Share your GTS car setups, List on post #1

  • Thread starter diesel97
Yeah same here. It's basically raw evidence that something is not right with the driving physics, or the parameters governing it. Also while the cars drive great with those min max values, I hate seeing race cars with the rear sticking up high and the nose slammed to the ground. Just doesn't look right aesthetically.
It's a lot better than when we had to do the opposite to get them to work. Everything driving around with the nose pointed to the sky was atrocious.
I found this to be a little too loose (maybe I'm driving more aggressively?) for BH, but an awesome starting point for my tune. Or it could be the updated physics *shrug* I'll try and post it up tonight.

Sorry, off topic, but I'm in Beaverton, just saw you're in Portland!
Sorry, off topic, but I'm in Beaverton, just saw you're in Portland!

I'm in Beaverton myself :D Like 1 mile west of THPRD.



Also...I have a CSR Elite pedal, CPX Adapter, T300RS, TH8A setup.

AND I am currently 1 mile West of THPRD at work RIGHT NOW. WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

Welp, now I'm certain we were split up at birth.

Here's my settings for the Genesis Gr.4. I wish I could drive online more but the kids go down at 8pm, aw well. I think these settings are pretty good, she feels great exiting turn 2 and 3 here, can really stomp on it. But I'm not always the best tuner, haha and again thx to a real tuner like praiano63 for the start.

Power Ratio - 101%
Weight Reduction Ratio - 102%
No aids, except Mild ABS
BB - 0
Top speed - 143mph (no tranny trick)

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Yep, I know right where that is! I know because I drive by it when I go to Krispy Kreme :P You work there? Thats awesome-sauce. It's even more weird because I just saw Dragon: The Bruce Lee story last night too! #wtfishappening

Lucky you @praiano63 , in Europe we were stuck to Ovals in Gr.3 for 3 weeks straight, it only changes on Friday and Saturday! Bummer... And Willow for Gr.3 isn't the best choice either...
Yes , i really don t enjoy those oval tracks. Even Brands hatch is boring after some laps. Road cars are not so fun at all, driving sensation and brakes are very bad with 1.06, my only pleasure is the ring with race cars.
We really need news circuit. The one i miss the most is Suzuka, this is my favorite track from far, i ve always been in love with it.
@praiano63 can I ask you for a Setup for Ferrari in Nordschleife? It's a car I would like to test, and since you have access to Nordschleife till Friday, if you manage to have time for that, I would be much appreciated!

Thanks mate!
New Hyundai Genesis Gr. 3 settings after another session tonight at BH. Tried Default ABS and wasn't for me:

Power Ratio - 101%
Weight Reduction Ratio - 102%
No aids, except Mild ABS
BB - 0
Top speed - 143mph (no tranny trick)

Trimmed another .5 tonight, she behaves much better and I'd feel good using her in the race now.

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Really?!?! Your best time ever at Nur is with the Hyundai?
Yes i have a with only 2 laps last night after the last race that i did with the Mercedes 2011 after the job. 3 Hyundais of the top leaderboard were flying in front of me and i couldn t stick to them, mostly in the last third of the circuit.
Not only fast but very safe car with this tune. Mclaren is a mid pack car, around 6 seconds slower, and the ferrari around 8 seconds slower on the ring.
Yes i have a with only 2 laps last night after the last race that i did with the Mercedes 2011 after the job. 3 Hyundais of the top leaderboard were flying in front of me and i couldn t stick to them, mostly in the last third of the circuit.
Not only fast but very safe car with this tune. Mclaren is a mid pack car, around 6 seconds slower, and the ferrari around 8 seconds slower on the ring.
Now that's something I could never imagine!!!!! with a Hyundai!!!! Well... forget about the Ferrari... I'm going for the Hyundai! :)