Should the Gran Turismo series change to an annual release schedule?

should the Gran turismo Series change to an aunal release schedual?

  • gt should be released yearly

    Votes: 12 7.4%
  • gt should keep its current release schedual

    Votes: 151 92.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
should gt become games like madden and release ever single year with a few upgrades, or do you think it should say the way it is?

i like it the way it is, i would have liked it better if gt5p was a lunch ps3 title and gt5 was released in holiday 2008 and gt6 around 2011.
GT should stay the way it is... every new game bring new improvements not just content, maybe now a days some updates online at PSN (not car by car but carpacks or something).
True. Need For Speed is crap cuz it cames out every year.

This way is the best!
I'm in two minds about this..say when and I do belive gt5 will own all car marque licenses eventually theres only so far you can take a game so at that point pd would get away with it but this will take a while so until that happens this way is best even if it is a b--ch to wait for. ;)
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I think the full titles should retain their current production schedule for optimal quality. However, this would not necessarily prevent DLC in the form of new cars or tracks over time, especially as Polyphony brings in new manufacturers.
look what happened to Pro Evo Soccer.. konami were releasing it every 2 years and every time it came out it was a great game! PES 4 was the first one that came year after PES 3 and from that point the series is limping..a lot and if you look at PES 08, now that was an EPIC FAIL ( :D ) and 09 wasnt much better. I dont think anyone of us would wanted this to happen to GT
No way. GT should stick to their current schedule (If they have one). I don't want a GT every year, I want quality over quantity. If you want a ''new'' game every year check out need for speed :D
There is no need for an annual release, considering how we manage to get years of replay value out of them.
I want a quality game. I dont care they can take all the time they need to make it perfect!
Keep it the way it is, with an every 3-5 years then release. That's the reason why the NFS franchise is so crappy, because they have been rushing a new one out every year since NFS Underground.
My answer is a resounding NO!

We might be waiting along time for GT5 but this will also mean we get years of gaming from it.

Besides this im a big fan of hotlapping and would lose motivation to compete if the game was updated every yr.
One thing I wonder though is if we'll see GT6 on PS3. I mean, I know GT4 still took 4 years after GT3 on the same console, but there's only so much you can do to improve certain things, especially like graphics. The 500 or so cars we'll get in GT5 will be top notch so they'd definitely be good enough for another PS3 release, and the same goes for tracks (although with some minor updates maybe). So from there you just add more cars, more tracks, improve the physics and add some other features and you have a a new game. Then again, it's hard to be optimistic like that since we're still waiting for a game that was announced before the PS3 even launched...

But for a comparison, look at the PSX. GT1 took like 7 years to make but GT2 only took like 1-2 years. I'm pretty sure it used the exact same driving engine and physics so the only real difference was the extra cars and tracks. I'm sure the team was bigger than the like 7 person staff of GT1 but the foundation was already done.
For the people that want the GT series to change to an annual release. Can't you find anything to tide you over between releases ???, I mean i'm waiting for GT5 and I will keep waiting for however long it takes until it's released 👍. No different than waiting for GT4, which if I remember got delayed and we had to wait longer.

Conquerer, I agree with your post.

GT5 is being made on an entire new system which is more powerful. So PD have a new system to develop on and because of the amount of power the console has they have to create a new base and increase the detail level which takes a huge amount of time. Once they have the base of the game worked out then it's easier to work with, so GT6 could take less time to create (3 years). Unless of course they want to do some major things with it.

In the mean time whilst i'm waiting for GT5, i'm occupying myself with other activities. Surely people can come up with things to do until GT5 comes along ?
If you can't look harder.

Disregard this post if it makes no sense ;)
Keep it that way...

But no release nearly every 10 years... a new GT release all 2-3 years would be fine... But now that we got the DLC option it´s a good thing... so we don´t need a new GT game every year...
I´m one of those that can wait for however long it takes, all the best games or software i´ve had/used where from companies with a "It´s done when it´s done policy", i don´t even really mind the non communication i get less dissapointments that way.
I´m one of those that can wait for however long it takes, all the best games or software i´ve had/used where from companies with a "It´s done when it´s done policy", i don´t even really mind the non communication i get less disappointments that way.

me too man