I am going to address this matter for the last time - no matter what follow ups it might have, in the forum or online, simply to clarify to Arvore something that I thought it was made clear enough by me yesterday night in the SCC lobby:
1) I have never, either here or yesterday on the lobby were you (Arvore) and Derek were, mentioned anyone's name. Even when you said that you were one of the persons who did this, I stated very clearly (so I thought) that it was irrelevant WHO is doing it, but the matter was that IT IS DONE.
2) On that conversation, it was referred by you that it was hard for you to overcome this habit you had from FC races, where everybody do it (accordingly to your words), specially in "the heat" of the race. I said at that time, clearly, that I disagree that this is the type of situation that someone would do unconsciously, giving as an example of that kind of situation a chicane, because the off-tracking is so obvious that one has to do it consciously and premeditadely, and that I feel that is not fair racing, never even there addressing your name or example because, has I said before, its not a question of who is doing it - that is irrelevant!
3) Considering that the vast majority of SCC racers were also FC racers, and that the events Jeff's kindly organizing for us all to enjoy are becoming more and more attended, and taking your words from yesterday about how much of a common habit this was in that game, I felt that it should be clarified if this would be or not accepted on the events - therefore my original post from today, that had developed further in opinion changing with the rest of the posters.
4) There is nothing on this thread - with the exception of the possibility of me not entering the event - that wasn't said by me yesterday, online, in conversation with you and Derek. I'm dissapointed that then you had seemed to understand that I have been always talking in the abstract and not personally, and today you seem to think otherwise.
5) I'm also dissapointed that you mention personal offenses (on this thread, I suppose) made by me to you. I invite you - if you like - to pin-point the offenses I specifically have written or said towards/about/regarding you.
6) I have my opinion about this, which I ALSO mentioned it last night, when you said you'd understand that it could be considered as "cheating": this kind of behaviour is to me opposite to clean-racing because it is INTENTIONAL and with an objective - to gain advantage over other drivers. Likewise (I add today), it is no differently to what Kubica does, which isn't clean-racing either. I'm sorry if this is what you consider 'a personal' offense because, (again) I've never individualize this on you or anyone else. However, if that's the case and so it seems from your reply..., that is something that you have to deal with by yourself and so whoever else does the same thing on track, if they felt also offended, because it is you (and they) who do infringe INTENTIONALLY what are supposed to be the rules for a clean race.
My part on it was protesting here, the official thread of the event, that people do that on track which, to me, is not clean-racing (which now appears to be of common knowledge of everyone, and possibly it was due to the fact of me being a newcomer that led me to have this 'purist' idea of clean-racing and gentlemen driver, oftenly here mentioned).
7) About off-track incursions at Eau Rouge (Spa) also mentioned by you yesterday, I'd like to repeat my reply to you back then (and which it should give you another hint about the unpersonal way I dealt all the time about this, with the obvious exception of this post, and for the obvious reasons): If that it is happening also intentionally there, and anywhere and any track, my opinions are exactly the same: it is not admissible, it is against all what I've been led to believe that people here would abide to: clean-racing. About your conclusions they are yours and seem to be very variable from day to day.
8) As for the final point of your post (IV), I would abstain myself of comment that because I think, in the context of your whole post, it speaks for itself and people are more than able to reach their own conclusions about it.