Rocket League

  • Thread starter evanzo7
The heck. We're on Season 5 already?

OMG Actual real cars. I think I'm going to buy those cars and then never use them. I'm so accustomed to driving the Octane, everything else feels off.

Yeah, the new season announcement really surprised me. It doesn't feel like it's been a long time. I'm gonna try to push one more time for Platinum, but if I don't make it, I guess I can be happy with the fact that I started at Bronze 2 and finished on Gold 3, Division 3-4.
Yeah whenever season ends are announced I hop right on Ranked.

I just got one of my ranks to diamond and I said "welp that's good enough" :lol:
So recently I've been trying to understand air dribbling. Can consistently hit and dribble the ball now but aiming is the challenge :lol:. Below is probably the best one ive scored so far (albeit in training)

The idea of knowing what to do to control the car makes more sense to me if I think of something like controlling a space ship.

Think Asteroids. If you put a short burst of thrust in one direction, the ship will continue to travel that way. So if you're in a situation where you need to push your car in multiple directions to correct your position/steer the ball (i.e. catch up to the ball, move to its right, and push left), I'd use just enough boost so that my car will catch up without slamming into the ball, boost a bit to the right so I can then turn left and push the right-side of the ball.

It's a lot of micro direction/actions, but every action will contain some level of momentum. So just remember that if your previous input gives you sufficient momentum or too much momentum in any direction, be ready start doing the next required action or start correcting any over-shot input.

Keep on struggling, buddy, the results will show in the end.
Ah. Air dribbling. That's one of the few things that, mechanically, I haven't quite gotten down yet. I always find that when riding the ball up the wall, I'll hit it off too fast, or hit it straight out instead of slightly upwards, or I'll feel as though I could've totally had it if I wasn't using the Mantis. The YouTuber's I watch are able to do it at such insane speeds that simply look impossible to me. Maybe it's their higher framerate? Because I could turn my deadzone all the way down, and there's no way in hell that I could air-roll as fast as what they're doing. :indiff:
Ah. Air dribbling. That's one of the few things that, mechanically, I haven't quite gotten down yet. I always find that when riding the ball up the wall, I'll hit it off too fast, or hit it straight out instead of slightly upwards, or I'll feel as though I could've totally had it if I wasn't using the Mantis. The YouTuber's I watch are able to do it at such insane speeds that simply look impossible to me. Maybe it's their higher framerate? Because I could turn my deadzone all the way down, and there's no way in hell that I could air-roll as fast as what they're doing. :indiff:

Imagine on the ground when you drive straight into a ball. Your car's vector and the ball's vector are drastically different. A collision under this condition results in chipping the ball up and taking an arc trajectory.

Turn that visual 90 degrees and that's essentially what you do on the wall. The key difference is that chipping the ball off the ground requires extra force to counter gravity directly, hence chipping off the wall doesn't require as much force to get it to leave the wall.

What you will want to know in regards to the problems you're having:

If the ball flies straight out, it's because you're not getting under it enough to pop it up. In other words, you're hitting it horizontally or downward.

If the ball flies too far away from you, it's because your speed doesn't match the ball. This is more than likely because you've hit it too hard. Either control your speed before you touch the ball, or boost a bit up the wall after hitting to give yourself sufficient vertical momentum to catch up the ball. You'll want to jump off after and use the rest of the jump's momentum to propel yourself towards the ball.

Personally it's a lot more intuitive if I go at the ball with a diagonal path rather than matching the ball's elevation while on the wall only then to jump and boost. The issue I find with the latter is that now you don't carry any upward momentum to approach the ball with to dribble. So I find most success if I hit the ball while it's still on the lower half of the wall, and wait a tad to give myself some room to fix my angle once I leave the wall to catch up to it. Just be sure to hit the ball after it has traveled past the curved bank for consistent results.

Also while I've never driven the Mantis, some cars do rotate faster than others.
Just got Rocket League on the Steam Summer Sale and Im loving it. Gotta go get a Steam or Xbox controller as. I havent figured out how to handbrake yet on the keyboard.

Steam: Snaeper

Looking for anyone who wants to play.
I'm looking to play, but you may want to be the one hosting parties given our skill gap.

I am id/aos777 in case I don't get around to adding you.

But yes, get a controller. Use a controller you're already comfortable with. I bought a 360 controller last week just to see how much I like using it. I absolutely am not used to how close the left analog stick is to the left bumper. Switched back to a Dualshock controller in no time. :lol:

One of the first bindings most controller users do is to set LB/L1 to Air roll AND handbrake.

In the later meta, people started using Left Air Roll and Right Air Roll to not only simplify, but increase the possible combinations of rolling, yaw and pitch. I haven't adapted to that at this time so I'm still using just L1 for air roll.

BTW I don't know which snaeper you are. what's your steam ID? And I mean the id found in the URL.
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@AOS- and I met up and he gave me some pointers which really helped. Also got me set up with the PS3 controller and that's improved my game ten fold now that I've re-adapted to playing with it.

This is the most fun I've had playing a game in almost a decade.
Yeah no probs. I'm all for getting as much enjoyment out of this as possible, and that unfortunately means the player will need to commit to some level of practice.

Run through the striker & goalie training sessions (I'll leave the difficulty to you) at least once every time you play before you hop on Exhibition or Online.

Get used to driving in general (and your dodging) as well as gauging your speed and the ball's speed when making contact with it. Worry about aerials once you're more comfortable driving. All-star Goalie training will get you working on aerial control too.

Don't hesitate to ask me any questions about anything in this game; execution, strategy... etc
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Played some Hoops last night and had a blast. Talk about good training for improving your shooting and getting started on aerial work.
Played some Hoops last night and had a blast. Talk about good training for improving your shooting and getting started on aerial work.

When you get to playing against some people who are more familiar with Hoops, you'll find that you cannot rely a whole lot on letting the ball roll in from the wall as people learn to drive right into it to get it out of there. You'll be learning to hit the ball softly and upward in a more vertical arc; opposite of the low powershots you made have gotten used to doing in soccer.

edit: also, Season 5 has officially taken off. Make sure you give your console time to install the 2.4 GB update.

New map, boosts, cars and some crate?
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Too bad that everything that I actually care about is in a crate. The two new cars, the cool looking rims and goal explosions.
Just save up some keys and wait. Once the impatient people have offered up all their extra keys, the values go down in the trading market. I got myself a crate, but I'm going to wait until the cars go down in price to get them.
I realize that the only thing that really differentiates the cars is supposed to be their turning and hit box, but for some reason, I was touching the ball first an awful lot as Zippy. I've not had trouble getting to the ball before, but over multiple games and after exiting and re-entering a few times, I was almost always the first to the ball, even when playing against more seasoned opponents.

Decided to play with him since I made some cool paint schemes and was really enjoying how the car seemed to fit my play style too. I also like playing with Merc but I hear he's cheese, otherwise I stick to my Dominator GT.

I've played Octane and that seems to be the "go-to" for most of the Veterans and Legends (and the wannabe's) but I just haven't had good experiences playing with him. Breakout isn't too bad, but I've also not clicked with him.
It will take some time to adapt really well to particular cars, turning radius and drift "handling" is often the biggest differences between cars. You probably may have noticed something like the Merc drifts with a ton of bricks where it takes forever to turn in, and something like the Dominus turns on a dime. The Grog takes a stupidly-wide turn radius (one of the first cars I spent a decent amount of time using), and the Batmobile has probably the fastest air roll speed. I'd be curious to hear what car you end up spending most time with 50 hours into the game.

Zippy is a short car, but these seemingly minute differences really show when you and your opposing dude doing the kick off do the exact same thing(s) at the exact same time when driving up to the ball. If you're interested in getting to the ball faster, there are Fast Kickoff Tutorials on youtube to watch at your on leisure. Do note that a fast kick off can be countered by someone who waits for you to kick the ball into them and consequentially rebounds the ball towards your side of the field.
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Such garbage that rumble games no longer start unless there's a whole 6 players in it.

That's my primary observation on my first day playing since the update.
Such garbage that rumble games no longer start unless there's a whole 6 players in it.

That's my primary observation on my first day playing since the update.
Same thing is happening in Rocket Labs. It might be a bug. Lots of free loot isn't anything to scoff at though...
That loot isn't a workaround resolution nor should it be seen as a bandage solution. It's just getting your items sooner, and honestly, there's no rush on common item drops as you're going to get them all eventually anyway. People forget to think in the long term.

I'm playing only ranked now because casual games just never start. Dislike ranked for the terrible people.
Did some games with Octane tonight and enjoyed them. I think it helps that I can give him Dominator's sound.

I spent about an hour in the Garage customizing cars alone... I have my priorities.
Did some games with Octane tonight and enjoyed them.

I just switched back to Octane myself as of the update. I know that there are cars with similar - if not exact - hitboxes, so maybe it's just the appearance, but I play much better with it. I thought I could do some pretty nasty things with the Mantis, but wooooh boy.

Edit: Probably tops the other shot I posted. Got rammed, didn't matter:
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^ Good improv! I have a similar shot to that I'll share later today.

It's all a square, but I always pretend the Octane has a triangular hitbox with that low nose. When I dodge too early and hit with the windshield area, I can make sense of why the ball seems to roll off the roof and not have any power.
The new Dropshot mode is pretty fun. My friend and I played it for the first time today. That update was huge, 2.4GB.
Bah, people who are good at the game are so annoying to play against :lol:

When will we ever get a GTP meet going?
I'm free tonight. If anyone else if interested, let us know, and we'll do a proper GTP team!
I'd love to. I get about 100-120 ping on EU servers, so I'm fine with selecting those.

In other news, I scored a pretty neat shot a few minutes ago. I'm not sure if it's twisty enough to be considered a freestyle, although that's what I was attempting:
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I see that season2 trail. You've been on this game for a while I see :embarrassed:

Yeah any unnecessary rotations is seen as freestyling.... hough it looks like you had to cut yours short because it was time to dodge forward, but technically still would be.