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OK, finally dumping Sky as I currently pay them over £80 p/month and basically only watch the regular channels (BBC, ITV, C4, etc, the odd movie and the F1) and tend to use Netflix or Amazon for movies as I can use these on various devices and screens throughout the house. So, as I go through the arduous task of getting Sky cancelled, I've purchased a Humax HDR-1000S 1TB Freesat box to cover all the usual freeview, HD and catchup channels (2 channel simultaneous recordings, pause, ff, etc) plus an Amazon Fire TV box so we can watch movies without using a tablet or laptop. F1 duties will be split between BBC1 and a Now TV pay-per-view through my PS3.

Humax HDR-1000S 1TB

Amazon Fire TV

Total outlay: £474.00 - This includes the required F1 day passes and the Amazon & Netflix annual subscriptions.
Total Sky package: £1020.00 p/annum.

It's a no-brainer for me. :D
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OK, finally dumping Sky as I currently pay them over £80 p/month and basically only watch the regular channels (BBC, ITV, C4, etc), the odd movie and the F1) and tend to use Netflix or Amazon for movies as I can use these on various devices and screens throughout the house. So, as I go throughout the arduous task of getting Sky cancelled, I've purchased a Humax HDR-1000S 1TB Freesat box to cover all the usual freeview, HD and catchup channels (2 channel simultaneous recordings, pause, ff, etc) plus an Amazon Fire TV box so we can watch movies without using a tablet or laptop. F1 duties will be split between BBC1 and a Now TV pay-per-view through my PS3.

Humax HDR-1000S 1TB

Total outlay: £474.00 - This includes the required F1 day passes and the Amazon & Netflix annual subscriptions.
Total Sky package: £1020.00 p/annum.

It's a no-brainer for me. :D

We've just gone through a similar scenario. Sky was starting to cost £80+ a month (including phone and internet). Would have gone down the same Freesat PVR route, but internet connection is so damn poor where i live, .5mb at best, that any kind of streaming to make up the short fall in channels is as yet out of the question. Managed to negotiate the same Sky package down to £42 a month plus they'll throw in a free 2nd HD box for Multiroom upstairs.

Damn you Murdock and your tempting deals!!!
@TheCracker Wow 0.5Mb! Do you live in a lead-lined house at the bottom of a granite quarry?

We've got a 20MB line which is a solid and consistent 16MB+ on speed tests. We already pay the Amazon and Netflix subscriptions on top of Sky anyway, so the PVR and Fire TV makes sense. We did look at Apple TV to start with, but for us the Amazon box makes more sense plus it's actually higher specced and £20 less.

Just waiting for the inevitable high pressure calls from Sky now. Actually looking forward to telling them to do one. ;)
There's no cable in our area and we're miles away from the exchange :indiff: I'd have shifted to Virgin years ago had cable been available.
There's no cable in our area and we're miles away from the exchange :indiff: I'd have shifted to Virgin years ago had cable been available.
Have you considered satellite broadband? The cost saving by dumping Sky, getting rid of your existing ISP and taking everything online via satellite would easily pay for it.
Have you considered satellite broadband? The cost saving by dumping Sky, getting rid of your existing ISP and taking everything online via satellite would easily pay for it.

I had, but. A) The cable providers do keep saying that it's imminent to our area. Although they have been saying that for years now. B) Satellite broadband is basically witchcraft IMO.
Have you considered satellite broadband? The cost saving by dumping Sky, getting rid of your existing ISP and taking everything online via satellite would easily pay for it.
I had, but. A) The cable providers do keep saying that it's imminent to our area. Although they have been saying that for years now. B) Satellite broadband is basically witchcraft IMO.
Satellite broadband is a pretty solid alternative for people in areas that don't have cable, fiber or DSL. The only downsides are they tend to charge pretty heavily if you go over your bandwidth limits each month and the latency. Since geosynchronous orbits are about 35,000 km above the equator even at the speed of light that 70,000 km round trip takes enough time to cause really irritating latency issues when gaming or using VOIP and video calls.
We've just gone through a similar scenario. Sky was starting to cost £80+ a month (including phone and internet). Would have gone down the same Freesat PVR route, but internet connection is so damn poor where i live, .5mb at best, that any kind of streaming to make up the short fall in channels is as yet out of the question. Managed to negotiate the same Sky package down to £42 a month plus they'll throw in a free 2nd HD box for Multiroom upstairs.

Damn you Murdock and your tempting deals!!!

That's one thing I don't get with the Sky system.

How they are so easily able to offer almost 50% off to simply keep you on the books! How long is this "deal" lasting for?

Also, the fact that there's freeview channels and on demand online stuff kinda makes Sky pretty pointless unless you really really really want to watch some of the exclusive channels.
Just picked this up from my local bike shop and rode it home with the biggest smile on my face :)


It's a Haro 100-1 and I fell in love with it the moment I saw it.
I actually went in with the intention of purchasing a Dirt Jump bike to ride to work on but I got slightly sidetracked by the BMX range, and decided this will do just as well :P. I almost fell off of it when pedalling hard out a corner.:scared: The front end flew up into a wheelie position, any higher and I would surely have come flying off right in the middle of a road :lol:.
I'm just going to remove the ugly wheel reflectors and the stand, then maybe upgrade the plastic pedals at some point :).
For experience I know that thing will ride dirt. Might want some knobbly rubber. You'll be jumping like a pro in no time. ;)
Resists making a joke about that being down to the jaunty angle of the seat.

Also resists showing his age by reminiscing about when Bob Haro came out with the original 'Freestyler'
Resists showing his age by saying 'Pah, real men (boys?) rode Grifters'.
Liftmaster Garage Door Keypad


Now I can't get locked out of the house if I don't have my keys. And the batteries don't die. And the power isn't out. I think I need a different solution...

Bluetooth OBD2 Reader

I've been thinking about picking one up for a while so after seeing @Bopop4 and @niky discussing them, I figured why not. Especially for less than $20.
And suddenly USPS delivers a bunch of crap...

2x Walthers HO scale Amtrak California Superliners
LookSmart Lamborghini Countach LP400
Tamiya hardened steel gear diff bevel gears for my TA-06 touring car R/C
Tamiya idler gears for my TA-06 touring car R/C
Axial 2.2" Raceline Renegade wheels for my Axial Exo Terra Buggy R/C
HPI 2.2" Yokohama Geolandar M/T tires for my Axial Exo Terra Buggy R/C
@TB I bought an OBD scanner for $18. It was wired but it allows me to instantly check/delete error codes.
Having never had an error code in my Pilot, I'm not terribly concerned with that particular feature. I'm mainly planning on using it with Torque for checking instant gas mileage. :)