Just recieved confirmation I won't have internet until they come out tomorrow.
Hope you guys have a fun race today 👍
LitchiDo you want i host?
In a room now 1472-6118-4259-7714-2524
Sorry timeattack, was afk
Seems like it wont be any q for me today. Room is still full and they are racing so i guess i am starting from the back
Hey guys. I know I haven't been on the thread alot but I just wanna start from the back today
scanny and ta are done, if you join that room now I can get anyone that needs a Q
i still have it open.
what car?
Ill start from the back, gonna eat in a few min
Nevermind I can't race today
motorazaIs the race starting at 19:00? I have to leave at 20:00.