Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
Tucker Carlson claims he is going to interview Vladimir Putin.

A disgusting, vile sack of 🤬 is going to interview Vladimir Putin.


3 days to Moscow?
The bots, shills and far-left loonies who go so far around the other side they're ultra-fascists are creaming themselves about this.

I will state again that looking at the American right, and those who admire it, the Soviet Union won the Cold War.
Yandex lost a tremendous amount of business in the US after sanctions. Ohio State University and plenty of other large schools had partnerships with them for hundreds of food delivery robots on campus as they developed autonomous software. The good news is that an American startup called Cartken - started by former Google engineers - stepped in to fill demand.

Russia has always been nationalistic with its own industries and scientific endeavors. They've accomplished some great things in the past but they always seem to be shortlived. Because their leaders are assholes and like to ruin great things. It's made my life fairly comfortable so I can't really complain.

Estonian Starships are also in USA. =)

They seemed to have found too many irregularities for Nadezdin to join the race.
4500 signatures banned by signature analytics, 900 because of bugs in text analysis software , 2000 because of bureaucracy, 1000 because of signature collector mistakes, ~1000 because of other reasons. Nadezdin HQ currently disputing ban. So, there is hope(ium).
Yandex lost a tremendous amount of business in the US after sanctions.
Our IT doing impressive stuff, even under sanctions. Those little walle hovers constantly working here even in 1ft snow.

I have feeling that when war will be over both RF and Ukraine will be world leaders of drone software industry.
I thought we took care of the Templars. Also, Putin is one of them so Abstergo won't be happy he's showing his hand.

Germans are too busy hugging trees to neither buy F1 race tickets, nor to actually maintain any of their military equipment. Ukraine had to reject Germany's Leopard offerings multiple times because Germany was trying to ship them broken equipment with no maintenance manuals.

Edit: Ukrainian F-16s will arrive locked and loaded with JASSM stealthy cruise missiles and/or its derivatives, the JASSM-ER and LRASM anti-ship missile. The former has a range of over 300km, the latter two ranges of over 900km. This added mobility will absolutely mark the end of the Black Sea Fleet - the JASSM can reach Moscow from safely within Ukrainian airspace, the JASSM-ER can easily reach anywhere in Kaliningrad while flying over friendly territory or possibly make it to St. Petersburg from the northern border of Ukraine, and the LRASM can cover the entirety of the Black Sea from within Ukrainian territory.

Could be a game changer. Let's hope Ukraine's pilots are good because they'll surely be dodging Russian long-range missiles and they don't wanna dogfight Flankers if they can avoid it. They could always try to out-number Russian fighters but they're not the US, they don't have the missile-truck F-15 sitting in back indiscriminately shooting millions of dollars of missiles to keep the Ruskies on the run and letting F-16s push them.
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Has Ukraine struck a deal with DJI? Seems like it would be easy for DJI to push an update and brick all drones within a Russia-shaped geofence. If they haven't, they should.

This is SUCH a ******** argument and y'all Europeans need to know it. We're sitting here comparing an entire continent to one single country. Germany is literally out of Patriot missiles, the tanks they've tried to donate are broken, and they're running out of expendable equipment...and they're not even at war! Germany is by far the worst offender, but by and large the various European militaries are barely able to get out of their own way, and now they've sent a large proportion of their equipment to Ukraine. The US has to maintain global capabilities while donating to Ukraine while Europe only has to worry about their own backyard. Plus, we've got another $60b sitting on the kitchen table waiting for Republicans to get home from work.

Don't even get me started on Russo-Hungary. Hungarus, perhaps. Y'all better be outpacing American donations because we've got an entire ocean between us and Ukraine while Europe can see the bombs go off at night. We're not the ones who cozied up to Russia for the past several decades.
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Zaluzniy out, Sirskiy in. Not the best trade-off.

Also, Nadezdin is finally banned(there will be court). 4 candidates for presidency - Putler, Haritonov(commi), Slutskiy(rapist and nationalist), Dovankov(liberal). Dwarf is so scared that there aren't any opposition at all.
Has Ukraine struck a deal with DJI? Seems like it would be easy for DJI to push an update and brick all drones within a Russia-shaped geofence. If they haven't, they should.

This is SUCH a ******** argument and y'all Europeans need to know it. We're sitting here comparing an entire continent to one single country. Germany is literally out of Patriot missiles, the tanks they've tried to donate are broken, and they're running out of expendable equipment...and they're not even at war! Germany is by far the worst offender, but by and large the various European militaries are barely able to get out of their own way, and now they've sent a large proportion of their equipment to Ukraine. The US has to maintain global capabilities while donating to Ukraine while Europe only has to worry about their own backyard. Plus, we've got another $60b sitting on the kitchen table waiting for Republicans to get home from work.

Don't even get me started on Russo-Hungary. Hungarus, perhaps. Y'all better be outpacing American donations because we've got an entire ocean between us and Ukraine while Europe can see the bombs go off at night. We're not the ones who cozied up to Russia for the past several decades.

You make good points but the military-industrial complex doesn't have as big a stranglehold on governments in Europe as it does in the United States.
Tucker Carlson claims he is going to interview Vladimir Putin.

A disgusting, vile sack of 🤬 is going to interview Vladimir Putin.
Tucker Carlson's many meme-worthy faces during the interview were worth the trip alone.
Lol, did Putin just compared himself to Hitler when he blamed Poland starting WWII, that they forced Hitler to attack them by not being cooperative, just like Ukraine "forced" Russia? xD
Lol, did Putin just compared himself to Hitler when he blamed Poland starting WWII, that they forced Hitler to attack them by not being cooperative, just like Ukraine "forced" Russia? xD
Russia celebrates the Molotov-von Ribbentrop pact like it's a good thing.
-"So, what made you start the special military operation?"
-"Well, it all started in 16th century..."

Did Putin even say anything new, like Tucker promised? All his "history lessons" and ramblings, the way he's still salty that NATO didn't add Russia to the club, it's all been heard multiple times.

Also funny how Putin said that Zelensky's father was fighting Nazis during WWII... but his father was born in 1947... xD
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-"Well, it all started in 16th century..."
Did he actually say this or go on about this? I refuse to actually watch any of it...

But history is great for Russia to bring up: Kyiv (5th century) is way older than Moscow (first mentioned in the 12th century).
Did he actually say this or go on about this? I refuse to actually watch any of it...

But history is great for Russia to bring up: Kyiv (5th century) is way older than Moscow (first mentioned in the 12th century).
In the beginning he asked Tucker for 30 seconds to tell a historical background of Russian-Ukrainian relationship. And he started from the year of 862. (Okay, that's not 16-th century, that's even earlier) And it didn't take 30 seconds.
This is SUCH a ******** argument and y'all Europeans need to know it. We're sitting here comparing an entire continent to one single country.
The burden on the individual is at least comparable. Yes America may be one single country, but it's a country where there's cities with populations bigger than many entire countries in Europe. The American government gets to wield a sword made from the tax revenue from 330 million people, no single government in Europe can do anything like the $800 Billion per year that America spends, and as yet there is no single European army. Yes the population of Europe is higher, but so is our total contribution, about $360 per person, versus about $225 per American (and on average at least, the average European is poorer in the first place).
This is SUCH a ******** argument and y'all Europeans need to know it. We're sitting here comparing an entire continent to one single country.
The US is basically an entire continent though. The population is a little smaller than in the EU, but the GDP is greater.

A key difference between the US and the EU is that there is no EU government or parliament that can decide to support Ukraine through a majority vote, instead it requires consensus among the members states, and we all know some member states are more pro-Putin than others.

Many of the EU members who do support Ukraine spend more money on it than the US, relative to GDP.
I thought we took care of the Templars. Also, Putin is one of them so Abstergo won't be happy he's showing his hand.

Imagine being such a punk ass bitch that you set up your gotcha interview with the head of an enemy country and he casually recites an intelligence dossier that he has on you where he calls you an idiot and a failure and that the country you are deliberately taking steps to undermine the foreign policy of was better off for you to be rejected for government service.
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Imagine being such a punk ass bitch that you set up your gotcha interview with the head of an enemy country and he casually recites an intelligence dossier that he has on you where he calls you an idiot and a failure and that the country you are deliberately taking steps to undermine the foreign policy of was better off for you to be rejected for government service.
The head of an enemy country that has a very well-known and extensive history of gathering information on people of interest, nonetheless. We're not talking about the bumbling CEO of a Fortune 500 company who's purposely kept out of the loop by their board of directors here.
I don't really understand the point the guy is trying to make. He thinks Kant laid the foundation for Western thought? I've never read any Kant - although I wouldn't mind getting some - but that would imply that the West is at fault for everything going on. I could be that I'm just a product of my own culture's propaganda but I'm pretty sure we didn't cause any of these problems. Big dumb idiots who were mean to each other caused them.
Head of Kaliningrad is just stupid moron. Kant is national anthem for people of Kaliningrad obl.

About Carlson interview - its way better than I expected. If its goal was to present Putler as conservative messiah, it wasn't reached. At best , he was presented as boomer that main interest is to told everyone about great past. Its still better than Biden , but its not that hard to be better than Biden. Carlson asked few really good questions about religion(surprise, Putler doesn't believe in God) and Gershkovich. After Hungary balls leaking mess its really nice interview, mostly because Putler is senile ****.
Well, that's what Russia is saying all these years.
Putler saying. Russians don't care about West. And visa versa.

There are reports about hundreds cases of Starlink usage by Russian mercs.
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Well, that's what Russia is saying all these years.

Head of Kaliningrad is just stupid moron. Kant is national anthem for people of Kaliningrad obl.

About Carlson interview - its way better than I expected. If its goal was to present Putler as conservative messiah, it wasn't reached. At best , he was presented as boomer that main interest is to told everyone about great past. Its still better than Biden , but its not that hard to be better than Biden. Carlson asked few really good questions about religion(surprise, Putler doesn't believe in God) and Gershkovich. After Hungary balls leaking mess its really nice interview, mostly because Putler is senile ****.

Putler saying. Russians don't care about West. And visa versa.

There are reports about hundreds cases of Starlink usage by Russian mercs.
I was just making sure I was interpreting it right. Kaliningrad seems like a very strange place to Americans - we know why it exists, but it doesn't make any sense. It seems like the choice would've been, or would currently be obvious to conspire to leave Russia because the Motherland couldn't really do anything about it. But apparently Kaliningrad truly is populated by Russian loyalists? I Kaliningrad wanted to declare independence it would be incredibly easy for NATO to blockade it and stop Russia from doing anything at all.