SCC Old Timer Event - 365 GTB/4 - Dec 6th, 2009 - *Event Complete - Results Posted*

  • Thread starter jjaisli
Bullie, you are right that clean racing is paramount. I'm at a loss to see who is trying to submissively force you into any contrary opinion.

I am a relative newcomer to organised online racing and this year's ROC was the first official event I ever entered. For me, the main attraction to racing with the guys who populate this forum is the fact that they make a genuine effort to race fairly and to a clear set of rules.

The fact that these events are attracting more drivers who might not be familiar with these rules will simply mean that they need to be clearly informed.
Jeff, please consider changing the grid settings. My suggestion is:

1st (practise) race: grid set to "record" lap (I believe this sets the order according to the leaderboard)

all event races: grid set to "fastest lap" (I believe this considers the fastest laps from the previous race)

I think this way we could (maybe) greatly reduce the problem of 1st lap pile ups

Guys, I really don't want to go down this route. Do you? Think about it very carefully before answering. Yes, I know that's how it works in the real world. But if we want to establish a grid order by fastest laps, we might as well not even run the event at all. Or at least have them all whittled down to 2-3 lap sprint races. Because after that, it's unlikely that the order will change. Inevitably, and baring any 1st corner incidents, which can happen anyway, I could almost tell you the finishing order of the next event without even running it. What's the point? It would take all the fun away from it. In the last event at Riviera, I started in last place and finished 3rd. (If I hadn't made so many ridiculous driving errors along the way it would have been a bit more impressive) And Mario also made a similar charge after being spun around. Isn't that what part of the fun is? Or am I just a head in the clouds, idealist here?

I don't want to go so far as to have reverse grids. But I think the random grid order ads an element of excitement and unpredictably to the races that I rather enjoy.
Fair enough, it was just a suggestion. :)

EDIT - And, to make it clear, my suggestion was meant to get me out of the way of the fast guys. You all know I elected the Riviera Race as "my best" and you all know how much fun I had battling for positions 11th, 10th, 9th ... it was a lot more fun than, as an example, the Nurburgring one (3rd after two laps, 3rd at the end) or the Spa one (lonely second in all the second half of the race).

But I don't like to feel I'm "Trullying" someone, and surely don't like to be punted out by someone that won't wait just because he is in a hurry to get to the front.
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I'm at a loss to see who is trying to submissively force you into any contrary opinion

No one is Derek. I was trying to emphasize that I'd rather prefer to not participate at all at the event if it is not clearly stated that those kinds of situations are not allowed and if there is not a committement amongst us to not use this type of driving, following Jeff's post where he classifies it (the using of off track for gaining advantage) as a 'bit grey' area.
Guys, I really don't want to go down this route. Do you? Think about it very carefully before answering. Yes, I know that's how it works in the real world. But if we want to establish a grid order by fastest laps, we might as well not even run the event at all. Or at least have them all whittled down to 2-3 lap sprint races. Because after that, it's unlikely that the order will change. Inevitably, and baring any 1st corner incidents, which can happen anyway, I could almost tell you the finishing order of the next event without even running it. What's the point? It would take all the fun away from it. In the last event at Riviera, I started in last place and finished 3rd. (If I hadn't made so many ridiculous driving errors along the way it would have been a bit more impressive) And Mario also made a similar charge after being spun around. Isn't that what part of the fun is? Or am I just a head in the clouds, idealist here?

I don't want to go so far as to have reverse grids. But I think the random grid order ads an element of excitement and unpredictably to the races that I rather enjoy.

I think either way has it 'pro's' and 'con's'. In my opinion the final outcome of the race wouldn't be that much different if the grid is made under fastet lap times rule, or randomly, because, let's face it, 9 or 15 laps is more than enough for some of you guys to leave the rest of the pack far behind.

As for the (possible) problems on first corners, either way can potentially cause them also: if its an unexperienced driver in front, tendency might be to play secure an try to hold on the valuable position, which likely means quite early braking and everyone crashing on it's rear end (that sounded awkward...). If faster guys on front, tendency for the unexperienced drivers would be to try to not loose contact with the front of the pack - late braking and smashing in your ...:odd:... you know...

So I guess either way are valid. I'll leave it to your best judgement 👍👍
I was trying to avoid this discussion because it seemed to me that it was very hot and could get personal and i see the races we have in a VIDEOGAME as fun sessions and not a matter of life and dead and not reason enought to get agraveted with...:nervous:
But since things have reached a point of almost personal ofenses are being made(because comparisons with kubika's behaviour and subtle implies of desonesty to me mean exactly that) i have to state a few reflexions:

I- I'm posting this thread because as i public assumed yesterday on the lobby I AM ONE OF THE PERSONS WHO GOES OFF TRACK IN HOCKENHEIM
II- In my defense ii would like to say that last night i really tryed to make an effort to readapt my breaking points in order to keep always on the track thought i recognize that i wasn't always able to do it(second race i had with this car in this track)-never the less to see what another driver does lap after lap it's implied that you are close enought to him to see what he does lap after lap or else have a telescopic view:)
III-Of tracks incursions occured all the time in last event(spa uphill) not to mention races at monza,paul ricard and of course california and never was made such noise about it so i concluded that this involves some personal "targetting"
IV-I think people should think before trhowing the 1st brick and before elaborating about the moral principles of clean racing is about introspect and watch his one behaviour in online racing because always punting people off track and get away with sorrys maybe is more disturbing to others than little incursions off track...

That said and remembering my initial point i play games to have fun and try to accomplish personal realization in things that really matter in life playing videogames is just a fun hobby ,but since there are different points of view to this subject ,different enought ,so it seems, to go on a cruzade about it and spoil fun for himself and others i don't want to be anybody's reason to not participate in the upcoming event so i think it's better if i redraw my inscription:nervous:👎
Fair enough Bullie. I'm confident we're all commited to avoid dubious tactics and the "grey area" Jeff talked about didn't refer to using it to gain advantage.

As far as the grid is concerned, I would be in favour of retaining the random setup despite the fact that I was forced to start each race towards the rear in each of the races in the last event. Maybe my luck will change next time!
As we say in Portugal - and it seems this is a portuguese affair - I think a thunderstorm is building up in a ... glass of water. :D
Well, let's not start breaking glasses. Somebody should drink the water and settle it. For the OFFICIAL event, nobody should purposely run wide, leaving the track between turns 12 & 13 with INTENT to gain an advantage. And since I'm SURE we will all abide by this rule for the event, leaving both the philosophical arguments and potentially allegorical accusations behind, I don't see a problem and nobody should withdraw. For me it's a closed case.

Fair enough?
In Ireland it's called a storm in a teacup! :)

Then let's leave the glasses of water and the cups of tea and just celebrate with :cheers:


PS - Changing subject to something more interesting ... last night I was in a practise lobby doing fine but not great, and still with my ROC wet setup (only increased the ride height). And then

1 - I beat everybody fair and square, lapping consistently faster, in Hockenheim wet.

(hmmm ... ok ... I'm using a wet setup after all)

2 - I do it again, a few races later, at Paul Ricard! :dopey:

Interesting, isn't it? Especially because in all other races I could barely keep up with the guys ...
As we say in Portugal - and it seems this is a portuguese affair - I think a thunderstorm is building up in a ... glass of water. :D

In Ireland it's called a storm in a teacup! :)

Idiom is perhaps the most interesting thing in language. It is certainly the most challenging when in comes to translation. But it’s somewhat amazing how so many proverbs and idiomatic expressions do have a very similar equivalent in different languages.

:) And in thinking of similarities – of taste, in this case –I’d like to ask my fellow countrymen, if I may, to call it a truce. You may know the rest of the story but I think you agree in what really matters here :)

And changing the subject - or going back to it -I kind of like this car; after the P4, it doesn't seem the beast I remembered. Going to put in some practice during the weekend!
I am going to address this matter for the last time - no matter what follow ups it might have, in the forum or online, simply to clarify to Arvore something that I thought it was made clear enough by me yesterday night in the SCC lobby:

1) I have never, either here or yesterday on the lobby were you (Arvore) and Derek were, mentioned anyone's name. Even when you said that you were one of the persons who did this, I stated very clearly (so I thought) that it was irrelevant WHO is doing it, but the matter was that IT IS DONE.

2) On that conversation, it was referred by you that it was hard for you to overcome this habit you had from FC races, where everybody do it (accordingly to your words), specially in "the heat" of the race. I said at that time, clearly, that I disagree that this is the type of situation that someone would do unconsciously, giving as an example of that kind of situation a chicane, because the off-tracking is so obvious that one has to do it consciously and premeditadely, and that I feel that is not fair racing, never even there addressing your name or example because, has I said before, its not a question of who is doing it - that is irrelevant!

3) Considering that the vast majority of SCC racers were also FC racers, and that the events Jeff's kindly organizing for us all to enjoy are becoming more and more attended, and taking your words from yesterday about how much of a common habit this was in that game, I felt that it should be clarified if this would be or not accepted on the events - therefore my original post from today, that had developed further in opinion changing with the rest of the posters.

4) There is nothing on this thread - with the exception of the possibility of me not entering the event - that wasn't said by me yesterday, online, in conversation with you and Derek. I'm dissapointed that then you had seemed to understand that I have been always talking in the abstract and not personally, and today you seem to think otherwise.

5) I'm also dissapointed that you mention personal offenses (on this thread, I suppose) made by me to you. I invite you - if you like - to pin-point the offenses I specifically have written or said towards/about/regarding you.

6) I have my opinion about this, which I ALSO mentioned it last night, when you said you'd understand that it could be considered as "cheating": this kind of behaviour is to me opposite to clean-racing because it is INTENTIONAL and with an objective - to gain advantage over other drivers. Likewise (I add today), it is no differently to what Kubica does, which isn't clean-racing either. I'm sorry if this is what you consider 'a personal' offense because, (again) I've never individualize this on you or anyone else. However, if that's the case and so it seems from your reply..., that is something that you have to deal with by yourself and so whoever else does the same thing on track, if they felt also offended, because it is you (and they) who do infringe INTENTIONALLY what are supposed to be the rules for a clean race.
My part on it was protesting here, the official thread of the event, that people do that on track which, to me, is not clean-racing (which now appears to be of common knowledge of everyone, and possibly it was due to the fact of me being a newcomer that led me to have this 'purist' idea of clean-racing and gentlemen driver, oftenly here mentioned).

7) About off-track incursions at Eau Rouge (Spa) also mentioned by you yesterday, I'd like to repeat my reply to you back then (and which it should give you another hint about the unpersonal way I dealt all the time about this, with the obvious exception of this post, and for the obvious reasons): If that it is happening also intentionally there, and anywhere and any track, my opinions are exactly the same: it is not admissible, it is against all what I've been led to believe that people here would abide to: clean-racing. About your conclusions they are yours and seem to be very variable from day to day.

8) As for the final point of your post (IV), I would abstain myself of comment that because I think, in the context of your whole post, it speaks for itself and people are more than able to reach their own conclusions about it.
ok ... I'm getting dizzy now.

First, I have no idea how can you gain time off track at Eau Rouge.

Second, I think you both are getting a bit too carried away with this conversation.

Third, the rules are very clear and I really can't understand why you guys are discussing what has no discussion., Jeff already stated all he had to write about this.

I'll summarize what's at stake.

1 - TWO WHEELS ON TRACK IS THE RULE TO BE FOLLOWED (According to Jeff and this is his event, so ...)

2 - MISTAKES HAPPEN (I fail this rule very often at Infineon and the reason nobody mentions it is just because you lose time there by going wide)



Now, can we all resume the discussion of setups? I'm really lost there ! :)
Can I just make a comment here: with regard to the "fastest lap" grid, I've never tried it before, but I think it could work to everyone's advantage.

The very fastest guys are going to wind up at the front anyway - starting them at the front avoids them having to push their way through the slower cars, with the resulting possible collisions (like MHAILWOOD in the last event).

The slowest guys are going to wind up at the back anyway - starting them at the back avoids having them rear-ended by the faster drivers coming up from behind.

The most active, competitive racing takes place between the "middle-of-the-pack" drivers. Grouping them together in the middle should lead to some tight racing, where they are not having to push their way through the slower drivers in order to stay in touch with the other ""middle-of-the-pack" drivers & they may still stand a chance of staying in touch with the fastest drivers.

I would say that the first priority is to have to the greatest extent possible, collision-free racing, because collisions drain the fun & fairness out of the racing, regardless of where someone starts.
I am going to address this matter for the last time - no matter what follow ups it might have, in the forum or online, simply to clarify to Arvore something that I thought it was made clear enough by me yesterday night in the SCC lobby:

1) I have never, either here or yesterday on the lobby were you (Arvore) and Derek were, mentioned anyone's name. Even when you said that you were one of the persons who did this, I stated very clearly (so I thought) that it was irrelevant WHO is doing it, but the matter was that IT IS DONE.

2) On that conversation, it was referred by you that it was hard for you to overcome this habit you had from FC races, where everybody do it (accordingly to your words), specially in "the heat" of the race. I said at that time, clearly, that I disagree that this is the type of situation that someone would do unconsciously, giving as an example of that kind of situation a chicane, because the off-tracking is so obvious that one has to do it consciously and premeditadely, and that I feel that is not fair racing, never even there addressing your name or example because, has I said before, its not a question of who is doing it - that is irrelevant!

3) Considering that the vast majority of SCC racers were also FC racers, and that the events Jeff's kindly organizing for us all to enjoy are becoming more and more attended, and taking your words from yesterday about how much of a common habit this was in that game, I felt that it should be clarified if this would be or not accepted on the events - therefore my original post from today, that had developed further in opinion changing with the rest of the posters.

4) There is nothing on this thread - with the exception of the possibility of me not entering the event - that wasn't said by me yesterday, online, in conversation with you and Derek. I'm dissapointed that then you had seemed to understand that I have been always talking in the abstract and not personally, and today you seem to think otherwise.

5) I'm also dissapointed that you mention personal offenses (on this thread, I suppose) made by me to you. I invite you - if you like - to pin-point the offenses I specifically have written or said towards/about/regarding you.

6) I have my opinion about this, which I ALSO mentioned it last night, when you said you'd understand that it could be considered as "cheating": this kind of behaviour is to me opposite to clean-racing because it is INTENTIONAL and with an objective - to gain advantage over other drivers. Likewise (I add today), it is no differently to what Kubica does, which isn't clean-racing either. I'm sorry if this is what you consider 'a personal' offense because, (again) I've never individualize this on you or anyone else. However, if that's the case and so it seems from your reply..., that is something that you have to deal with by yourself and so whoever else does the same thing on track, if they felt also offended, because it is you (and they) who do infringe INTENTIONALLY what are supposed to be the rules for a clean race.
My part on it was protesting here, the official thread of the event, that people do that on track which, to me, is not clean-racing (which now appears to be of common knowledge of everyone, and possibly it was due to the fact of me being a newcomer that led me to have this 'purist' idea of clean-racing and gentlemen driver, oftenly here mentioned).

7) About off-track incursions at Eau Rouge (Spa) also mentioned by you yesterday, I'd like to repeat my reply to you back then (and which it should give you another hint about the unpersonal way I dealt all the time about this, with the obvious exception of this post, and for the obvious reasons): If that it is happening also intentionally there, and anywhere and any track, my opinions are exactly the same: it is not admissible, it is against all what I've been led to believe that people here would abide to: clean-racing. About your conclusions they are yours and seem to be very variable from day to day.

8) As for the final point of your post (IV), I would abstain myself of comment that because I think, in the context of your whole post, it speaks for itself and people are more than able to reach their own conclusions about it.

Before giving this matter as closed would like to say a few things to you Bullie:
1- I think accusations have to be directed to someone ,not mentioning the name of the person you are pointing ,for me ,call it professional habit if you want,it's more agravating then not do it particculary when everybody knows,since i've made no secret of it, who is the target ,at least when you refer the person's name it enables one to defend himself.
2-From the conversation we had last night in the lobby it seemed clear to me that you would realize that whenever you refer to this situation, even in abstract, you would be ,despite other people,also refering to me.
3 -Being that known i take personal offense with the comparisons you've made with kubica's behaviour, that everybody knows respects nobody and nobody respects. In the other end there are innuendos of desonesty from which i will quote only one but are implied in the spirit of all the threads you've posted regarding this matter:
"It's like adjectivating one person of beeing very serious and other less serious: that's non-sense. You are either serious or you're not.
Clean racing isn't only to not send other people off track - its a whole code of conduct and respect and fair racing that involves many more aspects than just that one"~
And that were reitereted even after jeff pointed out that they were innapropriated.
4-About La rouge and anyother off track incursions that might have occured in and outside events during all week i never saw you make such a fuss about them and taken the strong positions you've taken like in the present matter,so i've gathered that after talking personaly(in the lobby of course) about this and not seeing you having taken the strong position you marked in these pages and then watching the cruzade you've made about it ,stating(after i told you and tought you would understand that i was reworking my breaking points in this track with this car) that the night before unfair driving had been repeated lap after lap( which i was only pointing out that was impossible for you to have witnessed) intentionaly in prejudice of your idea of clean racing you were clearly going for one of two possible situations a) getting me excluded of the event,b) exclude yourself blaming me (and others who might have the same action) which for me is unnacceptable.So i decided to save you some time and trouble and excluded myself.
5-About some funny (so i thought) observations i've made i was just making a point of reflexion: should we judge, public dennounce and lecture other people about moralitty and rules of clean racing before looking to oneselves actions and probably find that not all of them are so pure,impoluted and free of repair???Because every sorry x,sorry y, sorry z (n times per race)we ear are penaltys not given because they are off,and that really hurts every other driver much more then going off track in two turns in one track, and i never saw you stop and giving up the position that you unfairly took(so i allowed myself to think you weren't the best of guys to cruzade for the clean racing and the gentle behaviour that you like so much to procclaim) like you know i do, because you saw it ,remember the race that you felt the need to share in this forum that you've won?
- Silvestone national (I WON! WITH ALAN IN THE LOBBY!!!! )
I was second most of the race then got greedy and rammed eddietrout off the track so i've waited stopped in the track for him(more than 5 secs) allowing you and dereck-who probably would anyway- to overtake me ,and thats clean racing so any comparisons between me and kubica(who probably never was so famous:)) offended me and you should know that.
So take out the conclusions you want, just don't adjectivate others people actions in a public forum judge them and classify them as less serious or desonest and expect no reaction...
As i've said before the videogames to me are fun and a way to entertain myself and have a good time and not a way of life or something that i thought i would go all this trouble for,and this isn't funny and enjoyable anymore...:drool:👎
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This is getting ridiculous! Accusations flying all over the place and in reality its just a game where we can have a laugh. I'd understand if this was for real and the tarmac was only inches a way doing 140mph, but its not, so lighten up a bit!

Was is in a couple of lobbies yesterday with Ghost Yelo and his mates (great laugh listening to them talking) and Hairy Dave. Exchanged settings and did a bit of practising and started enjoying this car for once.
I would like to give this a go if there's space, will try and add some of you as i would like some trusted people to race against with this game
Anyway, getting back to setups, I haven't touched this car since practicing for round 3 of the ROC. I decided to start from scratch and and run a few laps of each track to establish a feel for what the car felt like stock and what my lap times were. From there I tried to make some changes and compare it.

(Sorry for not accepting people's invites but I'm just really behind and haven't turned the PS3 on all week. And I wanted to do some controlled running without getting in people's way).

Right now, here's what I have:

Camber: -2.5/-2.5
Toe: -.5/-.5
Ride height: +3/+5
Sway bars: hard/hard
Springs: hard/soft
Dampeners: hard/soft

It seems to work. Although, it looks like none of my times posted to the leaderboard, even after 1/2 an hour. :grumpy:

Alright they're up. It's a very windy day here and twice when I was playing the power cut out in the middle of running laps. :ouch:

Anyway, I think I'm OK with the set-up as is. Although I need to work on my lines at Vallelunga. I think I can gain another 1/2 second if I really work it and tip-toe. And I haven't done any practice at Hockenheim or Paul Ricard yet.

Alright, 1/2 a second gained (:)), but I think I'm pretty much at my limit unless I can find some more time by changing my lines or shift points. mhm really has this track down and is > 2 full seconds ahead so there's obviously more time to be gained somewhere. Hmmm. :confused: And in any event, I refuse to practice at Paul Ricard more. ;)

I have to say, looking at the leaderboards and seeing the lot of you up and down the top ten, practicing and fighting it out for those few 10ths, it's just very, very cool. :cool: I'm glad everybody's taking up the challenge and enjoying this.

What kind of times are you guys running at Hockenheim in the wet?


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Reading through all these posts is very interesting because the one thing you all seem to have in common is the passion to play the game fairly - and in doing so, to get more out of the game than is possible in random lobbies.

Even though there is debate, in the end we all want to race the game and enjoy it.

Someone already posted a similar sentiment and i'll just re-iterate it - as long as people approach these events to enjoy, regardless of the result, it will probably work. Approaching these things hell bent on winning at all costs will bring problems!

But so far i like what i've read here, you all seem quite sensible!
hi jeff
Hockenheim in the wet should be around 2:12 every start praticing:)
Played around 7 hour today nearly all in this car.had some good races with
chilledant,turnupdaheat and mhailwood,and we had severel good and
close races.this should be very interesting next sunday because everybody's
so close it will be down to starting start praticing:tup:
Yeah, I'll need to. I've only done about 5 laps practice and I forgot to reduce the AI to 1:1 and I was still trying to 'find' my way around. But needless to say, I'm a few seconds off of this pace. Trying to find the time has been really tough for me lately.
Camber: -2.5/-2.5
Toe: -.5/-.5
Ride height: +3/+5
Sway bars: hard/hard
Springs: hard/soft
Dampeners: hard/soft

Do you think this improved grip, overall? I've tried a lot of different setups and although I do feel in fact the car more 'snapier', grip (lack of) still is a problem. What do you feel about it?
Why do you guys only race these old cars? Just curious....

I didn't mind the F330 P4, but I tried this car the other night and I wasn't to thrilled with it.
@ bullie77: The negative camber front and rear improves cornering grip at the expense of braking distance/straight line stability and a bit of straight line speed. It's a trade off. If this game accounted for tire wear, these extreme camber settings would have you burn through the tires very quickly. Since there IS no tire wear in this game it basically allows you to abuse whatever extreme camber settings you wish. If this game took tire wear into consideration, these settings would likely be unrealistic in a 15 lap race. The negative toe will make the rear a bit more 'compliant' and it won't begin to 'rotate' quite so easily. But the trade off is when it does go, it's a bit harder to catch. I would classify this setup as 'faster' but 'trickier'. And I tried to stay somewhat conservative. Essentially when I was trying different settings (and regretfully ignoring one race invite after the next) what I tried to do with this car was two fold: (1) increase grip both front and rear and (2) allow me to put power down a bit easier. Compared to the LM, setting up this car was easy.

@ jasonb1985: Well, this is an 'Old Timer Event' so... :) But I guess this doesn't tell the full story. I started these events already back in the Ferrari Challenge days. I really didn't much care for the F430 Challenge and it seemed to be the only car people were racing on-line. I would open a lobby here or there with the 250 GTO or maybe the 365 GTB/4 and I would sit there watching a blank screen for 30 minutes. Maybe somebody would venture in, start the race, completely misjudge the braking distance for the first corner and would promptly quit the lobby. And it was a shame because I feel the older cars with their slower pace, longer braking distances and dodgy handling are some of the best cars for good side by side racing compared to the frenetic pace of the newer cars. So I wanted to run a few of these events in Supercar Challenge with the hope that others would join in and see their merits as good vehicles for on-line running. And maybe pull people away from their fixation on the DB9R.

Truth be told, my favorite car is actually the 355 Challenge. Once the "Old Timer Series" is over, I intend to run a Ferrari Challenge series with the 348/355/430 Challenge cars. But, one step at a time... ;)
@ bullie77: The negative camber front and rear improves cornering grip at the expense of braking distance/straight line stability and a bit of straight line speed. It's a trade off. If this game accounted for tire wear, these extreme camber settings would have you burn through the tires very quickly. Since there IS no tire wear in this game it basically allows you to abuse whatever extreme camber settings you wish. If this game took tire wear into consideration, these settings would likely be unrealistic in a 15 lap race. The negative toe will make the rear a bit more 'compliant' and it won't begin to 'rotate' quite so easily. But the trade off is when it does go, it's a bit harder to catch. I would classify this setup as 'faster' but 'trickier'. And I tried to stay somewhat conservative. Essentially when I was trying different settings (and regretfully ignoring one race invite after the next) what I tried to do with this car was two fold: (1) increase grip both front and rear and (2) allow me to put power down a bit easier. Compared to the LM, setting up this car was easy.

@ jasonb1985: Well, this is an 'Old Timer Event' so... :) But I guess this doesn't tell the full story. I started these events already back in the Ferrari Challenge days. I really didn't much care for the F430 Challenge and it seemed to be the only car people were racing on-line. I would open a lobby here or there with the 250 GTO or maybe the 365 GTB/4 and I would sit there watching a blank screen for 30 minutes. Maybe somebody would venture in, start the race, completely misjudge the braking distance for the first corner and would promptly quit the lobby. And it was a shame because I feel the older cars with their slower pace, longer braking distances and dodgy handling are some of the best cars for good side by side racing compared to the frenetic pace of the newer cars. So I wanted to run a few of these events in Supercar Challenge with the hope that others would join in and see their merits as good vehicles for on-line running. And maybe pull people away from their fixation on the DB9R.

Truth be told, my favorite car is actually the 355 Challenge. Once the "Old Timer Series" is over, I intend to run a Ferrari Challenge series with the 348/355/430 Challenge cars. But, one step at a time... ;)

Gotcha. I do agree that some of the faster cars can get a bit crazy. A full grid of F50 GT's could get a bit out of hand. I'll definitely be in for the 348/355/430 Challenge events. I really really like the 348 Challenge. I haven't unlocked the 355 Challenge yet. I'm not against the older cars, I find them to be pretty neat, I just like variety. :)
Camber: -2.5/-2.5
Toe: -.5/-.5
Ride height: +3/+5
Sway bars: hard/hard
Springs: hard/soft
Dampeners: hard/soft

Back to setups talk (not that there is many, I see SCC folks, unlike what happens(ed) in GT5P, are very secretive about them :mischievous: ).

I recommend positive toe at the back, in everything else my setup is pretty much like this one, although with more extreme values.

Camber -4/-3.2
Toe -0.10/+0.10
Ride Height +4/+12

I think I have a top five laptime in all event tracks with this, apart from Infineon where I almost didn't practise yet.
Got my tune finished to my liking yesterday and am really finding that there are 10 ways to skin a cat in SCC. Prologue was a little more 'right or wrong' with tuning which is making things a little tricky.

It's interesting to see the different tunes. I'm sure its all how you drive around ur tune. Some tunes that I've tried in the past from you guys just don't work... perhaps tuned on controller and I'm on a wheel.
Good luck dude .. im still not happy with my tune .. but then again . will you ever be
at one point should stop tuning and then just drive the car . get use to the trackes and getting your times down !

Will try a couple of sets tonight .. and then just settle on what ever "feels" the best .
then get down and drive the wheels off it !!