Scavenger Hunt Week 12 - check post 1 for details.

  • Thread starter Boz Mon
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A big đź‘Ť for Gashly for having common sense.
Roight, so let's see how we fare here:

Pickup truck with the most stuff in the back.

Hey look, a pick-up truck...

D'oh, it's empty. First pick-up I've seen this week. *tear*

Most stickers.

Yeah, I went to a rally... but it was on the road, and it's street legal. It even has the licence plate.-

Vehicle most likely to be driven by an old person.

Older people nowadays buy smaller cars, because their reflexes aren't really that good. This car just screamed 75 year old driver to me. Notice the straw hat on the dashboard: perfect for that old lady who's going to the beach, or just walking around in this sun-infested island. The state of the car just speaks for itself... countless bangs everywhere... I didn't look behind it because I was walking my dog and would've had to walk into the street.

4. Most outrageous rims.

Not really outrageous per se, but the rims don't look half bad. Except they're Mercedes rims... on a Mazda MX-5. Not really relevant, but the car also has a Mercedes steering wheel.

1. Pickup truck with the most stuff in the back.


I count 7 bags of cement, what appears to be 2 hundredweight of sand under a tarp, a spade, a shovel, a long-handled broom, a plank of wood, two buckets (one with a brick in it), some long-handled edging shears, some unidentified bits of masonry and a lockable tool tidy in this cab-forward commercial pick-up.

2. Most bumper stickers.

This one confused me. Is a bumper sticker merely any external sticker, or does it have to be bumper-based? I haven't seen any real bumper stickers in years - Doug cites the country of origin stickers, mandatory in Europe on foreign vehicles (when the country of origin isn't displayed on the registration plate), but I haven't seen any of those on any bumpers either. So I went for:


(potentially seven external stickers, but possibly just three or, if each letter is done individually... many).


That's four - those two red reflectors are non-standard and stuck on. Or maybe two if you're being harsh.


That's at least six (two speed limit stickers, two "A" stickers, two "Mangler" stickers) and possibly, if you include the honking great decals on the rear... errr... You count.

3. Vehicle most likely to be driven by an old person.

I was of a similar mind to Gashlycrumb - old people = old cars:


Hillman Imp - and, lo and behold, an old person at the wheel.

But then I had a change of heart to a Diego-like place of Zen. What is it that old people WANT from their cars? Well... they're likely to buy new, for a start, because "new cars are new" - I know of no old people other than my dad (who likes to get as much car as he can for his money, explaining the S-Type R) who buy used cars. So we're looking for something either brand new or likely bought as new and run by the same owner still.

They don't drive much - Sundays and pensioner-specials at the supermarket. So we need something still in showroom condition.

Because they buy new, we're looking for low value-for-money cars - £10k buys you a 10 year old Esprit V8, or a brand new hatchback. So hatchbacks are the cars of preference here. But teenagers drive hatchbacks too... A newer driver will be wanting something with sporty pretensions, or at least a sporty frock, leaving the duller models to the oldies who, as a rule, aren't that bothered about the journey. So we can rule out any warmer variants of hatchbacks - Zetec this, VXR that, MG whatever.

They also stick with what they know - none of these new-fangled makes like "Honda" or "Mazda". They didn't fight 6 years of war just to drive Japanese cars. So we need a manufacturer that has been around for ages, and we need it to be a really quite bad manufacturer - old people like bad manufacturers, because they can support something that "boy racers" and other such young folk have a distaste of. Home-based manufacturers are better still - that tinge of patriotic pride in something so awful gives the oldies a teary eye.

And last, but not least, is the colour. None of your sporty reds, blacks and silvers. No cool-looking blues and modern greens. We need a colour that stands the test of time.

I present to you... A burgundy 1.4 litre 2001 Rover 25.


Mit old person. Or a greying Simon Cowell...


4. Most outrageous rims.

Meh. Bit of a lack of talent on this one.


18 inch cartwheels on a 10 year old 2.0 Vectra Estate worth both halves of bugger all.


Deep-dish, chrome rimmed, black 17" wheels on a 1.2 Renault Clio "Be Bop"...

Bonus: Land Rover LR2

Two thereof, one at a cinema, one (a demonstrator) at a supermarket:


Besides, the "most likely to be driven by a older person" category is completely subjective, since no one car is directed to a set target.

And for the PC Europeans:


Those are cars pretty much explicitly designed for old people. And Toyota created an entire brand to target kids in high-school/college. In any case, I will concede that whether the car is designed specifically for an age group and whether it is driven by that age group is largely luck, as Toyota also designed the "creepy 40 year old guy" Echo for the same group that Scion was made for.
I certainly wouldn't want to go into this one again, but the category implies "older person"... older than Doug? Older than me? Older than you? What defines old? Oh well, nevermind. For the record, that car you've posted (is it a Rover) is driven primarily by the Mondeo/Avensis market = male, 35-45, married, 1-2 kids.

@Famine: That Clio is a real barry... but the rims aren't that easy to see.. got a better pic? What did you think of the Mercedes MX-5? I knew it would squiggle your squeakies.

At one point Doug refers to the bumper stickers being on the window... with that in mind, I assumed the stickers could very well be everywhere.
Old people are typically classified as someone over 65. I wish I was home I would have won it with a Caliber spot.
Old people are typically classified as someone over 65. I wish I was home I would have won it with a Caliber spot.

A Caliber?? Is that the car that took over the Neon market? That would be classified as a 25-35 car here.
I certainly wouldn't want to go into this one again, but the category implies "older person"... older than Doug? Older than me? Older than you? What defines old? Oh well, nevermind. For the record, that car you've posted (is it a Rover) is driven primarily by the Mondeo/Avensis market = male, 35-45, married, 1-2 kids.

@Famine: That Clio is a real barry... but the rims aren't that easy to see.. got a better pic? What did you think of the Mercedes MX-5? I knew it would squiggle your squeakies.

I've not seen anyone younger than 55 driving a Rover 75. MG ZT, yes. Rover 75 no. It's a peculiar demarcation - retired folk drive the Rover equivalent and younger drivers (kids up to middle-aged) drive the MG variants. In either case, someone who thinks a new or nearly-new Rover represents a good purchase is so close to senility that their actual age doesn't matter...

Yes, the Clio is really very Barry indeed - and it was photographed by the passenger in an MX-5 I was driving! No better pictures, sadly. It vanished in a blaze of Techno shortly after (though, being a 1.2 laden with stereo equipment and bodykit, it didn't do it very quickly).

A Caliber?? Is that the car that took over the Neon market? That would be classified as a 25-35 car here.

Yes - the Caliber is definitely marketed as a mid-30s "lifestyle" vehicle over here.
It's marketed towards that but old people have bought it, I've read that in more then one automotive publication.

Hillman Imp - and, lo and behold, an old person at the wheel.

*cough!* Austin A40 Farina

I was convinced you'd found a Metro Automatic when you said you'd 'already won the old person category'
Thought I'd take a look in this thread and well...
Give me some time on photos. :lol:
As for the old people thing...
That's hard to do since so many old people buy cars to feel young! :ouch:
Maybe it's just the drivers down in my area but I see seniors with scions to CTS-Vs. :confused:
With that in mind, I'd have to say the true "old person car" is anything that isn't being driven properly. :irked:
Thought I'd take a look in this thread and well...
Give me some time on photos. :lol:
As for the old people thing...
That's hard to do since so many old people buy cars to feel young! :ouch:
Maybe it's just the drivers down in my area but I see seniors with scions to CTS-Vs. :confused:
With that in mind, I'd have to say the true "old person car" is anything that isn't being driven properly. :irked:

In theory, this week's selection has been over for nigh-on 24 hours. We're just waiting on Doug's judgment...
Sorry guys - I've been having some troubles lately. No excuse, I know! I will get the judgements up on the next three hours, almost certainly sooner (hopefully within the next hour).
Have judged.

Pickup truck with stuff in the back: Famine.
Most likely to be driven by an old person: Gashlycrumb. Just look at that thing.
Most outrageous rims: Diego, easily. The others may have been outrageous but non-matching vehicle rims is even more upsetting. What I think is craziest is that I don't even think those are Mercedes wheels - could it be that a Mazda owner stuck a Mercedes badge on aftermarket wheels? Ugh.
Most bumper stickers: Famine by default, as I couldn't count Diego's sighting given its place of being. But I think he knew that might happen, despite his valiant argument.

Bonus: Famine only.

So points:

Famine - 3
Diego - 1
Gashlycrumb - 1

Famine's turn for next week. Feel free to delay the hunt one day to make up for my tardiness - once again I apologize for the delay.

1. M5Power 14pts
2. Joey D 10pt.
3. Bubble Bunny 6pts.
4. Famine 5pt.
4. SammiTougeGirl 5pts.
4. Ferrari_Chris 5pts.
5. YSSMAN 4pts.
6. Keef 3pt.
6. Slicks 3pts.
6. Gashlycrumb 3pt
7. chaser_fan 2pts.
7. Toronado 2pt.
8. Gingiba 1pt.
8. Diego 1pt.
New categories:

1. Most expensive car ultimately produced with Ford money (I will be using UK£ values to level the field off, and converting $1.90/£ for any vehicles sold in the US but not the UK).
2. Fastest French car.
3. Twins! Any picture containing two successive examples of the same vehicle. Shocking Twist - the more successive examples you get, the better. If someone posts triplets, twins won't be good enough for the point. If someone posts quadruplets, triplets won't be good enough for the point.
4. V10s. Just post me up some V10 engined cars. I like them.

Bonus vehicle: BMW X5. Shocking Twist - A BMW X5 with a vanity plate beats a BMW X5. Shocking Twist 2 - A BMW X5 with a vanity plate which doesn't contain the phrases "X5" or "BMW" beats a BMW X5 with a vanity plate.

All vehicles must be road-legal, production road cars, and, as per usual, dealership and car show spots are out.

Deadline has been stretched to midnight BST (GMT+1) Tuesday 10th July.
We're going to have a rough time with the French car category here in the US, but it should be fun. The last "official" French cars were sold in the very early '90s (I want to say Peugeot was last-out in 1993), so there will be searching required.

Otherwise, great topics. The Ford issue should be fun for me here in Michigan (if I can find the car I'm looking for), and same goes with the twins/etc issue, given how many Ford Tauruses and Chevrolet Impalas there are around here.
We're going to have a rough time with the French car category here in the US, but it should be fun. The last "official" French cars were sold in the very early '90s (I want to say Peugeot was last-out in 1993), so there will be searching required.

Otherwise, great topics. The Ford issue should be fun for me here in Michigan (if I can find the car I'm looking for), and same goes with the twins/etc issue, given how many Ford Tauruses and Chevrolet Impalas there are around here.

Yes, I figured there might possibly be a Frenchy-issue with the USA - you do get the very fastest French car, and indeed car, of them all - but I figured that really there are very few extremely fast French cars (MVS Venturi... Alpine A610... Err...), so the winner is not likely to be too far north of 140mph. I'm not sure how the US's selection of French cars would cope with that, but to me at least it'll be interesting to see what the fastest American French car really is...

Still, it should test the old Hunting mettle :D

Edit: I should note the word "successive" in the Twins category. Two identical Ford Tauruses with a Chevrolet Impala between them is not successive. You need to wait for that Chevy to move out of the way...
We're going to have a rough time with the French car category here in the US, but it should be fun. The last "official" French cars were sold in the very early '90s (I want to say Peugeot was last-out in 1993), so there will be searching required.

Peugeot said 'thanks, seeya' in 1991 with the 405 and 505. No American can win that category. Not complaining though - I like these categories. Thanks for the deadline extension Famine - again, sorry for my tardiness.
is that your final entry?

I have a question about the twins: Must the two (or more cars) be directly next to each other, or can I take a picture of a street where there's a row of cars parked and say, the first car and the fourth are "twins"?
is that your final entry?

I have a question about the twins: Must the two (or more cars) be directly next to each other, or can I take a picture of a street where there's a row of cars parked and say, the first car and the fourth are "twins"?

Edit: I should note the word "successive" in the Twins category. Two identical Ford Tauruses with a Chevrolet Impala between them is not successive. You need to wait for that Chevy to move out of the way...

What he said.
Quick question - if Diego gets a spot of an X5 but I get a spot of an X5 on vanity plates - do I get a point and he gets none, or do I get two and he gets one, or do we both get one, or what?
Quick question - if Diego gets a spot of an X5 but I get a spot of an X5 on vanity plates - do I get a point and he gets none, or do I get two and he gets one, or do we both get one, or what?

X5 with vanity plate > X5 without vanity plate. So you get a point and he doesn't.
Do you get extra points for spotting a none-black/silver/shade-of-metallic-grey X5?
Hmmmm, a relatively fast French car is sitting outside my window just now....
and and and, if I post 25 BMW X5s without a vanity plate, and Doug posts one with a vanity plate... does he still het one point while I get none?

What I think is craziest is that I don't even think those are Mercedes wheels - could it be that a Mazda owner stuck a Mercedes badge on aftermarket wheels? Ugh.

I really don't know. The owner is a female nurse, who is pretty hot, by the way. She works close to my apartment... I've never really asked her, but she has uglied the car a lot. As I mentioned, it has a Mercedes steering wheel, and the front logo has been changed for the sticker of a flower. I think I have the pic of the steering wheel around.

I couldn't count Diego's sighting given its place of being. But I think he knew that might happen, despite his valiant argument.

Yeah, I figured as much. Funnily, though, I've seen tarmac rally cars such as that one around the street and on the highway once or twice. Usually when there's a rally going on and they aren't funded enough to hire their own trailer.

EDIT: here's the steering wheel pic. The car was parked and I was in my car at the time (holding up traffic) so the picture isn't perfect.

Click to enlarge
and and and, if I post 25 BMW X5s without a vanity plate, and Doug posts one with a vanity plate... does he still het one point while I get none?


But if you get all 25 in a row in the same shot, you're looking at a shoe-in for the Twins category.

1 point goes to the winner of each category. When categories are tied (like V10s), you get a point each.
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