It seems to me Ukraine de facto ceased to exist the moment Biden said US soldiers would not fight for Ukraine.
Although in fact it ceased to exist when Putin decided he knew that was the case which was long before.
And no I dont believe that this is all one-sided.
I forget her name but do remember the EU official talking to the crowd imminently prior to the peaceful regime overthrow in Ukraine. If that isn't interference in another country's affairs, i wonder what is? Promoting democracy does not justify interference in my opinion. Influencing democracy is a different matter and should be kept outside borders.
However, that said, there can NEVER be justification for an occupation, which is what this is going to be, however far West the Bela-Russians go.
And neither will sanctions do anything either. Because the only sanctions that might (e.g. shutting the OTHER gas pipeline to Germany, the one that actually matters to Russia) wont happen because it would crash the western economies as well as Russia. The gas price (and oil price) is already on it's way to doing that in my opinion before today.
We all know Putin et al have their money siphoned off via BVI/Cayman Islands etc. As do many of the influencers in the West, to be frank. So sanctions wont hurt the individuals running the show, only the ordinary Russians.
In the medium to long term, I think all economic ties are going to have to be severed with Bela-Russia to reduce the economic effects in the west of any meaningful action, but that cant be done overnight and I dont see the willpower to do that in the West (yet). And even that still only hits ordinary Russians.
Putin will very much take and keep whatever he wants of Ukraine within hours (probably with negligible initial resistance which unfortunately is perfect for Putin as it makes it easier for him at home).
There is only 1 way this ends without another long painful, and poverty causing, Cold War between the NATO countries and Russia.
And that is with the Russians somehow deciding that Putin has to go and actually achieving that. We all saw what happened in Belarus.
So, folks, the real picture for the future is not good in my opinion. High inflation long term, erosion of income and tough times ahead. Plan for that or dont in your personal affairs as best you can, in my opinion.
A final thought about how naive Ukraine leadership seems to have been. Even on Friday they only mobilised the smallest number of personnel and left the rest as they were. There seems to have been no belief that this would actually happen and no intention to prepare, even though we've all been told this would happen in December.
Anyone who didn't believe that, REALLY doesn't understand Putin AT ALL, in my opinion.
I dont think the end result would be any different, but hope that finally people will wake up today from their apparent slumber.
I am sadly reminded of January 2020 when Italy was overwhelmed with Covid and the rest of Europe seemed to be sleepwalking for weeks.
And NO I do NOT blame russians for this. I blame Putin. Which is why I say only Russians can stop this getting worse going forward.
And NO I do not want war either. But I repeat, Russia has to be made a complete pariah economically and any other way open. Initially that might have a negative effect as it makes it easy for Putin to blame the West for everything. But ultimately I hope that eventually the Russians see through that and want change enough for it to happen.
There's a general belief that the arms race in the 80s hit the USSR so bad economically that it made change happen. I do NOT want another arms race, but feel that a similar economic downturn in Russia is the only thing that might end this cycle in the end.
But, I still do not think this will happen as currently it would screw up the economy of the West as well.
So, I dont know where we go from here, until the willpower exists.
Finally, sorry for long post, what the world desperately is going to need is great leadership. I hope everyone can agree on that.
I know that
@Rage Racer opinion is counter to most on here, and no I dont agree with it, but what I do think is it helps to hear it as I think unless you hear the opinion, you cannot hope to understand it.
But that opinion does need to remain within the AUP. As does all on here.
I have written this attempting to be mindful of the AUP.
As far as I know Putin isn't a member of GTP so I dont think I've infringed the point about attacking other members.
PPS I haven't preordered GT7 but if the world news is going to be **** for a while, a good distraction of some kind, we all will need.