Sebastien Vettel challenge: all gold

I'm not very good at the game, but I tried the event.
After like 30 'Disqualified' I finally made 2 laps and got the time 2.12:330 on Monza.
It feels like bronze wont be that hard if I just keep on trying.

I'm using a DS3 by the way.
No chance. This is the first event I've come across in any GT game that I just can't do at all. I may only be using a DS3 but I can rarely finish one lap, never mind two, and never mind anywhere close to a bronze time either.
Still, it has made me notice the elitism on this forum for the first time. Being a noob for using a DS3? Really?
Because most of those guys are noobs using Dualshock, and/or they use wheel but still don't have enough skills to do that so it's easier just trade.

it doesnt mean your a noob just because you dont have a wheel? it just means that maybe you cant afford one or dont want to splash out £120 for a game, i use a DS3 and ive been playin GT since GT3, im no noob
I'm not very good at the game, but I tried the event.
After like 30 'Disqualified' I finally made 2 laps and got the time 2.12:330 on Monza.
It feels like bronze wont be that hard if I just keep on trying.

I'm using a DS3 by the way.

Its very good to check youtube vids on the challenges, whereas then you can easily see where you loose a lot of time (on gold / or in comparison to another player)
I did that and it really helped for me.
No chance. This is the first event I've come across in any GT game that I just can't do at all. I may only be using a DS3 but I can rarely finish one lap, never mind two, and never mind anywhere close to a bronze time either.
Still, it has made me notice the elitism on this forum for the first time. Being a noob for using a DS3? Really?

It takes a LOT of time to figure out the car and gain consistency to make the two laps. Don't give up! Once you get all Bronze medals, you can take the X1 you win into practice mode and just work on the tracks there so you don't have to start over every time you mess up. Study each turn individually and you'll figure it out eventually.

And yeah, I don't know what's up with that other guy. Must be trying to make himself feel better by putting others down.
Carbon Club member :)


I use the DS3 and have golded just about everything. I have not tried this challenge yet but at some point I will. I have played every GT with a pad. I could afford a wheel but I find that I like having females around.


Nurburgring and Monza were easy.

I was at 1:11.9 BRONZE at Suzuka last night and this morning I woke up and within 20 minutes I had a 1:09.5 GOLD! Beat gold by half a second! :)

Question: Are the X1 colours random? I got the lvl35 redbull coloured one, the same car for getting bronze in the X1 challenge and a carbon coloured one and a black one for gold and silver.

X1 Collection:

I'm on Gold/Gold/Silver so far, havn't had much time for Suzuka yet. Still just over a second of currently. Really need more time to find the missing time to get a Gold on it. I know it's totally dooable however.

Got videos of the two Golds in my Video log thread here

I should get Suzuka soon. :)
What a bunch of good drivers here. 👍

I look like bad at driving this impossible event with my gamepad :(
Wished i had a wheel, i'm sure it'll be totally different.
I just got a wheel and after 1 day I have silver on Monza and Nurb. Im .4 off Monza so decided to try nurb where Im off by .75. I need to improve lap one. I seem to lose speed through the first three turns. Ill get it. Im pretty happy considering its the first time using a wheel ever.

I hope to get all gold soon!
Took me about an hour to do Suzuka, that one is evil! Here are some vids with tips and commentary for all 3.



Finally done. Monza was the easiest, Nürburgring the hardest because the track is... well, just not to my taste and Suzuka was up to me not putting the drive together. But I finally did. :D
Just started the Vettel challenge. I'm 9 seconds off bronze on Monza, and I'm going around just about as fast as I think is possible.

For those of you who got bronze or better: Do you have any tips for steering and braking, and what sort of driving line to take? All I really need is general advice. I have a DFGT, but I'm having an immense amount of trouble gauging how much grip I have.
Just started the Vettel challenge. I'm 9 seconds off bronze on Monza, and I'm going around just about as fast as I think is possible.

For those of you who got bronze or better: Do you have any tips for steering and braking, and what sort of driving line to take? All I really need is general advice. I have a DFGT, but I'm having an immense amount of trouble gauging how much grip I have.

There are a bunch of videos you can analyze. Just take each venue one corner at a time. Test the limits of each turn and take them faster and faster until you can't hang on any more so you can find the maximum speed you can get through them. Keep braking later and later upon approach until you reach the apex at the maximum speed. Monza is really easy because you can cut over the chicanes and since you have a wheel it'll be that much easier. Do your best to emulate vids and you'll have it. Just hang in there.
Tonight i did Vettel challenge for my friend, he given me he's psn account info and save file. So i did very quickly Nurburging and Monza, after that i went to Suzuka and it' was very late at night. 02:00 something like that and i stuck in 2:10:xxx times zone, after trying and trying best i did was.

Well i will do this when I'm perfectly capable, during a daylight. Concentration is way much better and reaction time.
ussr, you're not alone. I did Nurburgring time - 2:08:001. But I laughed at that :lol:
Like half an hour later I got 2:07:741 :]. Now, Suzuka is the only challenge for me. I haven't started it yet. :)
Ring is easy, suzuka is a real pain, well was. I did it three times now, :)
Nurburgring - ... lets just say HARD(Bronze)
Monza - Easy, beat the time in 15min(Gold)
Suzuka - Pain In The Ass! I just can't beat it! I need help guys!(Bronze) :scared:
Can anyone post exact split times for Golding Nurburgring and Suzuka, please? I am still struggling from silver to gold and can't find out where the time is being lost precisely.

On Nurburgring in average I get a 20.1~20.5 at first split, ~34.5 at second, 49.5~49.8 at third and then a 1:04.8 at finish line for lap 1. Second lap is faster, finishing with a 1:04.0. And I can repeat that performance no problem. I just can't seem to find any more performance out of me.

I have seen a lot of videos here for gold times, where people just brake incredibly late. That just isn't a case for me. If I even try to brake so late, I find myself over the kerb and out.

I am just so uppset with this challenge, since I just can't beat it. And I have golded everything in Gran Turismo series so far (from GT1 to GT5P and I have golded everything else in GT5 ... from licenses to Special events ... with only a few or no repeating at all ...).
I was one tenth off on silver for Suzuka. I Had to switch my DFP to 90 degrees spin so i could turn fast enough. Spoon corner is where im losing alot of time. I just can't get a good braking point. Any suggestions?