I frequently play with, and all he wants to do is Rumble. Now I savour every opportunity I get when I can play the game without him, because I am way more interested in kicking the ball than activating freeze and tornadoes.

On a more positive note, my favourite weapons are the punching mitt and plunger. I'd say I'd like the grappling hook as well, but I haven't made good use of it yet.
How often do the crates drop? played 20+ games last night and had none drop yet played 10 this morning and had 2 :lol::lol:. Guessing its random, but in cs go you can sort of predict when they'll drop (levelling up ect)
First match I played of the new update, and I got a Champions Crate (Rare). Haven't seen any since.

Yup. Those crates will drop every now and then. I'm trying to rack up more crates to trade off for certain painted wheels.
I have a friend I frequently play with, and all he wants to do is Rumble. Now I savour every opportunity I get when I can play the game without him, because I am way more interested in kicking the ball than activating freeze and tornadoes.

On a more positive note, my favourite weapons are the punching mitt and plunger. I'd say I'd like the grappling hook as well, but I haven't made good use of it yet.
I'd go with the mitt, plunger and grappling hook as well. Scored a few times with them and freezing has created a few chances as well.
The other half of the weapons I find little enjoyment in. Maybe that's just because I'm more inclined to use weapons to make stylish goals rather than using the weapons as a means of mixing up the game.
Yeah I find we are usually winning big or losing big.

Spike goals are a real kill joy.

But the sheer nature of the weapons makes me want to advise to not take Rumble mode seriously. It's not enjoyable to associate wins with skill when there is a huge luck factor involved.
Yeah I find we are usually winning big or losing big.

Spike goals are a real kill joy.

But the sheer nature of the weapons makes me want to advise to not take Rumble mode seriously. It's not enjoyable to associate wins with skill when there is a huge luck factor involved.

Yea. I said from the beginning that was gonna come down to luck. I guess im not getting any luck currently:grumpy:
My favourite thing about the mode is when your friend is lining up a shot on the volley and you freeze the ball above him. Done that a few times now.
I'm a very hit and miss player on Rocket League. Some games, i'm unstoppable and have scored 3-5. The next, I'm anonymous or scoring own goals for fun.

I get that as well, it always depends on the run of the ball I find. One match it's falling for me really nicely every time and the next I'm always in the wrong positions.

As for the new mode I am quite enjoying it, but my main grumble with rumble is the inconsistencies. One of the other team gets spikes and nothing I do works to dislodge it, magnets, punch glove, hurricane, the boot, nothing. They just drive off.
But when I get them all someone has to do is lightly brush my car and the ball is gone. Either that or they last 2 seconds and I don't get anywhere. It's probably my imagination but some matches certain power ups feel really powerful, and in the next match really weak.
The tornado always seems to work against the spikes for me, but whenever I turn into a porcupine myself, I can't seem to do much with it either. The movement just feels clunky and I always tend to lose the ball from one regular touch, meanwhile I've seen other players constantly do all these fancy air rolls with the spikes, or withstand multiple collisions with the defenders without losing the ball and land a perfect hit on goal.
The spiked ball can be defeated by teleporting the opponent in possession of the ball.

If you have the spiked ball and push the ball deep into the ground (say your dodge ends up running the ball into the ground), the spike's effect ends.

I would think making contact with the ball via grappling hook will also end the effect of the spike attachment.

Booting the player with the spiked ball won't dislodge the ball, but it WILL keep the player from reaching your net. This is the easiest way to deal with it.

Freezing is (or should be IIRC) negated because the player with the spikes already makes contact with it. The plunger is automatically negated if ball is spiked. Punching mitt will have no effect on a spiked ball.

Magnet will pull the ball (along with the player) granted you are within magnetic range and that the player isn't driving off fast enough to counter the magnetic pull.

On the flip side, if you're the one with spikes, make sure you snag the ball on the upper half of the body. Snagging the bottom half means your wheels will be lifted off the ground making it undriveable. The next best thing to do is to ensure you have adequate boost to fly into the goal. Everyone is on the ground most of the time, so taking flight makes it that much harder to tackle. I usually jump off the wall or double jump and fly my way to the stage, making sure I'm angling the car so that the ball is at the front of the trajectory.

The spikes IMO is top-tier weaponry because there's very little to stop it, and stopping the player via tackling them is easier said than done if they have boost.
In the Rumble mode, it is possible to achieve crazy ball speeds. In offline I was able to assist on an over 200 mile per hour goal.
So, I bought the $19.99 big crate, but don't see how I can spend the keys? I see the keys listed when I go to trade items, but no where else.
