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  • Thread starter McLaren
Hopefully he was more fortunate than I was. I must have been absent the day they taught everyone how to read an analog clock quickly and easily. :P
I'm still deciding if I should treat myself to a Tag Heuer Monaco for my 21st next month...

The problem with the Monaco is that you need at least two faces-- black and white-- and a couple straps. Brown leather + white face ftw though.
The problem with the Monaco is that you need at least two faces-- black and white-- and a couple straps. Brown leather + white face ftw though.

I'm thinking blue face and blue leather. Or maybe Gulf and Black leather if I can still find one.
I went to a tag dealer in the caymans I was like 14 on vacation. They had pretty much every variety of anything you could possibly want. It was super cool. Of course, I was only there to look.

Fantom G-Force 1TB - $119.99:

Guitar Hero Aerosmith (PS3) - $9.99:

I could not ignore that deal at Best Buy for Aerosmith. I'd say that the game is alright for the price I bought it at. Though the box art looks better than the actual game.
Hopefully he was more fortunate than I was. I must have been absent the day they taught everyone how to read an analog clock quickly and easily. :P

Little hand = hours, big hand = minutes, skinny fast moving hand = seconds.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

EDIT: You had the Zelda game watch didn't you?
I must have been absent the day they taught everyone how to read an analog clock quickly and easily. :P
That's why I buy those trick watches that show both. My most recent one has the digital numbers invisible until you turn the light on.
Endless Ocean and RB are two great games, but Endless Ocean can be a bit boring and tedious if you aren't into the educational aspect of it.

Well, I'm a Guitar Hero fiend on my Xbox 360 and I need another hit of silly plastic musical instrument fun and I just love marine nature (not in a Troy McClure way), so the educational aspect is the selling point for me. 15 GBP new too cannot be bad!

I could not ignore that deal at Best Buy for Aerosmith. I'd say that the game is alright for the price I bought it at. Though the box art looks better than the actual game.

GH:A is a great game. The Aerosmith songs are fun to play and there are some other classic tracks on there, particularly Sex Type Thing, Always on the Run and Complete Control.
I just love marine nature (not in a Troy McClure way), so the educational aspect is the selling point for me. 15 GBP new too cannot be bad!
It really has some of the better graphics on the Wii, well the underwater portions. When you are on the boat you may as well just be playing any other poorly animated 3-D character model game.

But when you see your first whale...:drool:
Gifts for mah birfday yesterday actually.

Any advice on the best thing to spend $20 at the PS store?

Gifts for mah birfday yesterday actually.

Any advice on the best thing to spend $20 at the PS store?
First, Happy Birthday!

As for the PS Store: Do you have Flower yet? Worms? WipEout HD? Super Stardust HD? Or Add-Ons for the games you have. And don't forget you have a video store too.
First, Happy Birthday!

As for the PS Store:
Do you have Flower yet?


WipEout HD?
Not this one

Super Stardust HD?
None of the above

Or Add-Ons for the games you have. And don't forget you have a video store too.

Plenty of LBP costume packs I've passed over. Some of the Burnout cars I've not thought worth it. Cops and Robbers I've heard to be over priced. Maybe that new pain content would be a buy?!


Not this one

None of the above
Three of those four are easily some of the best games on PSN. I would argue for Worms, but apparently I am the only person with a PS3 that thinks it is an all-time classic series.

Flower ends the debate of games as art by taking you through an actual emotional journey. WipEout HD is a full $20, but it is a full-featured racing game with enough content that it could have had a BD release and we wouldn't have thought anything of it. And Super Stardust HD is quite possibly one of the best omni-directional shooters out there.

Plenty of LBP costume packs I've passed over.
If you do not have the MGS pack, get it now. It lets you get your pew, pew, pew on in LBP. And it adds levels.

Some of the Burnout cars I've not thought worth it. Cops and Robbers I've heard to be over priced. Maybe that new pain content would be a buy?!
I have yet to try any Burnout DLC because I want to finish the main game first. The new Pain modes are all multiplayer, so unless you intend to take it online (my Interwebs is too slow) or play it with your son a lot it may not be worth it.

Also, I should add that if you enjoy tower defense games Pixel Junk Monsters or Savage Moon are good, but deviously hard. And if you enjoy puzzlers Echochrome will warp your mind.

Or you could buy High Stakes Poker and those of us in the US could actually pull together a GTP poker night that seems to be successful with the EU members.

RCA ANT1450B Multi-Directional Digital Flat Amplified Home Theater Antenna (Black)

Even though I have DirecTV, this makes it so I get most of the local stations in HD without paying for an HD box and plan (quite useless as there's only 1 TV in the entire house that's HD capable)

Works pretty well, had some trouble getting both Fox and ABC at the same time at first, but moving it around worked and it works like a charm for all the stations who've gone DTV.

Dis and Dat
This would be easy if some GT5 content were out. I feel I will get what ever my son will actually use. I just went almost two weeks with out any real game time.
If you do not have the MGS pack, get it now. It lets you get your pew, pew, pew on in LBP. And it adds levels.
Picked that one up last month. Haven't touched my 70% finished level in months BTW.
I have yet to try any Burnout DLC because I want to finish the main game first.

💡 The island content would be perfect to spend this on!

Please don't kill me.
No death buuuut...
Gifts for mah birfday yesterday actually.

Any advice on the best thing to spend $20 at the PS store?

Right on. I picked up one a few months ago and for the most part like it. I kind of wish the buttons were closer together like my crack berry, but that's only because I'm used to the smaller keyboard layout. The touch mouse is kinda of funky, I can't seem to be consistant with it, but it's got a cool factor regardless.

Oh and, sorry I missed your B-Day thread, but Happy Birthday! 👍

:cheers: Have a beer on me and send me the bill. :)
Right on. I picked up one a few months ago and for the most part like it. I kind of wish the buttons were closer together like my crack berry, but that's only because I'm used to the smaller keyboard layout. The touch mouse is kinda of funky, I can't seem to be consistant with it, but it's got a cool factor regardless.

Oh and, sorry I missed your B-Day thread, but Happy Birthday! 👍

:cheers: Have a beer on me and send me the bill. :)

I hope to give it a go tonight after baseball practice.

<---I like me some Vegas sure you want that bill?!?!:sly:
You didn't miss it. It didn't exist until just under an hour ago.

<-- Slacker.


I know, Brian was under his desk in a fetal position dealing with peer abandonment issues until he saw his BD thread today. Poor guy...If I had longer arms, I'd give him a hug.

I hope to give it a go tonight after baseball practice.

<---I like me some Vegas sure you want that bill?!?!:sly:

:lol: Sure, why not. Send the invoice to my paypal account:

Three of those four are easily some of the best games on PSN. I would argue for Worms, but apparently I am the only person with a PS3 that thinks it is an all-time classic series.

Worms is on PSN? May have to get that when I get paid.

I've been tempted to get Theme Hospital too, but I fear it won't live up to the fun I had with it as a kid.
This baby (to replace my stolen D80):


Plus two 4GB CF cards and a spare battery. :)
What made you go for a Fuji over another Nikon? Apart from the fact that judging by that picture your old Nikon/Nikkor lenses should still fit?
What made you go for a Fuji over another Nikon? Apart from the fact that judging by that picture your old Nikon/Nikkor lenses should still fit?

The Fuji S5 is basically a Nikon D200 with Fuji's own sensor design, which while having a lower pixel count (6mp vs. 10-12mp) has some amazing colour tones and a much more film-like dynamic range; with digital you cannot afford to overexpose - that data is unrecoverable, but Fuji's sensor design means that it has some superb highlight retention. It's slower than a Nikon (well, the menus are a bit worse and you have 3fps vs. 5fps), but other than that it's a beast of a camera - it's a semi-pro body for the price of a prosumer one. And yes, Nikon lenses will mount on it. :) To be honest the shortcomings won't affect me much with the kind of photography I do.

Took me ages to track one down as Fuji have stopped producing them (with no replacement), which is a shame.
It took about a month of attempts, but I finally got it:

Sweet like a Trans Am. I played Final Fight for 3 hours. It was awesome. The load times are crazy fast, too, which was something I wasn't expecting at all.