Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
In addition, it would mean Putin would royally screw over and backstab Belarus if the prevailing winds go ANYWHERE to the northwest.

I'd imagine it would be a very similar dispersal pattern as the OG incident - minimal impact to Ukraine, significant impact to SE Belarus and adjacent portions of Russia.
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You're still thinking this might go well for Russia?
It's definitely not going to go well for Russia.

Or wondering just how badly it will end up for Russia.

It's bad for Russia, but seems to be going okay for Putin. If Putin remains in power, that seems like a win for him.
WWII ultimately went very badly for Hitler, & very badly for Germany ... but not before it went very, very badly for hundreds of millions of citizens in dozens of other countries. Whatever happens going forward, Putin has destroyed any prospects for a prosperous Russia in the foreseeable future. It's a lose-lose scenario. 😞
Why are you so afraid to post a different point of view on the situation? There are sensible people in the US too.

Did they seriously suggest that NATO is too weak to face Russia? The same Russia that can't even keep tires on their vehicles, diesel in the engines, or food in the stomaches of their soldiers? The Russian military is a paper tiger bear and the only thing it has going for it is an unhinged leader who keeps throwing around threats of nuclear weapons. And that's assuming the nuclear weapons even work, which I'm not confident they do given the sorry state of the rest of the military.

NATO isn't too weak to fight Russia, it's doing the intelligent thing and attempting to prevent the conflict from going nuclear. If Russia didn't have nuclear weapons, NATO would've already completely crippled the invading Russian military.


Also, and I'm not going to post a link to it since none of the information out there is remotely AUP friendly, but Medhurst is likely a pedophile.
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Read less Ukrainian propaganda. There are some shortcomings, they cannot be avoided.
And by the way, the DPR and LPR will now receive Javelins, NLAWs and other equipment that the Ukrainian military abandoned when they fled.
NATO's shortcomings are based on international law, such as not targeting civilian structures like the Russians are currently doing. NATO also can't nor won't resort to things like cluster munitions, vacuum bombs, or chemical weapons.

I don't think any of us are viewing Ukrainian propaganda either, not that any of us know what propaganda they're even pushing. We've all seen plenty of Russian propaganda though and it's in the form of completely inaccurate and false information that borders on the the US creating COVID. It's also kind of rich to hear this from someone who currently lives in a country where a majority of the media is being state-controlled. I can only speak for the US, but you can find pretty much any viewpoint on the war with little effort hear. The thing is though, all the completely BS viewpoints are coming from sources that are known to lack creditability while the factual viewpoints are coming from sources that are creditable. Even among the creditable sources, there's a contrast in how the war is being viewed, and that's OK because we have free media in the US.
Another day of repressions and hypocrisy:
1) digital elections for all RF. Basically no elections since yesterday.
2) Meta is now extremist-organisation. Huge consequences for millions of Russians
3) Ukraine claiming that they prevent Russian-Belorusian provocation yesterday. Rumours about provocation at Chernobyl powerplant to cover RF retreat in media.
4) YouTube ban russian gov-associated TV channels.
5) Syrian "volunteers" to join DLPR.
6) Rumours about repressions against ФСБ

Russian raper FACE is roasting RF and moving out, Russian raper Oxxximiron starting series of events to support refugees.
NATO is a defensive pact, not an offensive one. Is that really so hard to understand? What NATO member states do on an invididual basis offensively has very little if nothing to do with NATO itself.

Also, I dislike how people frame NATO as a single entity, like it all works as one. It's not the Borg. NATO is a confederation (weak central structure, strong individual components) and not a federation (strong central structure, weak individual components).

"NATO is weak because it won't invade Ukraine or fight Russia" is one of the dumbest takes from the thinnest-skinned people. You shouldn't want a war (offensive pact), you should want to avoid a war (defensive pact).
You have your propaganda, we have ours. We'll see. Time will put everything in its place.
Rather than picking what propaganda you choose to believe, it would be better to try and get at the truth.

I agree. But you all were not so excited when USA and NATO invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya etc.
Actually, there was widespread "excitement" over the Iraq war. Millions marched in many countries to protest the war. The protest in London was the largest political demonstration in the city's history. The BBC estimated that around a million attended. On Feb 15th 2003 half a million people marched in New York City to protest the war. 3 million people marched in Rome & 1.5 million in Madrid.

Whereever there are wars or conflicts dont be surprised if volunteers and mercs all coming in droves.

Proxy wars have also led to more mercerarnies or plausible deniability troops being used.
In war, truth is always the first casualty. It wouldn't surprise me if the CIA has some type of military operation in place in Ukraine. Back in the day, a wretched guy I knew well served as a mercenary in Africa. He bragged about it. I vociferously protested the wars in Vietnam and Iraq II. By the time of the attack on Libya and the revolution in Ukraine, I knew that protest was mostly symbolic and a waste of breath. According to polls, about 69% of Americans feel we are on the path to World War III.
Russia are accusing the US and Ukraine of threatening to deploy biological weapons "across Europe" (despite zero evidence), which is currently being discussed at the UN Security Council. The US are warning that Russia may be laying the groundwork for a false flag operation where Putin orders the use of biological weapons in Europe in retaliation for sanctions deployed against Russia.

So, to recap:

Russia has invaded a sovereign nation; they are ferociously bombing residential areas, cutting off water, food and power supplies to civilians; they are bombing schools, orphanages and hospitals including maternity hospitals; The Russian military are shooting fleeing civilians; Putin has threatened nuclear retaliation if anyone intervenes; Russia are shelling nuclear power plants across the country and have cut off power to Chernobyl; ...and now they're openly discussing biological warfare and threatening to bring down the International Space Station :rolleyes:

Russia truly has become a terrorist state under Putin.
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If NATO can't step in, maybe it's time for a UN peace mission. At this point it's a matter of time before something truly horrible happens and then all the politicians will scream that we've should have act sooner.
If NATO can't step in, maybe it's time for a UN peace mission. At this point it's a matter of time before something truly horrible happens and then all the politicians will scream that we've should have act sooner.
When it's May 4th and May 5th I don't want to hear a ****ing word about 'never again' from any Dutch politician.

(For non-Dutchies: May 4th is remembrance of the dead and May 5th is liberation day)
Russia are accusing the US and Ukraine of threatening to deploy biological weapons "across Europe" (despite zero evidence), which is currently being discussed at the UN Security Council. The US are warning that Russia may be laying the groundwork for a false flag operation where Putin orders the use of biological weapons in Europe in retaliation for sanctions deployed against Russia.

So, to recap:

Russia has invaded a sovereign nation; they are ferociously bombing residential areas, cutting off water, food and power supplies to civilians; they are bombing schools, orphanages and hospitals including maternity hospitals; The Russian military are shooting fleeing civilians; Putin has threatened nuclear retaliation if anyone intervenes; Russia are shelling nuclear power plants across the country and have cut off power to Chernobyl; ...and now they're openly discussing biological warfare and threatening to bring down the International Space Station :rolleyes:

Russia truly has become a terrorist state under Putin.
Are you at all able to speak about the hopes and possibilities for peace? Or must it inevitably be total war to the death with an implacable evil?
Russia are accusing the US and Ukraine of threatening to deploy biological weapons "across Europe" (despite zero evidence), which is currently being discussed at the UN Security Council. The US are warning that Russia may be laying the groundwork for a false flag operation where Putin orders the use of biological weapons in Europe in retaliation for sanctions deployed against Russia.

So, to recap:

Russia has invaded a sovereign nation; they are ferociously bombing residential areas, cutting off water, food and power supplies to civilians; they are bombing schools, orphanages and hospitals including maternity hospitals; The Russian military are shooting fleeing civilians; Putin has threatened nuclear retaliation if anyone intervenes; Russia are shelling nuclear power plants across the country and have cut off power to Chernobyl; ...and now they're openly discussing biological warfare and threatening to bring down the International Space Station :rolleyes:

Russia truly has become a terrorist state under Putin.
Russia blamed Syrian rebels for chemical weapon attacks.

When its already known that Bashar Al assad's regime possessed chemical weapons.

Russia also vetoed investigations into Syrian chemical weapon attacks.
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Are you at all able to speak about the hopes and possibilities for peace? Or must it inevitably be total war to the death with an implacable evil?
There is zero chance of peace until Putin achieves his aims in Ukraine at the very least.

Just what we wanted African mercs that want to go fight for Russia in Ukraine.

This war is going to become another playground for soldiers of fortune and militias.

Just what we wanted African mercs that want to go fight for Russia in Ukraine.

This war is going to become another playground for soldiers of fortune and militias.

Hideous, shameful but also quite pathetic as well.

So many Russian allies rallying to their aid that Putin needs African and Middle Eastern mercenaries to act as cannon fodder.
According to polls, about 69% of Americans feel we are on the path to World War III.
We've been on a path to WW3 ever since WW2 ended, that's just how humanity works. Best we can do is hope our 401Ks don't drop at the wrong time. Luckily for me mine just started so I'm buying low lol.


I'd imagine it would be a very similar dispersal pattern as the OG incident - minimal impact to Ukraine, significant impact to SE Belarus and adjacent portions of Russia.
It's not 3 roentgen...
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One of the Ukrainian agencies sent a letter to the Russian Defense Minister thanking them for their corruption:

The head of the Russia's space agency seems to run his mouth often before he actually thinks it through. He tweeted out some stuff and Scott Kelly--US astronaut that spent some time on the ISS--told him how stupid he was being. The Russian head has since blocked on him on Twitter. 🤣

I think I remember someone here saying something about 1,000+ Russian vehicles destroyed so far. Here is a good link to verify that:

The site has been keeping a tally on vehicles and only counts them when they have evidence to show the vehicle destroyed, damaged, abandoned, or captured.

Do they have a separate category for the number of vehicles towed away by tractor?
and now they're openly discussing biological warfare#
Never mind the fact that Putin has already used such tactics and similar in murdering or attempting to murder his opponents; Sergei Skripal living in Salisbury in 2018 being the most egregious case in recent memory. Not forgetting Aleksander Litvinenko and Alexei Navalny.
Never mind the fact that Putin has already used such tactics and similar in murdering or attempting to murder his opponents; Sergei Skripal living in Salisbury in 2018 being the most egregious case in recent memory. Not forgetting Aleksander Litvinenko and Alexei Navalny.
It was poison, not WMD. Afaik, there aren't documented cases of using WMD by Russian army. I am not saying its impossible, but it would be straight way to Hague.