Rocket League

  • Thread starter evanzo7
Pulled a reaper. Will be on Reddit RLExchange to see what this dabbing embarrassment of a goal "explosion" this can nab me.
Pulled a reaper. Will be on Reddit RLExchange to see what this dabbing embarrassment of a goal "explosion" this can nab me.

They have gone down in value incredibly the last week, So much im contemplating just keeping my popcorn and vampire bat explosions.

You may get butter luck on RL Exchange, Dont ever bother with Rocket League Garage. People never offer fair value there and are always after things 3-4 keys below value. The reddit is the only decent place to trade i find.
They have gone down in value incredibly the last week, So much im contemplating just keeping my popcorn and vampire bat explosions.

You may get butter luck on RL Exchange, Dont ever bother with Rocket League Garage. People never offer fair value there and are always after things 3-4 keys below value. The reddit is the only decent place to trade i find.

0 responses on RLExchange right meow.

I seem to garner more luck on RLTracker.

Miss the days of Greatpass where I can save an inventory and browse other people's inventory.
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0 responses on RLExchange right meow.

I seem to garner more luck on RLTracker.

Miss the days of Greatpass where I can save an inventory and browse other people's inventory.

Yes it is a shame how much trading has fallen off. Its seems so hard to shift even decent items these days.
I think it has more to do with the fact that most of the activity will involve hot new items.

Non-crate painted wheels aren't a thing with the main population anymore. Unless it's black wheels of course...everyone's always open for black wheels for some reason.
I won't go as far as mentioning "epic", but come on! Only a "clear ball"!? :P

I've been robbed of some truly epic saves. Sometimes it's a clear ball. Some time an errant hit by a team mate heading for the top bin.
Yes it is a shame how much trading has fallen off. Its seems so hard to shift even decent items these days.

It's a shame that trash like that is in the game to begin with. You'd think people would have better things to do than trading digital items, or worse, spending money on keys for crates where ultimately the content they receive is random.
It's a shame that trash like that is in the game to begin with. You'd think people would have better things to do than trading digital items, or worse, spending money on keys for crates where ultimately the content they receive is random.

Have you got something better to do than complain about it? Get over it. I remember seeing you complain about this before:lol:

I'll spend my money on whatever i want, And im sure other people feel the same way. Just because you dont like it makes no difference to me.

You'd swear Rocket League is the only game to have cosmetic's these days the way you go on about it, Where in reality you would be hard pressed to find a game that doesnt have it so just calm down.:P:tup:
I absolutely enjoy having cosmetic items in games. The introduction of crates and keys is an easy way to support developers financially. I just wish Psyonix made less light-up stuff. The recent crates were a great direction as they've been releasing more bodies that look more like real cars.

I won't go as far as mentioning "epic", but come on! Only a "clear ball"!? :P

It's because the ball wasn't taking a path that was going in. The Shot On Goal was from the initial kick from the opponent that pointed the ball close to the direction of the net.

You can kick the ball at the crossbar or post and it will still count as an attempt on scoring, because that's what really is at the end of the day; "a shot on goal", not "ball's going in".

If on the other hand you didn't touch the ball like you did, and on the way down, if the opponent kicks it in towards the net and you were there to intercept it, ultimately changing the direction of travel to somewhere that isn't pointing towards the net, that counts as a save. This does also mean that redirecting the ball to another spot into the net does not count as a save.
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I think the model in Rocket League is fair. I do think that regular rare and very rare decals should always be painted though, I think that would be way better.
I absolutely enjoy having cosmetic items in games. The introduction of crates and keys is an easy way to support developers financially. I just wish Psyonix made less light-up stuff. The recent crates were a great direction as they've been releasing more bodies that look more like real cars.

It's because the ball wasn't taking a path that was going in. The Shot On Goal was from the initial kick from the opponent that pointed the ball close to the direction of the net.

You can kick the ball at the crossbar or post and it will still count as an attempt on scoring, because that's what really is at the end of the day; "a shot on goal", not "ball's going in".

If on the other hand you didn't touch the ball like you did, and on the way down, if the opponent kicks it in towards the net and you were there to intercept it, ultimately changing the direction of travel to somewhere that isn't pointing towards the net, that counts as a save. This does also mean that redirecting the ball to another spot into the net does not count as a save.

I think the model in Rocket League is fair. I do think that regular rare and very rare decals should always be painted though, I think that would be way better.

I echo these statements. Without spending a penny I've managed to get just about every car body in the game through trading via a Facebook group. If you just want the base items, there's always the 'whales' who'll want your crates or random drops.

Just missing a Dom GT and Roadhog XL and I'll have a full set. :D

I really don't care for the glowy stuff either, total MLG 🤬. :lol:
I think that after 1945 hours of playtime in this game I'm more or less done with it. Playing just feels stressful now with the constant push to get better and the losses are too frustrating.

Can't say I didn't get my money's worth though.
Rocket League Switch got a release date today. :D

Can't wait to have true handheld RL, seems like a dream.

Once PsyNet servers go live too, it means that I'll finally be able to play with some of the PC guys here. :)
I think that after 1945 hours of playtime in this game I'm more or less done with it. Playing just feels stressful now with the constant push to get better and the losses are too frustrating.

Can't say I didn't get my money's worth though.

I hear you on that stressful bit. I'm one of those dudes that leave mid-game now when I'm placed with players I don't play well with.

Losses aren't as frustrating when I'm not playing ranked. Stop playing ranked and play with me or something. :P

I'm pushing 1800 hours very soon, but I'm still having a blast taking the game to the skies or on my roof, but that may be due to the fact I haven't got all that stuff down yet, so having that large room to see improvements may just be the one thing pulling me back in.
Have you got something better to do than complain about it? Get over it. I remember seeing you complain about this before:lol:

I'll spend my money on whatever i want, And im sure other people feel the same way. Just because you dont like it makes no difference to me.

You'd swear Rocket League is the only game to have cosmetic's these days the way you go on about it, Where in reality you would be hard pressed to find a game that doesnt have it so just calm down.:P:tup:

It's hard to get over something when you are constantly reminded of its existence by morons asking to trade in-game instead of playing the game, and the ever present post game trade invites, even if you said no to the trade request in-game. Turn off in-game text chat? Won't help the fact that people are typing instead of playing. Turn of notifications on PSN? No, as I do have other game related notifications that I do want, such as Driveclub challenge invitations. While I dislike micro-transactions in general, especially when the given content is random, my complaints regarding Rocket League is mainly targeted on how it's an ever present thing that is constantly thrown in your face. Whether it be by some idiot asking to trade, or by receiving crates that I have no use for.
Whether it be by some idiot asking to trade, or by receiving crates that I have no use for.

Is this not an option on PS4?

Hiding crates only turn off its visibility, yes? Would you still be obtaining them "in the background"?
Yep, you're still getting them, you just don't get the notifications anymore.
I'm turning mine off then! I haven't opened any crates (aside from Halloween) in a loooooong time.
It's hard to get over something when you are constantly reminded of its existence by morons asking to trade in-game instead of playing the game, and the ever present post game trade invites, even if you said no to the trade request in-game. Turn off in-game text chat? Won't help the fact that people are typing instead of playing. Turn of notifications on PSN? No, as I do have other game related notifications that I do want, such as Driveclub challenge invitations. While I dislike micro-transactions in general, especially when the given content is random, my complaints regarding Rocket League is mainly targeted on how it's an ever present thing that is constantly thrown in your face. Whether it be by some idiot asking to trade, or by receiving crates that I have no use for.

Well you will have to get over it somehow.... I dont get why it would be so hard to just completely ignore crates.....Yes there is a hide crates option.:banghead:

As for receiving invites? I dont see the problem with that neither.... Ignore them...

The only decent point you make is about people typing instead of playing. Although i remember you bringing this up before in a similar rant. I have not witnessed this hardly at all since the start of the game... And even then it was only ever a quick "trade"? before kick off.

Crates you have no use sure you can delete them. Or better yet, Be nice and give them to a friend.

At the end of the day there are games where i dont like the the Micro-transaction strategy and i wont touch it at all.... FIFA, MADDEN, Destiny, Cod to name a few... But i dont see the point in letting those parts of the game ruin my experience.... I just............ignore it.
Decided to try competitive for the first time. First match 2 teammates are AFK, second match 1 teammate leaves at the start and the other sometimes decides to move, third match I haven't witnessed such a poor quality of player since the game released. Never again.
I hear you on that stressful bit. I'm one of those dudes that leave mid-game now when I'm placed with players I don't play well with.

Ahhh you're one of them. 'Rage quitting' is one of my biggest peeves on this game, when I'm not in the mood for ranked I find casual a shower of 🤬 most of the time, with AFKs and 'Rage quitters' it's increasingly rare to get a decent game. Especially as matchmaking still isn't up to much and you find yourself with bots for the rest of the match.

I used to get stressed with losses, especially if my team mates aren't doing what I'd like them to or I'm playing bad but I've gone way past the point of caring what rank I'm in or even if I lose. So long as it's a fairly close competitive game I'm happy regardless of the result.
I used to be all about staying until the end, even when things just don't seem to "work out". I always figured these kinds of arrogant people have this "right" to not tolerate a few mistakes being made (and that's still true to this day).... That was back in the pre-1000 hour days.

But I later realized that has become cases of (more often times than not) my team not playing well together to overcome the other team. If it's a simple case of us getting outplayed, then that's out of our control, whatever, no biggie. If it's a case of a teammate who's methodology who conflicts with yours (at least 4-5 times) bearing grave consequences, I leave. You can't spend the whole game explaining why you believe their way of playing is "wrong" or not playing with their teammate's interests in mind, because 1) a majority of players in this game take feedback extremely negatively, 2) the time and effort you spent typing can realistically only be done during replays, at which point, the matter you wanted to discuss has already been done and over with.

I've tried this. It never sinks into their head. Constructive feedback only works on the more matured players.

Most players have it in their minds that their way of playing and decision-making is never wrong, but a lot of this comes down to intent and whether those intentions are followed up or need adjustment to better fit the team. It's not a single formula you just do every time and expect success from. Some players know to move up to create a passing play, and those unfamiliar with where to be usually prevent the team from doing such. On the other hand, some other players are more experienced with certain scenarios that they instinctively know another teammate has a better angle to receive a pass rather than themselves, and therefore allow such a play to happen.

I get that when you play with strangers, you're going to have to learn to work with everyone and whatever strengths and weaknesses they have (against the current set of opponents). Execution mistakes I forgive 9 times out of 10. I have 1800 hours in the game and I still miss the ball and make bad shots all the time. However, poor decision making is not a problem of hitting the wrong keys or buttons at a bad time; it's a lack of fundamental understanding of how to play soccer purely from a defensive point-of-view, and utilizing your team to its fullest:

1) Having a lack of trust in your teammates drives me up the wall, because overriding your teammate's intentions is like disregarding their presence in the game. You turn a 3v3 game into a 2v3 (or god forbid a 1v3) just because you have no faith that your teammates can support you. What's the point of them even playing if you're literally going to snatch the ball off them when they totally have it under control? This doesn't target someone with significantly better ball control and dribbling skills than the rest of the team who doesn't let go of the ball often. This targets those who commit to a ball when their teammates can produce drastically better results if they committed to the ball instead, someone who seems to go for everything forcing their teammates to move back to cover them instead of the other way around.

2) #1 partly stems from this: Having a lack of awareness of where your teammates are. It is almost always the first thing new players completely overlook. You have to consider your teammate's field of vision with their ball cam on, what they see and what they don't see. Often times I see two people side by side going up to challenge an aerial, lose and get scored on an open net... and this was all because both players had each other in their blindspots. "I didn't know you were going up!" "Well I didn't know either! #$@^". I got into the habit of positioning myself (with the ball cam in mind) where I can see both my teammates almost all the time. Usually this means you're going to give yourself some distance between each other (and honestly you should if you want to maximize your team's ground coverage). I do this because when an opponent manages to get the ball around me, the ball cam follows it, and no surprise, another opponent dunks the ball behind you. Ball cam doesn't tell you who's around you, so from a defensive point-of-view if you can see both your teammates, you can also see their blindspots and cover what they may not see coming. By also following this method of positioning, you will naturally develop the cycle of rotating with your teammates. Maybe it's just me, but having this mindset came to me quite naturally after losing to AI many times when I was first starting off. Letting people score on an open net is a result of overlooking a fundamental part of playing the defender.

Getting the right rotations, such as finding a safe time to retreat for boost and to cover your teammate is as crucial as it is for the teammate following up to pick a safe time to move in. Following up is great for applying pressure, keeping possession of the ball and putting opponents out of play, but you also need to know to fall back to ensure your side of the field is guarded and has back up plans if the first challenger on your team fails. When you get this stuff down, you should find yourself being able to depend on your team to hold out while you refill boost, and knowing when you should let go of the ball for someone else to take over.

Being matched up with players who have similar mindsets or can adapt to yours (or vice-versa) are the games I stay for now. When plays happen and you guys work things out throughout the game, there's a great sense of accomplishment you get that you just won't get with someone who doesn't work with you.
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Being matched up with players who have similar mindsets or can adapt to yours (or vice-versa) are the games I stay for now. When plays happen and you guys work things out throughout the game, there's a great sense of accomplishment you get that you just won't get with someone who doesn't work with you.

I don't doubt there are a multitude of reasons why people leave mid game, it still doesn't change the fact that those who are left have pretty much wasted their time. To be in a game and find people quitting because they have different 'mindsets' to them is a bit of a farce.

This game would be far more enjoyable if people swallowed their pride, grit their teeth and saw games through to the end regardless of the result. Sure it's only a few minutes per game but to have people quitting left right and centre when all you want is a decent game is frustrating beyond belief.
It could also be that most people just want to have fun and are tired of the try hards with a thousand plus hours in the game who frankly aren't fun to play with or against. I get that ranked is more competitive in nature, but casual is a cluster of people of different skill levels, and the try hards just ruin the experience by dominating the games with the rest of us barely even getting to touch the ball.
It could also be that most people just want to have fun and are tired of the try hards with a thousand plus hours in the game who frankly aren't fun to play with or against. I get that ranked is more competitive in nature, but casual is a cluster of people of different skill levels, and the try hards just ruin the experience by dominating the games with the rest of us barely even getting to touch the ball.

Actually, this shouldn't really happen. Casual isn't just random people matched against each other, the unranked playlist has skill ranking as well. Each account actually has hidden unranked points which effect who you play against.
If you find yourself playing with/against someone that is better than you in unranked it could be because that person didn't play much unranked or doesn't play it seriously and lost games that they shouldn't have. Or perhaps there's a "counterweight" on the other team that isn't pulling their weight.
Or most annoyingly it might be a smurf account, but I don't think people make smurf accounts to play unranked very much.
Actually, this shouldn't really happen. Casual isn't just random people matched against each other, the unranked playlist has skill ranking as well. Each account actually has hidden unranked points which effect who you play against.
If you find yourself playing with/against someone that is better than you in unranked it could be because that person didn't play much unranked or doesn't play it seriously and lost games that they shouldn't have. Or perhaps there's a "counterweight" on the other team that isn't pulling their weight.
Or most annoyingly it might be a smurf account, but I don't think people make smurf accounts to play unranked very much.

I'm meeting everyone from Rookie to Legend and Master in casual.