But if you get all 25 in a row in the same shot, you're looking at a shoe-in for the Twins category.
DiegoEDIT: here's the steering wheel pic. The car was parked and I was in my car at the time (holding up traffic) so the picture isn't perfect.
Bubble BunnySorry for my lack of knowledge but what exactly is a vanity plate?
You mean a plate that actually says something instead of just random numbers and letters issued by the government?
Back to Maxin and relaxin.
Sorry for my lack of knowledge but what exactly is a vanity plate?
You mean a plate that actually says something instead of just random numbers and letters issued by the government?
Doug - that's an odd-one. I've never seen the -o version in print, always the -e version. On checking, it looks like the newspapers had it wrong all along.
I presumed the generations could be different.
Famine answer this one for us!
Also - do ALL vehicles have to be parked? Let's say I got a shot of two parked vehicles and one moving next to the parked vehicles. Three, or just two?
Oooo I can get a crappy pic of a crappy old Peugot...
Waiting for a Bentley Continental?
On that note, we should probably assume that these "twins" (etc) remain in one generation as well.
So even though you may have a MKI, MKII, MKIII, etc Golfs all lined up (which would be sweet in itself), its a no go unless you've got another given model next to the same.
oh... so they don't even have to be the same colour either?
That's sweet, I was stuck in traffic for about an hour this morning (yay daily commute!) And took many pics of two Clios, two Polos (same colour), two Toyota somethings.... and even five Seat Cordobas in a row.
Is this part of the competition cumulable (sp?), as in I can post as many as I want and get one (or more) point per each one?
If i'm on an MX-5 club run, or at a monthly meet (like last night) then I can get a shot of probably 10 of the same car together. Does that count?
And no, they don't have to be the same colour, or model generation, body style - just the same model. Joey's two Polos are fine - even though one's a 5-door and one's a 3-door. It's cool that they're both Mk4s AND silver though.
Your own cars don't count!!!
We'd all love to see it anyway, but no.
Oddly, if you were uninvolved and standing by the side of the road and the said OC run came past you, that'd count.
Use of your own car is not against the rules. I don't see how it should be when the target of the scavenge is decided by someone else.
Use of your own car is not against the rules. I don't see how it should be when the target of the scavenge is decided by someone else.