Hate you Berney

I should be in bed by now lol..
I've gone from a ponderer to hooked in about an hour
I d/l the trial but thought it may be lacking in features so bought the software and cobbled together a temp setup.
After the obligatory couple of hours of windows rubbish, trying to differentiate between sound cards and outputs etc, I finally got it up and running.
I used on-board sound output for Extension mode into an old Yamaha amp just for pedals at the moment.
I used a 7.1 PCI card for Chassis mode into a Sony 7.1 amp with multi-channel inputs.
I've only fitted a couple of aura shakers to the rear for testing and a miniquake to the pedals but as I use motion I'll need to look at other options for the rears.
I saw berney's message about 2 under the seat and combining front and rear into left and right, but I think I'll see if I can fit the rears to the actual seat and ponder about the fronts.
I've still got a shaker to fit to the H shifter surround.
I'm not worried about my final config just now but I'm more than happy to report I'm gobsmacked
Once you get the hang of the settings it's very straight forward. I picked it up so quick I worked out why I had a whining noise as soon as I launched GTR Evolution...the engine vibration setting seemed to default to a max rpm of 1037 or something so as soon as the car started it thought it was at max revs 👍 Nice easy fix and it was heavenly. The pedals were immediately the most obvious benefit for me, with the right settings I could feel the car revs through the pedals, it felt so real
I've cancelled my plans for tomorrow night cos I want to get my teeth stuck into this and fit everything if possible and wire up the extra amps properly.
I only drive 2 racers at the moment, GTR Evolution and Game Stock Car 2012 and of course both are supported.
One thing I noticed, Race07 didn't seem to have a suspension option, is that because the game engine doesn't support it/output the data?
Finally, I tried it together with my motion (xsim2) and no problems at all