Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
“If the US stops supplying weapons to the Kyiv regime, the war will end.”
Yes, it would - but when Russia and China talk of 'ending the war', they mean with Ukraine wiped off the face of the Earth.

Thank you for your son's ultimate sacrifice. It didn't mean **** to us so have a bag of dumplings.

Yours truly,

Putin and his goons.
China has its own goals, it didn't give a **** about Ukraine.
Yet China is providing support to the Russian military, as well as supporting Russia in other ways - intelligence sharing, diplomatically, and by undermining sanctions. China has its own goals, yes, but it is also in the position where it must stay onside with Russia.

Crucially, China accepts Putin's argument that this war was started by NATO, and they also share Russia's view that the best way to "end the war" is to defeat Ukraine - and, conversely, that NATO support for Ukraine will lead to a wider conflict. As such, it is logically consistent that China can achieve it's desired aims - to "end the war" and placate Putin - by bolstering their support for Russia militarily and by continuing to critcise and undermine efforts by Ukraine's allies to end the war in a way that sees Russia expelled from Ukraine.


Oh, and this says nothing of how China may have the favour returned when it comes to their annexing of Taiwan.


Nice protest outside the Russian embassy in London today:

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Yet China is providing support to the Russian military, as well as supporting Russia in other ways - intelligence sharing, diplomatically, and by undermining sanctions.
China want to absorb as many resources as it can and then sell RF for the highest price.
and they also share Russia's view that the best way to "end the war" is to defeat Ukraine
It doesn't. Chinese aren't stupid, they see that war is lost by RF.
China want to absorb as many resources as it can and then sell RF for the highest price.

It doesn't. Chinese aren't stupid, they see that war is lost by RF.
China isn't stupid but they are 100% going to put up any smokescreen that clouds what their true intention is. They are studying Russia's failures in Ukraine and will use that to their benefit when/if they attack Taiwan.

On the first note, good thing RF has so much money that they can't spend elsewhere.
They are studying Russia's failures in Ukraine and will use that to their benefit when/if they attack Taiwan.
Well, drama with Taiwan is exaggerated. Russia could sell its resources to China, but where would China sell its goods if sanctions hit the fan? Taiwan without western tech is useless.

More gifts full of cringe from Russian officials:
Russia could sell its resources to China, but where would China sell its goods if sanctions hit the fan?
Unlike with Russia, an economic war against China would be pretty devastating for the EU as well. German automakers alone sell a third of their cars to the Chinese market. For comparison, the pre-war percentage of the entire EU's exports to Russia was a meager 1,6%. Aside from the repercussions of the dependency on Russian natural gas, Germany has been doing fairly well considering the circumstances. However considering the situation with Taiwan, economic warfare against China is something that is already being widely discussed in Germany and there's a broad agreement that the ramifications would be incomparably worse. And while China knows that they themselves would be hit really hard as well, they also know that large-scale sanctions against China would be a really hard pill to swallow for the EU.
China want to absorb as many resources as it can and then sell RF for the highest price.

It doesn't. Chinese aren't stupid, they see that war is lost by RF.
And yet China can't even muster the decency to vote in favour of demanding that Russia withdraws from Ukraine.

I think one ought to remember that not all world leaders and diplomats are honest - Putin and his odious regime are a great example - they've repeatedly lied through their teeth and continue to do so, because it allows them to achieve their aims... to give NATO a kicking and to start to rebuild the Soviet Union.

Chinese officials cannot be that dumb to not realise this. They know full well what, how and why Putin is doing what he is doing, and they will also look at the situation and see where they can benefit. The Chinese are quick to point out to Russia what it is not happy with them doing, but apparently so long as it doesn't involve them directly, China is more than happy to give Russia carte blanche to do whatever it wants, short of resorting to the use of nuclear weapons or using nuclear power plants as bargaining chips.

Russia's flagrant and collosal scale human rights abuses don't seem to bother China a great deal, in spite of what they might say publicly. If China is sincere, then they would stop supporting Russia in the ways it already is, and continue to refrain from supplying Russia with direct military support. That latter point is the ultimate litmus test for Chinese sincerity - if China does decide to start arming Russia, then we will have our answer as to whether the Chinese are honest brokers or not.
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China is more than happy to give Russia carte blance to do whatever it wants, short of resorting to the use of nuclear weapons or using nuclear power plants as bargaining chips.
Both India and China restricted usage of nukes in Ukraine. Thats main reason why its not used already, even when Russian forces were on a brink of collapse (Kharkov and Kherson).

China could do much more to support RF, but instead its sucking Russian resources and playing safe.
24th February.
A year has passed since Russia started their "special military operation", and also today is the Estonian Independence Day.

Among the guests from other countries, Ukrainian artillerymen that are training here participated in the parade.
Estonia gave all of its 155mm FH-70 and 122mm H63 (D-30) cannons to them.


MAN 4620 towing a FH-70 howitzer.






A couple of Challenger and Leopard tanks and other armored and non-armored vehicles were shown. HIMARS's also participated.

PASI XA-180 and XA-188.







And two B-52 made a flyby.


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Today in front of the Russian embassy in The Hague:

The Ukrainian anthem on repeat in classic Dutch organ music.
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"B-b-but it's the NATO encroachment that's the problem!"
Also means Belarus is no longer an independent country (which it really hasn't been for a few years). Russia might as well officially annex that as Belarussian officials do not care.

Nobody is telling Putin to stop the assault on Ukraine's sovereignty? Nobody at all? Really?

Countless people have. Of course that isn't what this scumsucking, right trash bitch wants. The parasite cannot die soon enough. Absolute garbage.
Also means Belarus is no longer an independent country
Sometimes I have feeling that Cockroach would successfully sell Belarusian independents to 4th Russian President. And then 5th, etc.

Намедни 2022. Another year in review by Parfenov. Events, people, phenomena - things without which it is impossible to imagine us, even more difficult to understand.
Such a shame, that his videos lacking subs.

Russian YouTube full of great documentaries this week - 2h video from Dud with Chikov about law in RF(4+m), 2.3h video about General Lebed from Pivovarov(1.1m+), 1.8h interview with Levada center member from E.Gardeeva(500k+).

Chat with friend of mine from Odessa. He is fine, blackouts almost over.
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There were two events in Bratislava yesterday; a concert on one of the main squares and a march from the Slovak Presidential Palace to the Ukrainian ambassador's house. I went with some friends of mine on the march. We chanted up the hill, past Bratislava Castle and the Slovak Parliament all the way there. Obviously I didn't understand all of the chants but I got the jist of most of them and was able to join in with "Russia is a terrorist state" because it was done in Ukrainian and in English.

In total, we were into the thousands and it was great to see so much support. People were overwhelmed with positivity in the face of continued anguish and adversity.