Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
What's the terms here? Is Zelensky going to officially recognize them as part of Russia or something? I thought Russia basically controlled them anyway.

Zelensky going to
officially recognize them as part of Russia
Crimia as part of Russia, DPR/LPR as independent state/autonomy. Don't think there is plans to include DPR/LPR into RF.

Autonomy would be way better for these regions and Ukraine, because this would balance russian/ukrainian speaking populations and give chance to normalise economy. As independent state, DPR/LPR would be same fallen state as they are now, minus artillery strikes.
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Crimia as part of Russia, DPR/LPR as independent state/autonomy. Don't think there is plans to include DPR/LPR into RF.

I haven't given the video a listen to yet as it's 23 minutes (I'll have to remember for tomorrow/later today). But, it sounds like he's going to basically recognize those parts are no longer Ukrainian & therefore, Russia can have them. Maybe not in direct ownership terms, but that's how it sounds from your summary.

If anything, it sounds like an easy out for Putin to accept & pull out of the rest of Ukraine, but otherwise, I guess I'm just missing key info to understand why Russia would accept Ukraine acknowledging them as "their own states" if Russia already operates them as Russia sees fit.
Russia recognised Donetsk and Luhansk as independent nations the day before the invasion, so they are after international recognition of that. Of course, if that happens there is then nothing stopping those two new "nations" petitioning to join Russia, or Russia invading an "taking" the countries as part of themselves.
If anything, it sounds like an easy out for Putin to accept & pull out of the rest of Ukraine, but otherwise, I guess I'm just missing key info to understand why Russia would accept Ukraine acknowledging them as "their own states" if Russia already operates them as Russia sees fit.
Because controllable autonomy inside Ukraine would be simple and cheap way to control whole Ukraine. Right now both PRs suck resources from RF, Putin want them to suck resources from Ukraine.

Its giveaway checkers, not chess.
"I'm going to burn down my house to keep someone else from burning my house down". Yeah that makes a lot of sense.
To me it's more like "I'm going to burn my neighbour's house down to keep them from doing it themselves." Which makes even less sense.
I didn't realize that the Z symbol was anything more than invasion markings. Yikes.

Does anyone know if the Z has some sort of iconographic meaning? It's not a Cyrillic letter, IIRC.
When I first saw the Z my thought was it looked a lot like the Wolfsangel, minus the horizontal bar. Originally a Z-shaped hook used when trapping wolves, the design was adopted by the Nazis and used as an emblem by various divisions in WWII. These days it seems to vie with the Celtic cross as the go to symbol for fascists who aren't quite far gone enough to get a swastika tattoo.

The Russian Z is probably not connected with the wolfsangel at all, but would be ironic given Putin's "denazification" claims.

He looks Asian. 100% a Tatar!!
More reports discussing that Netflix has cut its service in Russia. Lamborghini is the latest manufacturer to halt business to Russia. Nintendo's online store also reportedly inaccessible, but in a maintenance mode.

Edit* Trying to find the full article for everyone, but what is available likely says enough.
March 8 (Reuters) - Russia and the United States should return to the principle of "peaceful co-existence" like during the Cold War, the Interfax news agency cited the Russian foreign ministry as saying on Tuesday.

The foreign ministry added that it was open to honest and mutually respectful dialogue with the United States and that hope remained that normalcy in relations between the two countries could be restored, Interfax reported.

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Watching some footage on reddit of a civilian car, with an old couple inside, being shot by a tank. All on purpose, as the tank got out of its way to stop and shot at it.

How much of a coward can you be to do that?

Criminal and disgusting.
Reportedly Biden will go ahead with a ban on importing Russian energy to the US later this morning, with Venezuela and Iran being approached to supply the US in the future. Currently Russia supplies about 7% of our oil. Reportedly, Russia is considering turning off the supply of natural gas to Germany.
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Watching some footage on reddit of a civilian car, with an old couple inside, being shot by a tank. All on purpose, as the tank got out of its way to stop and shot at it.

How much of a coward can you be to do that?

Criminal and disgusting.
I saw the aftermath and it was pretty horrific.

I dont like how the video is being shared when its really graphical. Video is a blatant war crime too.

There should be some respect for the dead especially civilians.
It's time to dissolve the UN. The Useless Nations only costs money at this point and they accomplish nothing.
Which direction do the prevailing winds blow over Ukraine? That will be important when the tactical nukes are used, or when remaining nuclear power plants are assaulted.
Which direction do the prevailing winds blow over Ukraine? That will be important when the tactical nukes are used, or when remaining nuclear power plants are assaulted.

Here's where it all went after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.
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Which direction do the prevailing winds blow over Ukraine? That will be important when the tactical nukes are used, or when remaining nuclear power plants are assaulted.
From this site, a snippet about wind distribution:

In spring the baric field changes and as a result winds of different directions are observed. In the north, east, and south, the easterly and southeasterly winds prevail, in the west – northwesterly and westerly, while in the southwest – southerly and southeasterly. In March, an average monthly speed has the same values as in winter, from April the wind begins to abate to 2–5 m/s.

Which accurately explains why Chernobyl was detected in Sweden first and the USSR sort of was able to cover it up for a bit.

Here's where it all went after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.
You know due to the radiation particles reaching Turkey eapecially the black sea region.

The Turkish tea industry got hit. A lot of people stopped drinking tea my mum told me about this many people were scared of radiation.

To calm things down Turkish politicians either tried to cover up the cancer rates or said the tea is safe. One politician who worked in the government at the time drank tea infront of the public but many question did his tea come from the black sea region.

Lots of hysteria and also cover ups back in the day.

Irony in this Istanbul nearly had its own chernobyl when you had a few stupid idiots who sold a radioactive source as scrap metal.

Istanbul nearly had its own Brazilian Goiania incident nearly.
Because controllable autonomy inside Ukraine would be simple and cheap way to control whole Ukraine. Right now both PRs suck resources from RF, Putin want them to suck resources from Ukraine.

Its giveaway checkers, not chess.
When the "Green men" in Chrimea started the "uprising" the alternatives in the referendum was supposed to be 1. Stay in Ukraine as autonomous 2. Leave Ukraine and become independent state.
When the referendum became reality the options was become independent state or to be reunited with Russia.
More reports discussing that Netflix has cut its service in Russia. Lamborghini is the latest manufacturer to halt business to Russia. Nintendo's online store also reportedly inaccessible, but in a maintenance mode.

Edit* Trying to find the full article for everyone, but what is available likely says enough.


If this is true, Russia is going to have a very hard time taking Kyiv. I'm pretty sure Russia was hoping to remain at standoff range and terrorize the Ukranians into accepting Russian terms. But if the cruise missiles are not even reaching their targets and Russia remains hesitant to put their more expensive planes in harms way, then I don't see any other option but for them to move armour into Kyiv...which will be a full on turkey shoot, very likely far worse than Grozny for the Russians.

I hope this is reaching a point where Russia sees diminishing returns (or no returns at all) for further engagement as a very real probability and backs down. The economic outlook for Russia looks extremely grim. It's a shame that Putin is not accountable to the Russian people.
That sounds like low numbers actually.
An F-16 in the newest configuration costs 12-18 million$, an SU-27 about 34 million $
A KA-52 is 15 million $
I don't think hijackers would pay for aircraft full price :D for russian pilot this could be good reason to say "русский корабль иди на***.