Scavenger Hunt Week 12 - check post 1 for details.

  • Thread starter Boz Mon
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Judgement soon - I have work early tomorrow so I can't stay up late waiting - I'll give you two hours Slicks!


BMW 533i - 1983 and 1984 only.




-Model T - 1908 to 1927.


1,501 Miles to Albuquerque.
Sorry Slicks, but that's a Ford Model A, which was produced from late 1927 to 1931, just as the examples from myself and Joey. Here's an example from 1931:

Here's the epitomy of Model T Fords:

There were all sorts of Model T variants produced from 1908 to 1927 (you got the years right 👍 ) so telling what the hell it is can be complicated. The main thing is that Model Ts look like they're made of paper mache, and Model As actually have a structure of sorts.

EDIT: But now I'm starting to think your picture is a Chevrolet. I'm not hip with these old cars and am relying on pictures, but your car has some weird things about it. The rear isn't flat like all the fords I've seen, and the curve of the fenders is a bit different. I also notice the little thing under the windshield that curves forward is a little different, and so is the grille. Of course it might just all be custom stuff.

Fudge it. They all look the same.
My entries suck, but here they are anyway:


Grand Rapids, MI to Portland, ME : About 944 Miles

Oldest Ford:


Well, I think its a Ford. Its definitely pre-war, my brother thinks '36 or so, but it may be a Chevrolet... They looked similar back then.


As promised, my Eisenhower-era Ford coupe:


1960 Ford Tunderbird. A beautiful example at that...
LOL more like Thunderbroad. Damn those things are big and ugly.
Its not my favorite of all the Thunderbirds, but I thought they looked pretty good right around then...

OLDEST BMW - Gingiba
OLDEST FORD - Keef, Joey D, Slicks (who knew the Model A would be found so much?!)
LONG DISTANCE - Joey D (barely edging out the 911 from Alberta and the Hyundai from Western Australia)

BONUS - Bubble Bunny, SammiTougeGirl

That means SammiTougeGirl and Joey D tie with two points each. You two can figure out who goes next.
Alright that's cool

Biggest horsepower gain from a sport package - The STOCK vehicle with the biggest gain from normal to "sport" package. Example: The Chevy Impala comes standard with 211hp but the SS package is at 303hp meaning there is a 92hp gain.

Most valuable motorcycle - The motorcycle that cost the most when new, no custom choppers allowed.

Quickest SUV - The STOCK SUV with the best 0-60/62mph time, this must be classified an SUV by the automaker themselves. No Crossovers.

Worst power to weight ratio - The stock car that had to much weight and not enough go power. Example: The Blazer is 3712lbs with 190hp...meaning 19.54lbs/hp.

Audi RS4
Oh, those are great categories. Gain from Sportspackage might get tough, unless you count Impreza --> STi? And certain teutonic products that including adding 1, 2 or 3 letters to the name of the car.

SUV, Motorcycle aren't a problem - got ideas already. PWR, might have to look, and RS4s are private-import (very rare), so I'm not sure...
I've got two excelent ideas for the sport category, that is, if I can find them. One involves the number "8" and indeed comes from Detroit, and the other is a pretty obvious choice from Western Europe.

The motorcycle is going to be tough, as I don't know much about them other than I like the expensive ones, ie BMWs, Moto Guzzis, and Ducatis.

I like the "Quickest SUV" category, as there are a lot of options there. However, Doug will likely get what I'm thinking of, so I have to try to find the mortal enemy from Detroit. However, that enemy I'm thinking of may apply to the "sport" category as well.

"Worst power to weight ratio?" That one may be a bit tougher than I think it is, but we'll see. I have a good idea for what I can do, but I'll have to run the numbers...
The STI does count as it's the sporty version of the Impreza...the Evo however does not since it's nothing like the normal Lancer.

Other cars to consider:
Mazdaspeed, SVT, SRT, the Audi R line, M-series, etc.

And for the quickest SUV I'm hoping someone puts up a Typhoon...probably won't win but never the less I would like to see one.
Just a question... On, say, BMW M-cars or Audi RS', do we consider HP gained compared to highest normal HP? That'd put the 5-series at a pretty small gain, comparably.
I say we do whatever is standard on the car itself. The 5 series has a standard 300hp I-6 so if you saw an M5 that would be a 200hp gain.
Typhoons are hard to find in Michigan, and that has to make it ten times harder anywhere else in the country. I can count the times I've seen a Typhoon or a Cyclone on my two hands, and thats a disappointment.

...I'm guessing that a truck will win the power contest...
But the 5-series comes with 5 engines here, each with different ratings. It's a problem...

BMW 5-series engines and power-ratings:
  • 523i: 177HP
  • 525i: 218HP
  • 530i: 258HP
  • 540i: 306HP
  • 550i: 367HP

So a guy photographing a current-gen M5 will, obviously, want to use the 117HP 2.3l engine. And for reference, the Audi A4 is sold with 7 different engines. Which is 12 different power-configurations.
Just use the lowest rated petrol engine, as diesel kinda defeats the purpose. Unless of course the "sport" model is a diesel, then by all means...
But again - a Subaru Impreza is sold with a 105HP engine, and a 120HP engine. STis are around 300HP. 5-series ranges from 177HP to 367HP - the latter giving it a disadvantage. And to be honest, nobody buys the 523i.
Wow you guys get a lot more engines then we do here in the states. I'd say just pick the one that most people buy.
Wow you guys get a lot more engines then we do here in the states. I'd say just pick the one that most people buy.

Problem is, that varies from place to place. Here, the most common 5-series is the 218HP version, the 525i. But YSSMAN (I think) said, the 300HP version is the base in the US... Which makes the 5-series far less attractive there. That way, a WRX surpasses the M5 in terms of power-increase - 200% more Vs. 160% more. And then the STi reaches 300%...
I agree with Gingiba.

What most people buy depends on the country they live in. Here in north america, 530's and 545's along with the new 535's and 550's are considered to be common while in europe and asian countries, engines can be as small as a 520i.

Anyways, i'll start us off. Im posting this early because i dont think its very hard to beat.

996 turbo cabrio. 100hp up from a "stock" 996 carrera

Alright that's cool

Biggest horsepower gain from a sport package - The STOCK vehicle with the biggest gain from normal to "sport" package. Example: The Chevy Impala comes standard with 211hp but the SS package is at 303hp meaning there is a 92hp gain.

M3 gains over 325 or 330?

Do this category by percentage and it might be more fair.
Percentage gains would probably make more sense overall. Even if you are going from 400 to 500 BHP, its less impressive than going from 150 to 300.
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