Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
There was an diplomatic option. Russia repeatedly urged Ukraine to follow the Minsk agreements that were signed by RF, Ukraine and OSCE, and approved by the UN Security Council. But Kyiv simply ignored them for 7 years. And none of Ukraine’s allies even tried to make Kyiv comply with them. Now is too late.

Give it up. Russia invading Ukraine is Russia's fault, not Ukraines. As I said before, you can't normalise an invasion as some kind of default action. Your country is invading another country, you are the aggressors, you are doing what Putin's told you to fear NATO for, he's doing it after lying to you, and NATO about not doing it.

It doesn't seem like diplomacy was ever an actual option. Putin was so interested in a diplomatic solution to the problem of "Putin wants to annex more of the Ukraine" that he didn't even wait for the ink to dry on his peacekeeping proclamation before he started shelling the entire Ukrainian military.
You're right. I don't understand what the **** Putin thinks he's going to achieve with this other than turn the entire world against him, but he was clearly never going to respond to diplomacy. It was one thing to be "supporting" Donetsk and Luhansk, it's a complex situation and I think most of the international community would have looked the other way like they did with Crimea.

Firing on Kyiv seems bonkers.

I still think that Russia needed to be the one to initiate this and everyone else should have been doing their best to resolve it through diplomacy, advocating war against someone who might attack isn't helpful. But with Putin showing that he's willing to take the gloves off and not even pretend to be sticking within some reasonable boundaries, it also becomes more reasonable to consider the use of force against him. I'm still not sure what to think about that, as someone said to me today this is eerily reminiscent of how WWII started.

I do not want World War III. That would really cement the idea that we're in the worst timeline.

I kinda feel like the least damaging scenario is that Russia dismantles Ukraine like the US did Iraq, and the world ends up with another broken state. If other countries start getting dragged into the conflict this is gonna get real nasty, real fast. Ukrainians seem ****ed, and I hope Europe is ready to take in a whole lot of refugees.
There was an diplomatic option. Russia repeatedly urged Ukraine to follow the Minsk agreements that were signed by RF, Ukraine and OSCE, and approved by the UN Security Council. But Kyiv simply ignored them for 7 years. And none of Ukraine’s allies even tried to make Kyiv comply with them. Now is too late.
If Minsk was the solution, why carry the conflict beyond the contested regions? If it was about Donetsk and Luhansk then Putin would have occupied and reinforced them. Ukraine doesn't have the capability to take on the Russian military in a defensive position. Russia could have forced Kyiv to comply with whatever terms they wanted in the contested regions.

Instead they're targeting assets all through the country.
And what does Europe do? Sanctions that will hit only the average Russian trying to buy groceries.

Now is the time for NATO to act, before the Sovjets decide that Ukraine isn't enough.
NATO has no mandate to act, so if it did it would be just as illegal as Russia's actions.

What this will have done however is act as a massive recruitment drive for NATO.
Let me first say that being anti-Putin is not the same as being anti-Russian. Just like being against a US leader is not being anti-USA.

Putin is a megalomaniac looking to restore Russia to the former glory of the USSR. He tested how far he can go by meddling in foreign elections, poisoning opponents on foreign soil, blowing a private airliner out of the Ukranian sky, and many other things. But he's mistaken to think that the west will respond dividedly on this subject. In peace we are (extremely) divided, but at war not so much. NATO, the EU, the USA and their allies will join ranks. His days are numbered.
What media don't say is that russia bought in last 6 years close to 30 new war ships and they are all stationed on the black sea. What they do now is establishing a land connection to the black sea ports...
And europe will do nothing about it.
There was an diplomatic option. Russia repeatedly urged Ukraine to follow the Minsk agreements that were signed by RF, Ukraine and OSCE, and approved by the UN Security Council. But Kyiv simply ignored them for 7 years. And none of Ukraine’s allies even tried to make Kyiv comply with them. Now is too late.
all the while with the Putin/Trump's peanut gallery adjusting their story for why it is all justified

Just say you support Putin annexing the entirety of the country and stop wasting everyone's time.
I'm guessing it's no accident that Putin's message to any intervening nations has the same tone to it as the Potsdam Declaration...
What media don't say is that russia bought in last 6 years close to 30 new war ships and they are all stationed on the black sea. What they do now is establishing a land connection to the black sea ports...
And europe will do nothing about it.

Russia already has 400 kilometers or so of Black sea beaches.
Video of a cyclist getting killed by an explosion most likely a Russian artillery shell posted by bellingcat.

I wont be posting it because its pretty bad.
Just say you support Putin annexing the entirety of the country and stop wasting everyone's time.
No, I am NOT happy about the war going on.
The fact theres some in this thread doing mental gymnastics to justify the invasion of Ukraine, it's nonsensical!
Here we call them Olgynskie trolly or Vatniki.
The level of toxicity in this thread is currently over my limit.
I’ll leave this thread for a while.
No, I am NOT happy about the war going on.
From the start of when it was obvious that Russia intended to go into the Ukraine again, before they even started amassing troops, you defended it. NATO was too much of a threat to Russian sovereignty. Other countries shouldn't be allowed to join NATO because that makes Russia more vulnerable. The US' strong language towards the Russian government was perceived as a threat. The US was using the Ukraine as a puppet state to get involved in Russian domestic interests. Russia needed to have a border area against NATO invasion. The Minsk agreements were violated (only on one side, of course). As troops amassed near the border, it was all a military exercise that the US was overreacting to. That people should care just as much about Russian lives that would be put in danger if Russia unlawfully invaded another country. That no one should really care if the invasion starts because the US invaded Iraq nearly twenty years ago. That we are all going to look like 🤬 morons when Putin just leaves after the troop drills are done. And that all of those things that people say about Putin? Lies, of course. The most recent one was "this could have been solved diplomatically if only the Ukraine hadn't done what they did" while Russia was busy as you typed it attacking the country's capital, well away from anything that had anything to do with the disputed breakaway areas.
Each time someone responded to something you said or Russia's actions escalated beyond whatever defense you attempted to paint for their actions, you at best would fob it off before trying another argument. About the only thing in the thread so far that's been more absurd than your attempt to run interference for the Russian government while claiming that (in fact) you're the only one with all the truth facts was when Chrunch butted in with his typical nonsense that amounted to "X can't be so bad because Trump liked it."

I'm sure you aren't happy about the war going on. You probably would prefer it if Russia could take everything without a shot fired; but regardless of that don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

The level of toxicity in this thread is currently over my limit.
I’ll leave this thread for a while.
Strange. It's almost like your country has launched a massive military offensive with the seeming intent of completely conquering a neighboring nation immediately after claiming to send in "peacekeeping forces" to a small portion of it; and you've spent the entire time since it started trying to feed everyone Russian propaganda and reporting the salacious details of the Russian military victories since the invasion started and are still trying to act like the war that Russia started (that you definitely don't support, of course) is completely justified.

Go pound sand.
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Considering Ukraine is arming the general population I'm sure they knew and prepared themselves for a prolonged guerilla style resistance but I wonder how long their military can hold out.

Another thing comes to mind. Obviously NATO ground troops in eastern Ukraine were never an option, but what about UN peacekeeping forces? Does anyone know why was this not an option? As useless as they were around here in the early 90's maybe it could have at least been a deterrent against Russia claiming "genocide" and supposedly being forced to intervene.
Another thing comes to mind. Obviously NATO ground troops in eastern Ukraine were never an option, but what about UN peacekeeping forces? Does anyone know why was this not an option? As useless as they were around here in the early 90's maybe it could have at least been a deterrent against Russia claiming "genocide" and supposedly being forced to intervene.
I have no idea, but I’m guessing that Putin blocked UN peacekeeping forces and for the same reason that he’s against an Ukrainian NATO membership - because it would make it harder for him to invade / threaten with invasion.
Here we call them Olgynskie trolly or Vatniki.
Stay safe out there, it must be tough right now for folks who disagree with the regime.

I suspect it will become even tougher when sanctions come into place which will probably have more impact on the average Russian than they have on the people in charge (for example I am currently working with a Russian partner in Moscow to act as springboard for our company into the Russian market. That ambition will be shelved for a while and absolutely no one on either side of the table is pleased with what is happening right now. Pretty sure they're not the only ones impacted over there either).

Let me first say that being anti-Putin is not the same as being anti-Russian. Just like being against a US leader is not being anti-USA.
The level of toxicity in this thread is currently over my limit.
Nobody is attacking you personally; they are attacking you for defending a questionable regime with questionable decisions. This is not toxicity.
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This is a drastic power demostration more than anything, and Ukraine happens to be where it’s being played out because of its significant geographical location. The war rhetoric used by Russia is reminiscent of what NATO allies have used in order to justify interventions in various places over the years. Russia wants the West and everyone else to realize this through cynical and orchestrated means, but different value systems and schools of thought will always make it difficult to recognize perceived enemies on the other side. Above all it’s a matter of preserving Russia’s position as the main superpower in the Eastern hemisphere, and thereby cement the bipolar equilibrium of the international system established after WWII. That’s the only logical explanation for this invasion. In other words, it’s a way of achieving future global stability through a period of local instability. Because other emerging nuclear powers gradually more present a threat to the status quo, so the current show of force acts as a reminder. Similar to how it does when NATO allies invade somewhere like Libya. This is my completely objective take.

This is one reason why NATO needs to stay out of this conflict, and the other reason is because it’s a defence alliance first and foremost. NATO hasn’t been attacked, and it most likely won’t be because nuclear weapons exist. Whether this escalates into WWIII depends on how the Western allies respond over time.
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Afaik, right of veto from RF

I have no idea, but I’m guessing that Putin blocked UN peacekeeping forces and for the same reason that he’s against an Ukrainian NATO membership - because it would make it harder for him to invade / threaten with invasion.
Well of course, I understand why he would be against it. But vetoing UN peacekeepers only to invade to supposedly "keep the peace" just makes his intentions more clear to the world.

And yes, I know he doesn't care that the world sees right through him, it's just that I can't really find much info if this was actually proposed and what the response was to it.

EDIT: yup it does seem to be as simple as that as Russia vetoed them in 2009 in Georgia. Everyone knows, no one cares.
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It seems to me Ukraine de facto ceased to exist the moment Biden said US soldiers would not fight for Ukraine.

Although in fact it ceased to exist when Putin decided he knew that was the case which was long before.

And no I dont believe that this is all one-sided.

I forget her name but do remember the EU official talking to the crowd imminently prior to the peaceful regime overthrow in Ukraine. If that isn't interference in another country's affairs, i wonder what is? Promoting democracy does not justify interference in my opinion. Influencing democracy is a different matter and should be kept outside borders.

However, that said, there can NEVER be justification for an occupation, which is what this is going to be, however far West the Bela-Russians go.

And neither will sanctions do anything either. Because the only sanctions that might (e.g. shutting the OTHER gas pipeline to Germany, the one that actually matters to Russia) wont happen because it would crash the western economies as well as Russia. The gas price (and oil price) is already on it's way to doing that in my opinion before today.

We all know Putin et al have their money siphoned off via BVI/Cayman Islands etc. As do many of the influencers in the West, to be frank. So sanctions wont hurt the individuals running the show, only the ordinary Russians.

In the medium to long term, I think all economic ties are going to have to be severed with Bela-Russia to reduce the economic effects in the west of any meaningful action, but that cant be done overnight and I dont see the willpower to do that in the West (yet). And even that still only hits ordinary Russians.

Putin will very much take and keep whatever he wants of Ukraine within hours (probably with negligible initial resistance which unfortunately is perfect for Putin as it makes it easier for him at home).

There is only 1 way this ends without another long painful, and poverty causing, Cold War between the NATO countries and Russia.

And that is with the Russians somehow deciding that Putin has to go and actually achieving that. We all saw what happened in Belarus.

So, folks, the real picture for the future is not good in my opinion. High inflation long term, erosion of income and tough times ahead. Plan for that or dont in your personal affairs as best you can, in my opinion.

A final thought about how naive Ukraine leadership seems to have been. Even on Friday they only mobilised the smallest number of personnel and left the rest as they were. There seems to have been no belief that this would actually happen and no intention to prepare, even though we've all been told this would happen in December.

Anyone who didn't believe that, REALLY doesn't understand Putin AT ALL, in my opinion.

I dont think the end result would be any different, but hope that finally people will wake up today from their apparent slumber.

I am sadly reminded of January 2020 when Italy was overwhelmed with Covid and the rest of Europe seemed to be sleepwalking for weeks.

And NO I do NOT blame russians for this. I blame Putin. Which is why I say only Russians can stop this getting worse going forward.

And NO I do not want war either. But I repeat, Russia has to be made a complete pariah economically and any other way open. Initially that might have a negative effect as it makes it easy for Putin to blame the West for everything. But ultimately I hope that eventually the Russians see through that and want change enough for it to happen.

There's a general belief that the arms race in the 80s hit the USSR so bad economically that it made change happen. I do NOT want another arms race, but feel that a similar economic downturn in Russia is the only thing that might end this cycle in the end.

But, I still do not think this will happen as currently it would screw up the economy of the West as well.

So, I dont know where we go from here, until the willpower exists.

Finally, sorry for long post, what the world desperately is going to need is great leadership. I hope everyone can agree on that.

I know that @Rage Racer opinion is counter to most on here, and no I dont agree with it, but what I do think is it helps to hear it as I think unless you hear the opinion, you cannot hope to understand it.

But that opinion does need to remain within the AUP. As does all on here.

I have written this attempting to be mindful of the AUP.

As far as I know Putin isn't a member of GTP so I dont think I've infringed the point about attacking other members.

PPS I haven't preordered GT7 but if the world news is going to be **** for a while, a good distraction of some kind, we all will need.
Look for any western sanctions on Russian oil and access to the global finance system. If so, Russia may attempt to counter this with cyberattacks on us. We don't seem to have a Plan B.
You can always trust the tabloids to remain optimistic...

I'm sure they will be putting out the publication for the next day stating "WE WERE RIGHT! WE TOLD YOU!" except their distribution system would be down for some reason...
Guys try to post some updates and footage as long as it is not graphic.

Russian forces capture hydroelectric plant.

Two Russian soldiers captured as pows

There is rumours that Russian forces have reached Kiev or the outskirts.