Putin is channeling his inner Kim Jong-un:
In a show of strength two months into its assault on Ukraine, Russia test-launched a new nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile which President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday would make Moscow's enemies stop and think.
Putin says it has no analogs and won't have any for the foreseeable future. I would put money on it that while the US might not have something similar, it has something better. You don't throw the kind of money at the industrial defense complex that the US does and not have some truly incredible stuff.
I also doubt that it can fully evade defense systems since Russia likely doesn't even know what sort of missile defense systems countries in the West have. Sure, they know about the known ones, but there's no way there isn't a bunch of top-secret stuff.
Still, there's no real reason for anyone to be worried considering they won't actually start delivering the missiles until the autumn. This is assuming that Russia still exists in its current form by then, has enough money to buy the resources for the weapons, and that Putin's regime is still alive.