I'll give you how I take these corners, although it may differ quite a bit between drivers.
10-13: For turn 10, I try to situate the car as far to the left over the curbs/grass as I can in order to maintain speed through 11. For 11, I think its important not to use too much steering input because oversteer may occur and scrub off a lot of speed. A good example of how to take this corner is Choate's replay. I think he maintains a speed of above 120 here. For me, if I am above 117 it's pretty decent.
I can't remember if you go over the curb at the apex of 11 or not. See Choate's replay for reference.
At the exit of 11 if I hit it right I will end up in the grass right up against the guardrail sideways. Because you are sideways, when you finally transition to the asphalt the car catches and makes for a good entry into 12. For turn 12, don't go over the curb at the apex. If I remember correctly, I brake just after the curb at turn 12 and downshift gradually (not rushed) to 3rd gear. To get the car around 13 I let off the brakes relatively soon to rotate the car. When the car rotates I feed in the throttle to aim the car down the track for a good exit, usually along the white lines at the exit.
For 15, two good replays to check are Choate's and Fix's. Choate has an early entry whereas Fix has a later entry. They both use two different techniques that seem to work well for them. For this corner, I prefer a later turn in point, but I try to keep the speed above atleast 77mph. Fix takes this corner at 80 the entire way around. My philosophy on this corner is to be as smooth as possible with both steering and throttle input. I try to always bee on the throttle slightly to maintain speed.
For 16 it's better to take more curb on the first right hand kink in order to set up a better exit over the grass and into the pit exit. I prefer to go down to 3rd, but I believe Choate keeps it in 4th for this transition.
I hope this makes sense and offers some insight into how to take these corners. Let me know if you need some clarification on