Rocket League

  • Thread starter evanzo7
It's always so awesome when you ricochet a ball off an AFK'ing player into their goal. Bonus points if they're only stationary because they're typing about trading.
It's always so awesome when you ricochet a ball off an AFK'ing player into their goal. Bonus points if they're only stationary because they're typing about trading.
AH man the trading requests..... just no.....

On a lighter note me and 2 friends were playing standard ranked and got called all sorts of names, noob included, "lucky goal" etcetera as we thumped them 7-0. When does it dawn that maybe you're just not that good. :lol:
I've been called autistic because I commented how in the room of 4, my skill level was drastically different from theirs. From a matchmaking perspective, I'd think it's safe to say a lv.71 Legend shouldn't really be thrown into a game with Experts and Veterans.

The other day I was called retarded just because I called someone out for making the standard sarcastic comment against me whiffing a ball.

Don't expect people to play perfectly for god's sake.
So I started playing Rocket League a few days ago, and I can say this is the best way to get me into sports involving hitting a ball around. I don't have to move, and it involves cars, sounds perfect to me. Though it essentially reminds me of why I sucked at sports at school, I drive about the field crashing into everyone, screwing up and getting annoyed when the others on my team screw up (just after I screwed up even more). My technique in Rocket League is much the same, just occasionally I hit into the ball. :P

But no really, it's quite fun, though it does tend to make me get angry if I play it for more than 20 minutes at a time. At least now I understand why sports fans are always so ready to start riots.
AH man the trading requests..... just no.....

On a lighter note me and 2 friends were playing standard ranked and got called all sorts of names, noob included, "lucky goal" etcetera as we thumped them 7-0. When does it dawn that maybe you're just not that good. :lol:
My personal favorite, I was beating the guy 6-0 with 2 minutes played. He forfeited and wrote the following:

^ There was one guy I played in 1v1s who first calls me a tryhard for winning in an Octane.....and then right after that he asks me how to perform grounded air dribbles...

I should have made a retort when such an opportunity presented itself. :lol:
AH man the trading requests..... just no.....

On a lighter note me and 2 friends were playing standard ranked and got called all sorts of names, noob included, "lucky goal" etcetera as we thumped them 7-0. When does it dawn that maybe you're just not that good. :lol:
That was probably me lmao.
Trying out the new mode dropshot now, first impressions are really good. It's so much more intense than ordinary rocket league and a lot more team based. This mode more than any other needs good communication so playing with randoms is frustrating.

They all seem to go for the ball at once even though they can see I'm going for it, so after my initial hit there's no one following it up.
If I leave them to hit it, "hit" being the key word, they sail past it half the time so I'm there running round like a headless chicken trying to mop up after them.

If you get stuck with a hopeless team on this mode you won't have much chance of carrying the team like other modes.
Trying out the new mode dropshot now, first impressions are really good. It's so much more intense than ordinary rocket league and a lot more team based. This mode more than any other needs good communication so playing with randoms is frustrating.

They all seem to go for the ball at once even though they can see I'm going for it, so after my initial hit there's no one following it up.
If I leave them to hit it, "hit" being the key word, they sail past it half the time so I'm there running round like a headless chicken trying to mop up after them.

If you get stuck with a hopeless team on this mode you won't have much chance of carrying the team like other modes.

Team based aye? Time to rally up the troops.

Completely forgot about this.
Yeah I initially thought the ball will damage the floor regardless of colour, but it turns out if you're the one who touches it last, the ball doesn't damage your floor.

Also, rolling the ball won't damage the floor.

This game is almost always up in the air, so you're not going to see people very often. This means we're gonna get a lot of ball chasers, especially when they think you cannot have the ball on the ground no matter what.

Another thing I recommend doing is to make sure you have all your bases covered. When someone up there is going to contest for the ball, make sure you're in a position to receive it in case that ball isn't the colour you want it to be and is traveling towards your side. At the same time though, don't play passive and let them carry the ball to your side. It's hard to call where they're shooting as is - let alone preventing the ball from touching ground.

If the opponent is trying to keep the ball in their quarter, the ball is probably their colour get in there and strike the ball down, anything- just touch it and claim all the damage they tried to store up.

Also, do keep the open areas in check and mind them in case someone else isn't already doing so.

Laslty, remember your objective here is to get he ball to hit the ground, so don't always go for these measly keepy-uppy touches when the ball's on their side. Let that baby fall!

And as for who's closest during kickoff, I'm just going to assume it's the diagonal positions.

Also, if you score the goal, your floor doesn't reset.
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So far I've found dropshot a bit too sweaty for my tastes... it's like everyone's doing fakes or other tricks all the time, so can't keep up with any of that hassle. At least it's kinda satisfying whenever my team is able to land a hit on their floor with a fully charged ball though.
I'm finding that in Dropshot, your aerial control needs to be good. There is very little applicable use for staying grounded when you could be contesting for ball possession before your opponent touches it. That being said, in situations where you won't be able to hit that air ball before they will, it's crucial to position yourself in a spot where you think they'll shoot it to. But remember to give extra room so you have space to accelerate and hit the ball harder.

I notice some folks forget to let the ball touch the ground at times, and others get panicky when the ball is in their half of the court and start desperately making contact in any way they can.

Today I started letting the ball hit our side deliberately in the interest of being able to get a solid hit on the ball. If the ball isn't charged, I worry less about the damage it does, because heck, until half the floor is gone, we still got room to play, so rather than prioritizing the ball not touching our floor, I'm prioritizing where we will play the ball and how well we can keep striking the ground and maintaining possession. It doesn't matter how often you can keep damaging the floor; in the end, the ball needs to go through it, so if there are openings already, it's best to start pushing the ball in that direction, rather than just kicking it anywhere.

Offensively, there is no sense trying to hit it as many times as you can. If the first objective is to hit the floor, then you should be aiming for areas where there is no one. Teammates who aren't in possession of the ball should look to redirect the shot because a defender will most likely be ready to block. Granted you redirect downward and not upward, towards the wall or corner curve, the shot will more than likely hit the floor.

Otherwise if I can't get a good hit on it when on defense, my next priority is to touch the ball ever so lightly when it's coming to our side so we get possession of the ball and can dribble it around.

Don't stress yourself out with contesting for possession on an uncharged ball. I don't know how many hits you need to get to level 2, but so far I'd say until they... or you get it to that level, let the other players do whatever, and then when you have the opportunity to push a level 2 or 3 ball somewhere, do it. Hitting an uncharged ball around may not be a good idea either. It's kind of like Hot Potato where if you're the last person to hit it until it goes into a more powerful state, you've now given the opposition a first to deal big damage. Flip that situation around so that you're the one getting powerful shots on them.

I don't know how applicable it is in this mode, but if you can air dribble the ball to victory, do it.

Lastly, if you see the opportunity to slam the ball down on a floor tile that's 1 hit away from breaking, you can find a means to secure the goal by contacting the ball from above to knock it against the floor, and then dodge into it right after so that it gets pushed through the floor immediately after. It is the equivalent to a backboard goal:

I saw this the other night on my Amiga. Just shows there's no such thing as a new idea in gaming.


That quote comparing Attila to Hitler was genius. :lol:

Purely of it's time, right enough. You couldn't write that nowadays.
That's Stuart Campbell for you. He never pulled any punches.
April Fools?

Hope not. It'd be nice to get more licensed cars in there though. It makes for decent marketing.
Nah, that was uploaded on the day before April 1st.
Along with the April Fools joke being this:
New new competitive ranking system
I'd love to play with some of you folks sometime. I have no friends! :lol:

PSN: AdamNeverKnows
Add me I play on PS4. Names m8h3r Haven't been on for a few weeks but that's hopefully going to end on Saturday so should be back around.
The fact that there was little to no adjustments after the flip was the coolest thing about that.

But you should use gfycat for clips... like this one hilarious goal I just uploaded:

The heck. We're on Season 5 already?

OMG Actual real cars. I think I'm going to buy those cars and then never use them. I'm so accustomed to driving the Octane, everything else feels off.
The heck. We're on Season 5 already?

OMG Actual real cars. I think I'm going to buy those cars and then never use them. I'm so accustomed to driving the Octane, everything else feels off.

You can't buy them. You have to be lucky and win them in a crate which cost money. That's how they do majority of the new cars now which is stupid. Also not to mention I never get any of the good things in the crates..... rarely I do.
You can't buy them. You have to be lucky and win them in a crate which cost money. That's how they do majority of the new cars now which is stupid. Also not to mention I never get any of the good things in the crates..... rarely I do.

Oops. Okay well I'm probably going to buy them anyway.

Use RocketLeagueExchange on Reddit to do trading.

Have some patience and you'll find basic unpainted cars going for cheapie value months down the road.

Let people do the item opening, use their bad luck to your advantage when they desperate sell off their duplicate items for less. The impatient tends to lose in the market game.