Kudos to all that golded the Vettel challenge - driving aids on or off, it's a handful. I grinded my way to level 30 yesterday and when I started the challenge I was expecting something like souped up Formula Gran Turismo. I should've known better... I was blown away! The car's blistering acceleration, top speed and sheer amount of grip around corners are not comparable to anything else.
But to tame it... I had beginner's luck at Monza and bronzed it in my third attempt (it's nice straight track and I also cheated at chicanes

) but at Nurby and Suzy I was struggling even to stay on track for 2 laps. After an hour or so I got better, but still nowhere near bronze. And my DFGT (not to speak about my shoulder muscles) was really hot from all the quick turns. So, that's my experience so far on X2010.
I still have to shave approx. 4 seconds from my lap times (both at Nurby & Suzy). Any advice? My main problem is keeping fluidity. I use DFGT (FF=1), skid recovery on, traction control = 1, ABS = 1, other aids off.
I guess I just need to practice for few more days and taking it easy as the learning curve for this car is steep and you must master it slowly - more trough gradual osmosis than bursts of forceful training. I really like the car and don'n want to start hating it because of repetition.