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  • Thread starter McLaren
Actually my hair is really long, and yes it's gel. If I don't put something in my hair in the morning it makes me look balder then I already am it also sticks up really bad, I try to look decent for work. Although I was coming home from work and the heater was broken today so I sat in my office while enduring about 85 degree heat...not fun.

The glasses are very different and I needed new ones because I need, and don't laugh, bifocals. My other frames were to small to fit them properly. I got these at Costco with lens and everything for $219 when my eye doctor wanted $1200 for pretty much the same thing.
I need some glasses, but just to see at longer distances, things get blurry past 50 meters.
Up close I can see pretty damn clearly, like my fingerprint 5cm away from my eyes.
I can't see up close or far away. I realised I needed bifocals when I was having to hold everything out at arms length in order to read it. My eyes are terrible, I think my distance script it -5.75 and the bifocal is +1.25...not that I know what any of that means mind you.
Stowe is great. Fun hill, cool scene. Glad you're still on your feet!

Haha figuratively I am, it was a blast, but I just fully regained my track ability today.

Nothing can be as bad as American beer.

All my relatives say Sam Adams is quite good. Can't say to their approval myself for obvious reasons though.

8GB USB drive, $33.

What do you need 8GB for? Transferring music or pictures to a new PC?

Should be arriving next week.
Most I've seen around here (at least on shops - haven't searched online) are 4Gb ones for about €20/€25.

I still have a 1Gb Swissbit one (paid €29,99 for it less than a year ago), working great so far.
my pedals, toe clips and straps came in today. I bought a fixed gear bike and it should be here in a couple days, just got the shipping confirmation and tracking number for it today.

I had a pair of those before and they seem like the most unsafe invention evar. You doing tricks with those or something? As for me I use clipless (ironic).
I had a pair of those before and they seem like the most unsafe invention evar. You doing tricks with those or something? As for me I use clipless (ironic).

unsafe? I don't think I'd ever ride a fixed without them, I think anyone that DOESN'T wear them is out of their mind. Maybe if I were on a mountain bike or something I'd go without them but not on a fixed. They are not made for tricks at all, they're more like track bikes.
I hate clips, doesn't give me any kind of feel for balance with my feet position.

I dunno, my feet are only in one spot anyway and the clips just hold them there? Plus with them on there I'm not just pushing the pedals down I can also be pulling up with the other foot.

Ive always wondered how those work. Wouldnt it take a lot of pedal power to get it up to speed? And you would need to pedal real fast to get any decent speed. Also, isnt the lack of coasting annoying?

Just as much pedaling as any other bike to get up to speed. I guess if you're running top speed all the time you'll do a lot of pedaling but just for general riding around and what not you're doing it just as much as any other bike, only difference as you said is you're not able to coast. I get a better pedaling habit after riding fixed, I noticed on other bikes I'd be pedaling half the time and coasting the other half. I like the simplicity of the bikes, and also how light they are. Great fun to ride.
just bought this just now:

:lol: Yeah, but it was the first time I saw it selling them at the store so I just bought it. Taste really nice.
Peanut......butter......cups....... :drool: