Series X - Series Champion outlaw4rc!

  • Thread starter CSLACR
got the drop-outs and lap times?

IIRC we started with 9.
I'll get back to you with that. Bob's currently putting miles on the Vette. Gonna check if it's faster around Motegi that way.

All 9 that Q'ed started.

Scanny_Flick: 1:34.986, Left on Lap 4
CSL: 1:33.804, Left on Lap 15
TnJF: 1:33.255, Left on Lap 30

Edit 2:
Ran quite a few laps with both Vette configurations. Neither seem to be different time-wise (Annoyingly, I can run 59 flats all day, but I can't break my PB atm, which is only .1 faster). Different handling characteristics when off throttle, with the broken in car somewhat more stable, although it doesn't cut in very well at the hairpin. That and the rears go sooner.

Knowing me, I'll probably gain half a second by race time, but I'm guessing I'm going to need 57s for any hopes of a miracle.
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I think I won't be able to race for the lead, even for 5 or 6 first places because my wheel is broke and will be hard to fix it for the next 2 weeks. I don't want to be a movil chicane!
Room up: 1472 - 6399 - 8880 - 6895 - 5227

Anyone around to qualify me in the next hours?
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I ran a 59.4xx in the ACR on an early lap, so I guess I could hope for a high 58 in q. :)
anyone that can watch my q now?

Seems like everyone is busy with gate, will do it later or tomorrow
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Yeah, I'll be running some laps after work tonight (maybe q if anyone's around that late) and again in the morning tomorrow.
I'm at 59.5 in the 458. At 2:01 in the corvette. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
The Vette requires good throttle manipulation to keep the wheelspin under control, especially T3-T4.
anyone that can watch my q now?

Seems like everyone is busy with gate, will do it later or tomorrow
Sorry. Just woke up. I'll keep an eye on the thread for rooms. 👍
Surprised you're racing this weekend Rich... thought the superbowl was a religious event of all day chip and bear gorging for football fans. ;)


in bad news... I re-installed GT5 (took an entire night :lol: ) and just tried running a warm-up race in my lounge and got 7 laps in... disconnected from lobby server. :/
The Vette requires good throttle manipulation to keep the wheelspin under control.

I figured but after 6 laps I wasn't spinning the tires and but my T1 and T2 was crazy slow in the car.
I know "what" I need to do to get the 458 into the 58s but the Vette is just leaving me dumbfounded.
in bad news... I re-installed GT5 (took an entire night :lol: ) and just tried running a warm-up race in my lounge and got 7 laps in... disconnected from lobby server. :/
Did your ISP change something on you? I had this happen to me for a week then it stopped.

Do you have time if i open a room now rich?

I'll be online in an hour if you haven't got anyone yet.
I figured but after 6 laps I wasn't spinning the tires and but my T1 and T2 was crazy slow in the car.
I know "what" I need to do to get the 458 into the 58s but the Vette is just leaving me dumbfounded.

Did your ISP change something on you? I had this happen to me for a week then it stopped.

I'll be online in an hour if you haven't got anyone yet.

Gate have started then, will se if i can do i right after we are done. Might start from the back otherwise.
Surprised you're racing this weekend Rich... thought the superbowl was a religious event of all day chip and bear gorging for football fans. ;)
Game's in the afternoon. Plenty of time to get a race in. :sly:

in bad news... I re-installed GT5 (took an entire night :lol: ) and just tried running a warm-up race in my lounge and got 7 laps in... disconnected from lobby server. :/
Are you certain it's the game? The last few races has made me more confident that it was my router that was causing issues. No matter what the configuration, my connection could only hold up for about an hour before it went kaboom.
Do you have time if i open a room now rich?
Open it anytime today. 👍
I figured but after 6 laps I wasn't spinning the tires and but my T1 and T2 was crazy slow in the car.
I know "what" I need to do to get the 458 into the 58s but the Vette is just leaving me dumbfounded.
I'm going to guess it's the last two corners in Sector 1. You pretty much treat it as one long turn rather than two separate ones. Hence, try to carry all the speed you can through the first corner and keep that wheel turning.

As for Sector 2, it's all about those last two corners. Not that consistent there since I can't get the braking point nailed down.
Surprised you're racing this weekend Rich... thought the superbowl was a religious event of all day chip and bear gorging for football fans. ;)


in bad news... I re-installed GT5 (took an entire night :lol: ) and just tried running a warm-up race in my lounge and got 7 laps in... disconnected from lobby server. :/
Strange Tim, but I'd have to venture what Rich said and guess it's not GT5 causing the problem...(at least no more than usual)
It all started with patch 2.10 ... and I'm not getting disconnected from the internet. staying connected to PSN, when i get dropped from the lobby server i can re-join immediately.

either something funky with my ps3 or they changed the net-code in a way that isn't playing nicely... since corrupted install is now ruled out by the re-install. (sad that I lost all my replays and photos for nothing)
either something funky with my ps3 or they changed the net-code in a way that isn't playing nicely... since corrupted install is now ruled out by the re-install. (sad that I lost all my replays and photos for nothing)
Ah, yeah. I forgot to back those up when I did my re-install. Lost all my Miata replays. :(

basse101: Lambo LP670 - 1:58.890 clean

BTW, closed basse's room. Gonna need someone to Q me today.
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The Vette requires good throttle manipulation to keep the wheelspin under control, especially T3-T4

I gave it another go and I was spinning my tires (changed volume on the TV and wasn't tired). Got it into the 59s and was up on my 59.4, not sure what I'll use.

I will be on later tonight so I should be able to Q you.
Can't make the race tomorrow unfortunately, I have to work all day 'cause of the Superbowl setting up the house (the theater) since it's being rented out to watch the game. Superbowl's huge here, people use any excuse to come to Vegas, probably way more people here than near the actual game too.

Have a great race guys.
I gave it another go and I was spinning my tires (changed volume on the TV and wasn't tired). Got it into the 59s and was up on my 59.4, not sure what I'll use.
I did some laps with the Italia and did a 58.7, less than a tenth faster than my PB with the Vette. However, it was mainly because of the last sector where the Italia launches off the chicane while the Vette struggles for traction.

Gonna aim for a 58... something. Definitely don't have it in me for a pole run.
Can't make the race tomorrow unfortunately, I have to work all day 'cause of the Superbowl setting up the house (the theater) since it's being rented out to watch the game. Superbowl's huge here, people use any excuse to come to Vegas, probably way more people here than near the actual game too.

Have a great race guys.

Stay safe 👍

I did some laps with the Italia and did a 58.7, less than a tenth faster than my PB with the Vette. However, it was mainly because of the last sector where the Italia launches off the chicane while the Vette struggles for traction.

Gonna aim for a 58... something. Definitely don't have it in me for a pole run.

59.3 59.1 with the 458. I just can't seem to get smooth.
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59.3 59.1 with the 458. I just can't seem to get smooth.
I believe I had left the Italia's brake balance at 5/5. I usually have 4/5 with all the other cars, but the Italia gets too squirrely thanks to its ride height differential.
I believe I had left the Italia's brake balance at 5/5. I usually have 4/5 with all the other cars, but the Italia gets too squirrely thanks to its ride height differential.

you still crack me up with the rear-bias love. :sly:

Brock and I ran the lambo at 7/5


"use the weight luke"

carracerptp (458)
1:59.392 clean


EDIT: Yeah, typo.
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I believe I had left the Italia's brake balance at 5/5. I usually have 4/5 with all the other cars, but the Italia gets too squirrely thanks to its ride height differential.

I can do 58s, just need a matching last sector. In my Q lap I was .3 faster on my first lap up to the last sector.
I actually thought the 458 was the least tail happy. I'm running 5/5 for now.
you still crack me up with the rear-bias love. :sly:

Brock and I ran the lambo at 7/5


"use the weight luke"

More than one path to victory, there is. :sly:

Besides, front bias usually has me going straight into the kitty, thanks to front wheel lockup. If Gran Turismo can stop putting that dumb rear toe on every single car by default, then I'd be more comfortable with more front brakes.
carracerptp (458)
4:59.392 clean

Well, either I'm at the wrong track or that's supposed to be a 1 at the front.

Anyone able to Q me anytime soon?
car and I are still here. I want an old man nap, though. Yeah, typo.