Cause its a cheap, fun, and easy way to drastically change the appearance of your car and parts on it.Why is plastidipping a thing nowadays?
Whoa,never in my wildest dreams would I see the word "handsome" and "camry" written in the same sentenceYes, I like the Mondeo ST220.
I also thought the current Camry is quite handsome.
Hey, I'm a man of multiple taste. I did call myself the "RandomCarGuy" for a reason.Whoa,never in my wildest dreams would I see the word "handsome" and "camry" written in the same sentence.
But yeah,whatever floats your boat man.
Hey, I'm a man of multiple taste. I did call myself the "RandomCarGuy" for a reason.
amd that my friends is my new background.[/quote]
Yeah, I don't think I'll ever consider a Marina. Top Gear kinda made me paranoid about that piano magnet.Everything is cool as long as you don't like Morris Marina..*looks around for a random piano falling off the sky*
Damn, looks way better in Montego blue!
I wonder what everyone is looking at other than this.How bout a black LaFerrari?