* Round 7 Results! * ATTACH REPLAYS HERE *

  • Thread starter Duke
No wall touch. It's clear from the replay. Look at it carefully. Obviously you only want to disqualify us, but if you see the replay in a more objective way...you would have no chance but admit that's clean guys.
Congratulations guys, have you got a member of your team exclusively employed to discover possible touches or offs that spends 5 hrs a day in order to make you win? I understand, this is obviusly a direct consequence of the great experience you've accumulated in your great BC history...
However...whatever will be, will be, but nobody will deny that you've found someone faster than you...
Please continue crying now... :crazy:
Yes, we have someone who comes and offers himself to verify almost every replay from other teams, including our own replay @ GTweb. Maybe we were a little bit desesperate, but that doesn't change anything. VV and any other Molosses (home replay reviewers @ GTweb) look at every replay the same. They are treated equally, you have my word. They have a doubt on some run, they will take action to confirm their doubts.
Rico , Wicker , I hope we are not afraid to lost...

I hope they saw the videos just to observe an evidence : where and when the car go down in two km. per hour that's the point where the distance by the wall is not at minimum...

I hope they like to use Photo Drive and found this touch...cause I've ever seen yet...

even if in a video or in the replay It could be an evidence...you know , this is GT4 and not GT3...
No wall touch. It's clear from the replay. Look at it carefully. Obviously you only want to disqualify us, but if you see the replay in a more objective way...you would have no chance but admit that's clean guys.
Congratulations guys, have you got a member of your team exclusively employed to discover possible touches or offs that spends 5 hrs a day in order to make you win? I understand, this is obviusly a direct consequence of the great experience you've accumulated in your great BC history...
However...whatever will be, will be, but nobody will deny that you've found someone faster than you...
Please continue crying now... :crazy:
Lissen, we have évidences,replay recorded on vidéo-tape and play picture by picture and it's very clear. Rules are rules and are the sames for anyone so.............
Ma bravo Rico, molto bello :D porco dio! ché casino ai fatto? :lol:
PS: anch'Ă© un gran bravissimo a il tuo amico Max E. :lol: :lol:

Franconen scusami perchè non il piacere di consocerti neanche in via telematica...

Noi non vogliamo aprire una querelle sulla questione Italia Francia (giacchè ci sarebbe molto da dire vista la tua bestemmia...) ma semplicemente dimostrare che a suffragare un ipotetica irregolarità di quel tempo non è sufficiente la vecchia modalità imposta dalla omologa tecnologia offerta da GT3...

Io invito tutti coloro i quali hanno a disposizione il replay di Rico , come faremo noi molto presto , ad offrire almeno una foto nella quale , vista auto e muro in prospettiva , la distanza fra questi sia ridotta o , perlomeno , presumibilmente ridotta a zero.

Dopodichè le cose saranno andate nel verso giusto osservando i regolamenti , le forze in gioco , nonchè le possibilità di verifica che ci offre la nuova tecnologia.

Tutto qui...
Lissen, we have évidences,replay recorded on vidéo-tape and play picture by picture and it's very clear. Rules are rules and are the sames for anyone so.............

eccezion fatta per le regole interpretate male...
Lissen, we have évidences,replay recorded on vidéo-tape and play picture by picture and it's very clear. Rules are rules and are the sames for anyone so.............


1) I see no evidence from those replays
2) no VCR please, it was banned since bc4, where only game tools had to be used, and now? my eyes aren't VCR's, I saw the replay and took photos before submitting, no hit on the wall, dunno about an invisible wall or anything, if there was, GTweb had to say it when u submitted the combo....
imo...only game tools have to be used for proof, so go showing me the pics of the touch and u'll have ur DQ and ur win...
if not, u should try winning with ur racing skills, and not with ur Vhs...

1) I see no evidence from those replays
2) no VCR please, it was banned since bc4, where only game tools had to be used, and now? my eyes aren't VCR's, I saw the replay and took photos before submitting, no hit on the wall, dunno about an invisible wall or anything, if there was, GTweb had to say it when u submitted the combo....
imo...only game tools have to be used for proof, so go showing me the pics of the touch and u'll have ur DQ and ur win...
if not, u should try winning with ur racing skills, and not with ur Vhs...
What about the analyzer? You will clearly see the speed drop.
Taken from the rules sheet :

3.1: All rules below are subject to replay verification by a Review Committee via normal in-game means. In the event that in-game means cannot clearly resolve the issue, additional means such as slow-motion video recording may be used at the discretion of the BC5 administration and the Review Committee.
Taken from the rules sheet :

3.1: All rules below are subject to replay verification by a Review Committee via normal in-game means. In the event that in-game means cannot clearly resolve the issue, additional means such as slow-motion video recording may be used at the discretion of the BC5 administration and the Review Committee.
Ă© chiaro cosi ragazzi?
Taken from the rules sheet :

3.1: All rules below are subject to replay verification by a Review Committee via normal in-game means. In the event that in-game means cannot clearly resolve the issue, additional means such as slow-motion video recording may be used at the discretion of the BC5 administration and the Review Committee.

It's OK...!

But a correct one or not?!?!?

Take a look at the part about the speed down and tell me , please , If the car is on the point more close to the wall exactly when the speed goes down...

This evidence is just 50/50 regarding rules : from the VCR I can see a wall touch (at least It seems like...) but I'm not absolutely sure that the speed down come exactly on the supposed wall touch.

That's the reasons why I'm making a series of takes in Photo Mode.

Is it clear ?
Yes it is, but would you tell me how could drop if Rico didn't touch the wall? Don't tell it's because the car just drifted a little bit! I won't believe that at all.
We've also been penalised for invisible wall on BC3, rally on Swiss Alps with and RX-7 (one of the road version), 3 laps race. We had to be 100% clear. And here, we're talking about hotlaping.
This evidence is just 50/50 regarding rules : from the VCR I can see a wall touch (at least It seems like...) but I'm not absolutely sure that the speed down come exactly on the supposed wall touch.

That's the reasons why I'm making a series of takes in Photo Mode.

Is it clear ?

The only clear thing is that the walltouch happened! ..... It will end in a DQ eventually there's no sense in typing scenarios or excuses :guilty: It will be in vain ...

... unlucky to Team GTIRN :( ..... some very great racers with a small amount of misfortune :indiff:
Mr P
The only clear thing is that the walltouch happened! ..... It will end in a DQ eventually there's no sense in typing scenarios or excuses :guilty: It will be in vain ...

... unlucky to Team GTIRN :( ..... some very great racers with a small amount of misfortune :indiff:
Same. It's sad that Rico touched the wall and I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose. I don't like giving DQ like this, but rules are rules, life is crual sometimes.
We had such moment in BC3, as I previously said.
Yes it is, but would you tell me how could drop if Rico didn't touch the wall? Don't tell it's because the car just drifted a little bit! I won't believe that at all.

So , I need to repeat :

I got the video here and this is what I see in that moment : at the beginning the car is on 227 Km/h and the speed is goin' up...also when It reachs the supposed point of touch , I could say the minimum distance between car and wall I've seen in the video , the speed goes at 229 Km/h until the end...strange or not?
So , I need to repeat :

I got the video here and this is what I see in that moment : at the beginning the car is on 227 Km/h and the speed is goin' up...also when It reachs the supposed point of touch , I could say the minimum distance between car and wall I've seen in the video , the speed goes at 229 Km/h until the end...strange or not?
What you're calling minimum distance is null distance. A touch can be defined as a physical contact with two different things. In that cas, a car and a wall. The speed can't drop by itself just because he wants to! :dunce: