Round 2 Cancellation Notice

  • Thread starter Kwicko
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Well to be honest, after they wiped the boards clean, and then changed the courses I was doing a LOT better in the leaderboard standings with a lot of room for improvement, so this actually eases my mind - I was feeling bad because there was a big chunk of people who were in front of me on Toscana and Eifel, that definitely ended up behind me in Rome and Madrid.

That being said, how annoying.
I actually think its a great move by Sony to take a step back and re-group because this competition has gotten well out of hand. Lets all be thankful that they are working hard to bring us a fair competition, its much better than no answer at all. I am actually happy they are making such a dramatic move, hopefully this will bring a better update to the game as a whole and somehow this cheating helped every player of GT5 since it seems there is a game wide update coming because of this.


True, and this is the worst time for us to write posts as emotions run high. I feel anger, frustration and disappointment the most. I think we need to regroup as well and hope they set some of the parameters that exist in the license testing.

Don't get me wrong there will always be someone pushing the gray areas of the rules, but lets hope this blatant cheating gets resolved.
Well to be honest, after they wiped the boards clean, and then changed the courses I was doing a LOT better in the leaderboard standings with a lot of room for improvement, so this actually eases my mind - I was feeling bad because there was a big chunk of people who were in front of me on Toscana and Eifel, that definitely ended up behind me in Rome and Madrid.

That being said, how annoying.
It was the opposite for me. I was in a good spot with Toscana/Eifel but I was struggling mightily with Madrid and Rome before my knee pain forced me to quit.

If anything, the cancellation of Round 2 and the potential postponement of Round 3 works in my favor. It gives me time for my knees to get better and I had a business trip the week of Round 3 so a delay would be perfect.
I actually think its a great move by Sony to take a step back and re-group because this competition has gotten well out of hand. Lets all be thankful that they are working hard to bring us a fair competition, its much better than no answer at all. I am actually happy they are making such a dramatic move, hopefully this will bring a better update to the game as a whole and somehow this cheating helped every player of GT5 since it seems there is a game wide update coming because of this.

Well said!! 👍 My thoughts exaclty.
So why do some of you think this has anything to do with it being in the US? This happened at the first academy and it wasn't here. It didn't happen in the last academy because PD had a proper penalty system. GT5 has a flawed/broken penalty system, has nothing to do with it being in the US.
And great decision to regroup and fix the game, that's what is needed 👍
I was feeling bad because there was a big chunk of people who were in front of me on Toscana and Eifel, that definitely ended up behind me in Rome and Madrid.

Yeah, that was me... 2nd in the West on Thursday night when I went to sleep, only slower than the cheating DOCTOR_ILL, and I woke up to and empty leaderboard the next day. I'm so glad they're doing this because I almost certain I wouldn't have made it on these tracks.

To all the people that are crying for them to DQ the cheaters: you're going to just have to let it go, because that's never going to happen. There's no way they can bring a human element into the judging of replays. As soon as they do that, they open the door wide open to getting sued by someone. I'm sure there were dudes that barely tapped the wall in madrid, on accident, and went on to set a slightly faster lap. Do you DQ those people even though it was accidental? Or just the people that did it obviously on purpose? Where do you draw the line? They'll never do it.
This is exactly what they need before making online leaderboards. It's just a shame they were too dumb to think of this stuff beforehand.

To all the people that are crying for them to DQ the cheaters: you're going to just have to let it go, because that's never going to happen. There's no way they can bring a human element into the judging of replays. As soon as they do that, they open the door wide open to getting sued by someone. I'm sure there were dudes that barely tapped the wall in madrid, on accident, and went on to set a slightly faster lap. Do you DQ those people even though it was accidental? Or just the people that did it obviously on purpose? Where do you draw the line? They'll never do it.
Agreed. The challenge is to set the fastest legal lap time—that's it. It's not their fault that the game is programmed so poorly.
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Sweet, so instead of punishing the players (cheaters) with questionable behavior, us clean drivers get the shaft! Stoked! Lets go ahead and give cheaters not one, two, or three, but 4 chances to make it into the top 8! Yeah!

alright, rant done. All I've got to say is that we better be getting the ring in round 3. They need to throw in a lap that's at least two and a half minute to four minutes longer to make up for all the driving and track they're removing from the competition right now. The ring would be the perfect track to do this. Give us the elimination round we were supposed to have this week in the form of some tracks that are long and difficult for round 3.
IF anyone has an advantage it is those with a Fanatec GT2, GT3RS with the clubsport pedals. The FFB is more precise and the load cell in the pedals would let them brake with greater precision. If anyone has a T500 RS then maybe the 1080 degrees of rotation may and better FFB may give them a small edge. If you have a G25/27 or DFGT you should be fine.

Nah. I have the GT3RS V2 and Clubsport Pedals. They are nice pieces of equipment, without a doubt, but you won't get any advantage with the Fanatec gear that you wouldn't with Logitech. At least not in GT5. The FFB signals that GT5 sends to the wheel are far too bland to get any real input on what the car is doing. Sure, you can feel a shudder that at times feels like it's going to snap your thumbs off when you tag a rumble strip, and the steering will occasionally go light when your front wheels lift over a crest, but that's about it. There's no perceivable change in FFB as the front wheels start to slip. You can definitely feel it if you completely lock the fronts under braking, but that's about the only time. At least not in my experience. Maybe I'm wrong? The load cell pedals are great but, again, they don't really have an inherent advantage. Sure, they might feel more realistic, but it doesn't matter if it's a linear/rotary potentiometer or a load cell - braking is braking and you just have to be familiar with your equipment.

If the Fanatec gear has ANY advantage at all in GT5 (in terms of actual performance, not the sensation of realism), it's from the on-the-fly adjustability of steering and braking settings.

As for the Thrustmaster T500 RS... That thing is a joke. Stationary paddles? wtf. 1080 degrees of rotation? Who needs that much? 900 degrees is bordering on too much if you ask me. If you need 1080 degrees for the extra "precision", then you should probably be worried about how you're going to tie your shoes. And then there's the price... Holy tits. And here I thought my Club Sport Pedals were expensive.

At the end of the day, the fastest guys are those who know their equipment well and know how to use it to the fullest. Not who can afford the most expensive kit.

Post thought: I've often wondered if GT5 is programmed to recognize Logitech and Thrustmaster wheels and give any vehicle a tiny bonus to grip and power when one of those wheels are used. Logitech is the "official" wheel of GT5, after all. How foolish would it look if every top driver in GT5 was sporting Fanatec or Frex wheels? Though I'm not sure GT5 even supports Frex wheels at all. If my DFP was still functional I would test this hypothesis.
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I was in the first batch to receive the club sport pedals and gt3rs wheel and I didn't like it at all, got my money back. I could see what they were trying to do with the pedals to make them feel more realistic, but I can't see any advantage.
I've been using the HB, does that count as dirty? It's not usually faster, but I just like doing it. Gets me up to speed faster, but I can do the same laps without it, unless its like Toscana :lol:
hopefully they will change things up in the game via an update, trying to race in the online lobbies is a JOKE just like this was, with cutters and such.
As for the Thrustmaster T500 RS... That thing is a joke. Stationary paddles? wtf.
Aren't paddles in real cars stationary? Plus it seems superior, 'cause there are times when I have the wheel turned 180+ degrees that I can't find the shift buttons on my DFGT.
I'm literally just sitting in my chair laughing at this **** - it's unfortunate how ignorant some people are when it comes to competing effectively
I I wake up and I'm .1 out of p16, running clean laps and still more time available. F@$^

atleast I make it to round III...
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Congrats to all those clean racers. In all due time this "cheating" will haunt those that did so. Hope you guys take them out in this round so no worries about them making it any farther.
Holy cow, this is crazy! I've been bummed out all week, the storm from the beginning of the week knocked out my power for 2 days and my internet for 5, all in the week of Round 2, of course. I saw the initial cuts at Indy before the storm, but I've missed out on everything that's happened since. I couldn't even bring myself to look at the standings or anything on my phone during the week because I was so pissed about not being able to compete. Then this morning, internet restored, and this is what I come back to! Have to admit I'm pretty stoked about the do-over. Sorry to everyone who was in a clean prime position. Good luck to everyone keeping it clean in Round 3!
That's me in the R34 at Madrid! And I quote...

"This crudbox R34 won't freaking turn every freaking lap! And I've had it with these comfort tires. Screw these tires!"

Honestly I liked the car a lot more at Madrid than I did Eifel. A LOT more.
Honestly I liked the car a lot more at Madrid than I did Eifel. A LOT more.
Odd because I liked it more at Eifel. I don't know what I have to do to get the car to rotate more quickly so the more track space I get to turn the car, the faster I am relative to others, and vice-versa.
I just couldn't get used to Eifel. If I had created that track I would have quickly dismissed it because of that sharp right with the hill climb. I hate when the course maker does that.
Wonder what Nissan would think seeing a replay of there car bouncing off the wall knowing that this guy could be driving for them in the future. :crazy:
Thanks for ruining it for everyone since you don't know how to handle a hairpin turn correctly - I (and all the other drivers who are worth anything) look forward to smoking you in round 3.

Hehehohohahah you made a funny
I've been using the HB, does that count as dirty? It's not usually faster, but I just like doing it. Gets me up to speed faster, but I can do the same laps without it, unless its like Toscana :lol:

If the handbrake is dirty then so is shifting, accelerating, steering and braking.
I tried using the handbrake, but I can't think fast enough or position my hand right on the wheel to use it correctly. So I just don't use it at all.
Aren't paddles in real cars stationary? Plus it seems superior, 'cause there are times when I have the wheel turned 180+ degrees that I can't find the shift buttons on my DFGT.

It depends on what model/make the car is, some have the shifters mounted on the wheel, some on the steering column. My M3 has them on the wheel, I've seen Ferrari's and Lamborghini's with them mounted on the steering column.
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