Rocket League

  • Thread starter evanzo7
I think it counted as a turtle because he was (almost) upside down at the time of the ball entering the goal. The hit certainly didn't look turtle.

That being said, I wanna be on @m8h3r 's team someday. :dopey:
There was a degree of luck to it.

I did have a strange game today. 2-1 up 3 vs 3 with one friend. 3 minutes in I have 0 points and somehow from nowhere I go mad and get MVP. I also had another match with a crazy last second equaliser which I saved the replay from and will upload tomorrow. :D
Trying to find the car sound that makes the turbo whistling... Anyone have DLC cars to check?

787B Octane scoring 0 second goal:

I could watch good RL goals alllll day.
That's just plain stupid. Sucks sooo hard to play against people who are that awesome :lol:

I don't know about that. People say I suck at this game regularly. :lol:

I wasn't expecting the ball to be coming my way, so I was like hey why not give it a try anyway. Nothing to lose, no one was able to challenge, let's give it a shot!

post 27000. Whew. What a play.
I don't know about that. People say I suck at this game regularly. :lol:

I wasn't expecting the ball to be coming my way, so I was like hey why not give it a try anyway. Nothing to lose, no one was able to challenge, let's give it a shot!

post 27000. Whew. What a play.

Well, it's one of the best goals I've ever seen. I lack any real skill at the game. I just kind of attack the ball whenever I have the chance, and sometimes, a goal comes out of it :D

Congratz on the 27000th thousand post. I still have a ways to go on that front :boggled:
I don't know about that. People say I suck at this game regularly. :lol:

I wasn't expecting the ball to be coming my way, so I was like hey why not give it a try anyway. Nothing to lose, no one was able to challenge, let's give it a shot!

post 27000. Whew. What a play.
Grats on the 27k! :D
For the record, it's amazing how many players I've met recently in rumble who complain about lucky goals. Like, what do they expect when there's randomly assigned powerups involved? :dopey:

I think, based on my own personal experience of raging at others in video games, is that people (kids really) haven't learned to disassociate their accomplishments as a person from accomplishments in a video game. I put my time into games because I want to become mechanically skilled at it, to have something I can show as proof of dedication, development and progression. That's personally one of my reasons I even play video games to begin with, and I think it's safe to assume other gamers share the same purposes of playing games.

Obviously we find enjoyment in playing in general, but we find even more enjoyment when we win as that is a sign of achievement through our practice.

However we also have to remember that this game isn't the only thing in our lives (nor should it be). Everyone can't win at everything, because that means there would be no losers to define the winners. So if ya lose, ya lose. Move on.

edit: I just took that jab you made and turned it all serious. Don't brush that off though! But ya, people are dumb.


Casual Matches will no longer cancel if the server does not have enough players. Bots will once again fill slots for missing players

The “Find Match” button on the Matchmaking menu can now be selected/highlighted, allowing you to search for a match by pressing A (Xbox) or Cross (PS4) when the button is selected

Further optimized Supersonic Trails that were causing FPS and performance issues on some hardware

Fixed a bug with Quick Chat that caused players to automatically say “Great Pass!” or other options instead of being able to select an intended chat option

Fixed a bug where typing in Party Chat in the Main Menu would skip songs in the selected Playlist

Reverted a change that caused Controller Vibration to be weaker since the Anniversary update

The “Hide Competitive Divisions” option will now work correctly with the new Find Match menu

Corrected a suspension issue with the Batmobile and Mantis that caused them to be more visually elevated than pre-Anniversary Update

Fixed issues with the grass on Champions Field on Low and Medium Graphics settings

Fixed a bug with Spectator cameras focusing on the center of the field after a goal is scored

Fixed issue where an item’s quality was not being verified during a trade

Reduced Car Engine volume relative to other sounds and made distant cars less audible

Corrected timing on Champions Field Announcer narration

Edit: and in celebration of the return of AI, here's an improv backboard opportunity I was blessed with:

I did not get into reading backboards more consistently until like 1100 hours, but that's just me not practicing.

2 cookies for you if you can guess what character I dressed my car to look like. Hint: it's not a human.
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Xbox player here.

I played last week when the Anniversary Update came out and noticed that I was getting horrible drops in framerate. I know a hotfix came out yesterday, did that do anything to fix those issues?
I have a feeling most players here aren't on XBOX, check Rocket League's twitter for patch notes.
I'm so glad I stopped recording stuff at 1280x720, because I could not figure out how the heck people got such crisp quality replays.

Recent plays:

Also, I found the car that has the blow-off valve: Octane ZSR. Get that car if you want cool car sounds.

edit: Kickoff tutorial that's more than just the fast kickoff popularized by JHZER.

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The centio is my favorite car now. I love the LeMans look it has to it.:drool:
I scored it big previously in a trade. Someone had a whole bunch of Import cars from crates to offer and all he wanted in return were any crates.

Done dealio.

Recently secured the Animus GP. Handles great. Feels like it there's little curb weight when initiating a drift, and air roll speed seems decent. Last one I need to grab is the Centio.

Though after all said and done, I'm probably reverting back to the Octane. :lol:
Finally broke in to Platinum 2 in Standard after an agonizing bounce between Gold 3 - Plat 1 for most of Season 4. Now we'll see if I stay there.
Finally broke in to Platinum 2 in Standard after an agonizing bounce between Gold 3 - Plat 1 for most of Season 4. Now we'll see if I stay there.

Yeah, do what I do: Stop playing ranked. EZ
Ranked is the only way to go :)

I get too annoyed from people leaving and joining in middle of the match in casual.
Ranked is the only way to go :)

I get too annoyed from people leaving and joining in middle of the match in casual.

I'm more annoyed by people giving others crap than people leaving/joining. At least you can have bots to fill in and that you can play a bit more defensively until someone arrives.
Well the chat can be turned to quick chat only, team only or disabled, pretty easy solution. (or muting the silly kid giving crap)