Sebastien Vettel challenge: all gold

On Nurburgring in average I get a 20.1~20.5 at first split, ~34.5 at second, 49.5~49.8 at third and then a 1:04.8 at finish line for lap 1. Second lap is faster, finishing with a 1:04.0. And I can repeat that performance no problem. I just can't seem to find any more performance out of me.

On Nürburgring on good first lap I've got a high 19.xx on first, high 33.xx on second and low 49.xx to high 48.xx on third split. This is with a controller, so you should definitely be able to beat that with a wheel...unfortunately I'm still slow between split 3 and finish line, so I haven't got gold yet, best so far is 2:09.127
Trying to figure out if it's crack or crank I need to start using in order to just medal bronze.

Watching the how to videos nearly triggers a seizure so I may just have to be happy with the Bspec gift when I get there...
...not that I'll be driving the car that much since I've had enough X-wing fighter pilot games earlier in life.

Very good to all who did Gold or just medaled the event.
Carry on.
Took me about 30 minutes only. But 2nd lap basically was only luck. I've managed to get the full potential I could of the car. And I believe it was about ~1:03 lap (2nd).
On Nürburgring on good first lap I've got a high 19.xx on first, high 33.xx on second and low 49.xx to high 48.xx on third split. This is with a controller, so you should definitely be able to beat that with a wheel...unfortunately I'm still slow between split 3 and finish line, so I haven't got gold yet, best so far is 2:09.127

Impressive controller times!
Just completed bronze on all 3, and i have to say i wonder how people are getting all gold without aids.. It feels like i am driving at the very limit of what the physics allow, and you're supposed to go SEVERAL SECONDS faster? I see some people claim they have all gold without skid recovery on, but can anyone really prove it? I refuse to use the skid recovery as i feel it's like cheating to modify the laws of physics like that.
Just completed bronze on all 3, and i have to say i wonder how people are getting all gold without aids.. It feels like i am driving at the very limit of what the physics allow, and you're supposed to go SEVERAL SECONDS faster? I see some people claim they have all gold without skid recovery on, but can anyone really prove it? I refuse to use the skid recovery as i feel it's like cheating to modify the laws of physics like that.

Aren't there youtube videos showing people getting gold with no aids on? The X1 is mindbendingly fast. Rarely when you think you're at the limit of grip, are you actually there.
There are many videos of people getting gold, but it looks like most of them are using skid recovery. Like the in the two fast right handers before sector 2 in Suzuka, some people are in 6th gear and not even braking at all, i know for sure that's impossible without skid recovery. Problem is, that the replay videos don't show whether you're using aids or not.

Would be really nice to see a video of someone recording from before the race starts, showing where they select drive options and then getting gold. That would be a really good motivator.
There are many videos of people getting gold, but it looks like most of them are using skid recovery. Like the in the two fast right handers before sector 2 in Suzuka, some people are in 6th gear and not even braking at all, i know for sure that's impossible without skid recovery. Problem is, that the replay videos don't show whether you're using aids or not.

Would be really nice to see a video of someone recording from before the race starts, showing where they select drive options and then getting gold. That would be a really good motivator.

The whole car is a driving aid, so does not matter if you activate some others.
Well it does to me, even though it is a fantasy car.. If it really is possible to get gold without skid recovery, then thats what i want. Skid recovery is like someone else here on the forum called "god mode".
Well ... that's true.

After an advice I turned Skid Recovery ON, and managed to get gold on Nurburgring in 3rd attempt (after spending about 4 hours to get to 2:08,944 and silver, nearly giving up on this event ...). I just came home from work, started the Challenge, no practise or anything ... 1st try I lost it in Dunlop (to be expected ... c'mon I've only started), 2nd try I am very sure, I was on route to golding it, but lost it all in last corner of 2nd lap (sand slowed me down and got to the line in 2:08,3). 3rd attempt I got to 2:07,7xx and gold. Thank you for help and good night.

Oh, I used Manual shifting, TC at 1, ABS at 1 and that was it. I read about changing brake bias with RA, but didn't use it.

PS: I still have to do Suzuka ... will try it later someday. But I have Silver/Gold/Silver without Skid Recovery. I admit, gold on Monza was with cutting the 2nd chicane, a lot on 1st lap and just a bit on 2nd ...
Wow, all respect to you then! Do you believe gold is at all possible without skid recovery? At least now, I know not to give up until I have silver.
I fail so hard at this, I think Nurburgring might be my best chance of bronze, but what would be decent sector times to reach bronze? I can manage 20.5-21, 35.9-36.5, and 51.9-52.5 for the sectors, I think I'm losing everything on the chicane to be honest.
I fail so hard at this, I think Nurburgring might be my best chance of bronze, but what would be decent sector times to reach bronze? I can manage 20.5-21, 35.9-36.5, and 51.9-52.5 for the sectors, I think I'm losing everything on the chicane to be honest.

You should be able to get bronze with those split times, it's almost the same as me except for the third sector which i have about a second faster. Keep trying!

But if anyone have all gold without skid recovery i dare you to post a video and prove it :)
You need to be high 19s to low 20s at the first sector; 2nd - high 33s - mid 34s, third - high 48s - low 49s. Good luck :).
Related the Vettel events, I share with you my opinion:

First, I am at 30 level on A-Spec and 23 level on B-Spec with all golds including licenses. The events I get almost all gold and the ones pending are in silver. All my progress in the game I did it with Sixxaxis because my racing wheel (the Driving force Pro) was broken approximately a year ago.
Last night after 2 hours or so, after some frustrating attempts, finally, I got the Vettel event with bronx medal at Monza (more likely track to me), then I realize that If I wanted gold (not only at Monza, but Nurburgring and Suzuka), I will need a racing wheel because using Sixxaxis is more difficult to graduate acceleration or brakes or angles on curves, etc. (It´s not the same to push buttons trying to graduate those issues), than use the proper racing wheel calibrating the same. If you play the game with the Sixxaxis control, will be harder to achieve gold than using the racing wheel.
I agree with all of you who thinks this is the most difficult event in the previous GT games ever.


Luis Villazón
Wow, all respect to you then! Do you believe gold is at all possible without skid recovery? At least now, I know not to give up until I have silver.

I think it could be possible at nurburgring with a lot of practise. I don't have a lot of patience for repeating time trials, so I just couldn't manage it. But I did at one attempt a 1:03,8 lap two, so I am sure it possible to do gold without Skid recovery. But you really must drive perfect and use all of the track at all times.

Top Gear FTW: your first split time is on target for bronze. Second split is a bit slow. You need to improve there a bit (half a second). And with that in mind I think 3rd sector is almost OK (a tenth or two wouldn't be wrong if you can find it). 2nd lap is at least few tenths faster at every split...
Kudos to all that golded the Vettel challenge - driving aids on or off, it's a handful. I grinded my way to level 30 yesterday and when I started the challenge I was expecting something like souped up Formula Gran Turismo. I should've known better... I was blown away! The car's blistering acceleration, top speed and sheer amount of grip around corners are not comparable to anything else.
But to tame it... I had beginner's luck at Monza and bronzed it in my third attempt (it's nice straight track and I also cheated at chicanes :yuck:) but at Nurby and Suzy I was struggling even to stay on track for 2 laps. After an hour or so I got better, but still nowhere near bronze. And my DFGT (not to speak about my shoulder muscles) was really hot from all the quick turns. So, that's my experience so far on X2010.
I still have to shave approx. 4 seconds from my lap times (both at Nurby & Suzy). Any advice? My main problem is keeping fluidity. I use DFGT (FF=1), skid recovery on, traction control = 1, ABS = 1, other aids off.
I guess I just need to practice for few more days and taking it easy as the learning curve for this car is steep and you must master it slowly - more trough gradual osmosis than bursts of forceful training. I really like the car and don'n want to start hating it because of repetition.
I fail so hard at this, I think Nurburgring might be my best chance of bronze, but what would be decent sector times to reach bronze? I can manage 20.5-21, 35.9-36.5, and 51.9-52.5 for the sectors, I think I'm losing everything on the chicane to be honest.

You are practically on par with me and I managed to get bronze today. Although, your final sector is 1 second slower than mine so it looks like your losing some time there, compared to me however. You can do the Chicane pretty slow, don't try to hard and lose it, if you are only going for bronze it's okay to feel slow there.

I did it though with half a second to spare, which included a slow second lap. Just Suzuka left but that's proving hard... :(
Kudos to all that golded the Vettel challenge - driving aids on or off, it's a handful. I grinded my way to level 30 yesterday and when I started the challenge I was expecting something like souped up Formula Gran Turismo. I should've known better... I was blown away! The car's blistering acceleration, top speed and sheer amount of grip around corners are not comparable to anything else.
But to tame it... I had beginner's luck at Monza and bronzed it in my third attempt (it's nice straight track and I also cheated at chicanes :yuck:) but at Nurby and Suzy I was struggling even to stay on track for 2 laps. After an hour or so I got better, but still nowhere near bronze. And my DFGT (not to speak about my shoulder muscles) was really hot from all the quick turns. So, that's my experience so far on X2010.
I still have to shave approx. 4 seconds from my lap times (both at Nurby & Suzy). Any advice? My main problem is keeping fluidity. I use DFGT (FF=1), skid recovery on, traction control = 1, ABS = 1, other aids off.
I guess I just need to practice for few more days and taking it easy as the learning curve for this car is steep and you must master it slowly - more trough gradual osmosis than bursts of forceful training. I really like the car and don'n want to start hating it because of repetition.

I know I haven't completed all the challenges yet (2/3) but heres some advice that hopefully helps.

The Aids I used were the same as yours except for TCS at 0. With TCS at 0 I could drift if you may around some of the tighter corners and combined with Skid Recovery I find that it cuts some time off your laps. Secondly, I know exactly what you mean by saying you go off the track a lot. Now I don't know what other people do but as long as you know your going fast enough per sector to get bronze just keep at it.

When I attempted Monza I didn't finish two laps for 1 hour. I did push hard every time though and it proved successful as when I first finished I got the bronze. Likewise, this happened on Nurburgring too, although I finished only 2 times before I decided to push hard enough to get the bronze or go off trying. I'd say this is an alternative to driving cleanly and then slowly upping the pace.

There's my advice, as long as you're going fast enough to get the bronze or whatever medal you're trying to achieve all is good.\

Hope this helps.
Yes it is hard i was shocked at how hard it was, and i have yet to hear from anyone who has done this challenge with a controller! To be honest i will need proof that they have because you can't even control it well with the DS3. I'm going to try and get silver today though, the money and XP to be earned off of this are a lot.

i have bronzed monza with a controller, if i remember well 2.08.7
and at nurburgring i am 0.6 seconds behind the bronze. but.....its extremelly difficult!!!!!!
one question to those that are using wheels:
i have a wheel that its not very good (i bought it for fun for about 40 euros, so you can understand) i am thinking of buying logitech gt, actually i will buy it for these challenge. the question is: am i going to see so much difference between the cheap wheel and a good one? thanks
I know I haven't completed all the challenges yet (2/3) but heres some advice that hopefully helps.

The Aids I used were the same as yours except for TCS at 0. With TCS at 0 I could drift if you may around some of the tighter corners and combined with Skid Recovery I find that it cuts some time off your laps. Secondly, I know exactly what you mean by saying you go off the track a lot. Now I don't know what other people do but as long as you know your going fast enough per sector to get bronze just keep at it.

When I attempted Monza I didn't finish two laps for 1 hour. I did push hard every time though and it proved successful as when I first finished I got the bronze. Likewise, this happened on Nurburgring too, although I finished only 2 times before I decided to push hard enough to get the bronze or go off trying. I'd say this is an alternative to driving cleanly and then slowly upping the pace.

There's my advice, as long as you're going fast enough to get the bronze or whatever medal you're trying to achieve all is good.\

Hope this helps.

Thansk, I'll try! Another thing in this challenge is that driving line doesn't help a bit. According to it, you should brake three times earlier than it's necessary.
Thansk, I'll try! Another thing in this challenge is that driving line doesn't help a bit. According to it, you should brake three times earlier than it's necessary.

Yea I know what you mean. I do keep it on as I find it helps me find the optimum line but for the braking points, useless. :D
Well unlocked this challenge a few days ago. Yesterday I actually started to try these.
For the first hour I couldn't even get a full lap done on Monza without getting DQ'd. Finally after about 2 hours I managed to complete 2 laps without DQ'ing and got bronze for that.

That made feel positive that I can get gold on that circuit.
I used driving line at the beginning just for the orientation where I was on track and when to start or stop turning the wheel, because the car seemed so incredibly fast and I could barely concentrate to accelerate and brake in right places ... :)

And as for line it is not the best way, because it is not the optimum line for X2010 in every corner :).

I would reccomend to get clean laps in and improving in speed from that. It's a bit easier in my opinion, since you get to practise a lot and that sure helps in the long run towards golding this challenge.
These challenges will be the death of me.
Sitting pretty at 97% game completion, with just a few Endurance races left on A-spec and the ring on B-spec... and the Vettel challenges.

I know Monza best, so keep trying that now and then, but never for more than about 15 minutes at a time.
When I can complete the two laps with my DS3, I'm consistently 9-10 seconds away from bronze.

9-10 seconds!!! That's an eternity in racing.
That sort of gap is so disheartening.

I think I must just be being too careful. On the example replay, I definitely way too slow at Lesmo and the chicane/rumble over seems to be virtually straight-lined, whereas I still feel like I'm trying to drive round it.

Anyone else feel *that* far off the pace, or am I just being way too sluggish?