Where are you guy's in rank for each mode? My ranks:
1v1: None, I'm not a big fan of 1v1 games.
2v2: gold 2 division 3
3v3 solo standard: gold 1 division 1
3v3: silver 3 division 3
I'm trying to get to Platinum for one of these at least.
I was dropping ranks in 2s because I was playing like it was 3s.
Plat 1, Plat 3, Plat 2-3, Diamond 2.
1s is so stressful because it is very strenuous on your car and ball control... the lack of teammates limits the risks you take and the plays you make, ultimately creating arguably the least exciting game mode. Most beginners shy away from this because of their inexperience in being solely responsible for attacking or defending. I'm okay with defending, but I don't have a decent dribble game to throw off opponents consistently.
2s.... 2s used to be my jam: enough teammates to cover you if you mess up, but not too many players so that you have room to still play a 1v1 game against the goalie. Also gives you more opportunities to wall air dribble.
3s is now my jam because I really like making redirect shots whenever a defending teammate clears the ball upward. Doing 3s also means you have less opportunities to dribble successfully and slow the game down. If you got opponents constantly pressuring you to make moves quick, then the game often becomes a game of kicking the ball around (either through controlled passing play, or random kicking until either side whiffs or makes a bad touch).
Biggest thing you want to remember if you want to
rank up quicker see better results is to be aware of where your teammates are and to consider who they can see from their POV (aka ball cam). You can't teach everyone in this game how to have less tunnel-vision, but I can at least tell you guys here.
Had a game where both my teammates were in net, and going up to block an aerial. Little did they know they were sitting parallel to each other the whole time so both of them likely thought they were the only ones in net.
Don't play parallel to each other relative to the ball's position. If you can see your partner's closer to the ball than you, let them have it (especially if you see the intention in their movements and position).
If you don't have a good angle on the ball, just let your teammates have it.