Scirocco R Test tune thread

  • Thread starter Fezz_ST
Fezz ST
I am looking for 5 testers for my Scirocco R tune I have made, you will be gifted the car with the tune which is yours to keep, all I require is that you cover a fair few miles over the next few weeks on real world tracks

I require different types of drivers

2 Average Driver, with no tuning Knowledge - BryCivicSI, deadlydc
1 Above Average Driver, with average tuning knowledge - hennessey86
2 Proven Drivers with above average tuning knowledge - Tiddy, Terronium-12

You will be gifted a special Carbon edition of the Scirocco R cup car with sponsor decals


Please specify what position you are applying for, you will be required to submit daily/weekly reports on your findings either over XBL or through PM's on ForzaPlanet
Average driver with some to none tuning knowledge. I have knowledge but I don't know how much I have to know what you are after.
I just need to know how the car feels in different environments (like on the bumps on the Nurburgring F1) and what you might change to the car to make it better, I'm doing the carbon Scirocco's now Bry so you'll have the first one
I'll do this, I'd say I'm probably an above average or average driver with good tuning knowledge (I tuned all my own cars on FM2 and FM3 whilst doing a lot of class racing (mostly C,B and A class)) Oh I also use a fanatec wheel :)

I probably class somewhere in the last two :lol:
As many real world tracks as you can but if you think one track needs looked at the most for a general setup concentrate on that one

Just remember that it's the Scirocco R (DLC) just in case anyone puts their name down and doesn't have DLC :lol:
I'd also say I fit in with "above average tuning knowledge".

I highly doubt I can do daily updates, but weekly should be just fine.
Just whenever you get a chance to drive the car and make a report of anything strange or you think might need changing Terronium will do just fine

FR Sent
It's for the Scirocco cup in my Sig, trying to keep it as close to the real series as possible so all the Sciroccos Wii be 575pi

Artboy, I need to know what skill level and tuning knowledge you have
I'll hop on quickly to accept the FR in a few minutes.

I'll start testing it either later on tonight or tomorrow.
since no one is willing to admit they consider themselves a novice driver, I will take any driver with no tuning knowledge :lol:
That's good, I'm still to get feedback about the way the car behaves from a driver with no/limited tuning knowledge, FR will be sent shortly and the car gifted once accepted

After speaking with Tiddy last night I have shortened the final drive ratio, Bry since you were the first to get your car this will need changed on yours so I will message you the new ratio over XBL

After some testing last night it seems the camber on the front wheels is causing the inside of the tyres to border on overheating (~220f) however this does not seem to increase tyre wear so I am happy enough to continue with the amount of original camber (I would like one of the more experienced tuners to look into this in more depth)
I noticed that after some laps (5+) that the back end started to get a bit lively under braking into the last two corners at Hockenheim, It's not really a major problem to be honest (the car just gets a bit sideways, you boot the throttle and it straightens up) I just thought I'd point it out incase it's something you'd rather not have going on :lol:

I don't really know too much on how it performs over distance, I'll do some longer running later and on other tracks too.
if you need anyone else to give your car a run i would like to help, average driver with a little tunning skills, using PTWS AND CLUBSPORT PEDALS on a playseat.
thanks steve.

XBL steve300764
Hey Fez if you need another above average driver with little tuning skills give me a shout (and a car ;) ) lol
I tried my hand at running a Scirocco event in the past on FM3 but the car just didn't "seem" right.

Thanks for the offer t.o but it looks like the setup could be released early going by the tester reports so far, still waiting on 3 testers to get back to me about the car
Thanks for the offer t.o but it looks like the setup could be released early going by the tester reports so far, still waiting on 3 testers to get back to me about the car

No prob. Just let me know if I can help out.