Yeah - look for a Saturn Redline the next time you come here and that category might make a bit more sense to you.
That's insanely funny, especially because Saturns are
from the US and only sold in North America
Um, everyone? I've never been to a place where people put on so many bumper stickers.
Doug... please. Las Vegas is
not Europe. Just because they have something that lloks like the Eiffel Tower and something that looks like Venice doesn't make it the whole continent.
Hey buddy, I can tell what country you're from based on your license plate - no need to put seven gigantic "F" stickers in your window.
what? You're not drunk, are you?
You're missing the point of the category. Yes, cars like the Yaris and Carisma would do the trick. It doesn't say anything about Lincolns or Cadillacs,
You missed the point of my post. But that's alright, I wouldn't want to stress you. I was saying that Caddies and Lincolns are traditionally older people's cars (except for Ghost C's Caddie), while the Yaris and the Carisma, although very popular with older generations, are usually targeted for the younger crowds, hence they're not what you'd call an older people's car. Besides, the "most likely to be driven by a older person" category is completely subjective, since no one car is directed to a set target.
but no surprise you read it this way in your constant tirade against Americans.
Honestly, coming from you, I'll take that as a joke. Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I don't like Americans.
Oh please, no.
And you'll note my bonus is a car that's been out in Europe for twice as long as it has in the states and costs less there than it does here. No surprise you left that one out.
Oh, cool. Thank you so much

I feel so much better now. I'm so excited I may end up with one point per car.
By the way - you'll note that a European JUST made up the categories and an American won. And prior to that an American made the categories and a European won. Whoa - it's possible
Omigosh... if you'll read my previous posts (which you clearly didn't) I made a few questions regarding the categories, all of which were never answered and at the point I said that we should clear things up I was invited to not join the competition.
So Doug, old buddy, old pal, I'd appreciate it if you read a bit about what's going on and get mroe exposure to the rest of the world and see what goes on there. Alrighty?
But in all honesty, who am I to try to say, when I'm trying to go in a car Scavenger Hunt against someone who does nothing but take pictures of cars. I am but a student in the ways of the car hunter. I've spent far too long going to college, getting married, buying a house and doing everything else that entails having a life, when I should've gone around the US taking pictures of cars.