SimVibe (SimXperience)

  • Thread starter the_greeze
I'm wondering if your interest is in solving your issue or simply in making negative posts? After several invitations to contact our support team (which would facilite us having the ability to track your issue or remotely conenct to assist) I see no request to thesupport team and a whole lot of posts :)

The error posted above will be solved. In our testing, noone even thought to try to convert an output mix that was setup for chassis mode into an extensions mode. Clearly, we should throw up a message that says "Dont do this, it's impossible"
Hi guys!
Can you advice me a good/cheap amplificator with 4 channels(with link please)?

Very few amps are 4 channel.

This one is popular
Should be good enough for 4x Mini LFE SE offering 4x75w.

Your alternative is getting:
  • 2x 4ohm 2 channel (stereo) amplifers
  • Old school 2nd hand 5.1 or 7.1 amplifer that (must have 4ohm switching) and uses multichannel inputs for the 4 connections. Most will offer around 100w per channel. ebay for Sony / Yamaha etc

I'm wondering if your interest is in solving your issue or simply in making negative posts? After several invitation to contact our support (which would facilite us having the ability to trak your issue or remotely conenct to assist) I see no request to thesupport team and a whole lot of posts :)

The error posted above will be solved. In our testing, noone even thought to try to convert an output mix that was setup for chassis mode into an extensions mode. Clearly, we should throw up a message that says "Dont do this, it's impossible"

Excuse me?
I'm not being negative, iracing isn't a retail disc game so was ruling that factor out. I havn't even lost my temper once on reporting the issue I'm having here or on iracing forums. I can contact support in good time, really though I'm not panicking and the issue isn't one others are having so very likely to do with my system.
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I think it's less likely to do with your system than it is with your configuration. If you delete your iRacing Sim Setup and then press the auto-detect button it will be re-created with defaults. There is about a 99.99% chance that will work just fine and the issue is caused by setting an outmix mix that was previously simvibe chassis as simvibe extensions instead of creating a new outputmix and setting it as SimVibe extensions.

I'll work on an update tonight to ensure that this user error will be prevented in the future.

Also, in your particular case, I would be happy to issue a refund and revoke the license if that is of interest to you.
Berney, I have tried the auto detect and re-installed too, thanks for suggesting that though.
I am not looking a refund whatsoever, again appreciate your consideration. The only thing I can think of is the first time I used it I didn't enter the key, but I have re-installed since and used the key so I doubt that is a factor?

I even checked the amp was plugged in, lol :)
We will get it sorted in the end, no worries and if not will give CS a shout.
btw I have only tried Extension mode so will connect up 4 units and try Chassis mode later.

Thank you for your hard work. I highly appreciate it and I think your software will bring a big change to the sim world.

I am sorry about trying the impossible though. I am so new to the software, that I am still trying to learn on how to properly use it. It is the same for Latte I reckon.

What would be a preferable output selection using a single BKG2 that is mounted under a seat? Chassis mode or Extension Seat mode?
1 transducer under seat - Extension Seat
2 Transducers under seat (L/R) - Chassis mode (but in spite of the setup guide, tell windows it is stereo). This will cause the fron/trear to be collapsed into the L/R, but you would then get some directionality.
1 transducer under seat - Extension Seat
2 Transducers under seat (L/R) - Chassis mode (but in spite of the setup guide, tell windows it is stereo). This will cause the fron/trear to be collapsed into the L/R, but you would then get some directionality.

Thanks. Just tried it and it works nicely. :)

I figured out what we are doing wrong and what was meant with "Output Mix".

Basically we just have to delete the "Simvibe Chassis" tab from the "Output Mixer" tab in our game profiles if we want to use only the Simvibe Extensions.
If we don't the software will refuse to launch the game because there is no output device selected for the Simvibe Chassis in the "Settings" of Simvibe itself.
Appreciate the advice though I've just been testing it out with iracing upon getting it to work. :)

Deleted all the game profiles I had, Auto Detected again and then just as you mentioned deleted the tab I wasnt using (chassis) and started adding my own effects for (extensions) of course selecting the hardware/soundcard at the bottom.

Happy Days!!!


I think I could spend a lot of time tweaking. Very much trial and error which I think I will love but Berney I would request possibly more information within the software as to what some effects actually do.

Very impressive even early on, excellent!
Thanks for the support....
Is it possible to have iRacing launch via google chrome instead of internet explorer?

I keep getting pop up errors with explorer.
Is it possible to have iRacing launch via google chrome instead of internet explorer?

I keep getting pop up errors with explorer.

What you can also do is start up your game normally (iRacing or something else) and then click the corresponding game in Sim Commander. It will then append to your running game.
Looking forward to see what the greeze makes of it all.

All the required components are on order and should be here this week. Missus is off all weekend to look after our 5-year-old which means I can get on with the installation and (inevitable) hours of tweaking :)
Some code was added to ensure that users do not try to change an output mix and its effects from Chassis to Extensions (multi-dimensional to single dimension). This will eliminate one of the issues reported here. This will be in this weeks automatic update.

The other isn't really an error. If you created a sim setup button and included Chassis mode and then you go and disable the chassis mode output device and launch the game, the software will notify you that the output device is missing. If you choose to ignore the notification, there isn't alot I can do. Disabling the output device and trying to output to it is the equivalent of unplugging the sound card and wondering where the sound is.
All the required components are on order and should be here this week. Missus is off all weekend to look after our 5-year-old which means I can get on with the installation and (inevitable) hours of tweaking :)

Good to hear, think you will love this because of so much control it offers. I will be interested in your viewpoints particularly regards comparing just sending say 6 different effects to Chassis mode or considering having some non directional effects to other more optimal placed units.

In my first test just using the Clarke TST429 I started with the "change gear" effect in getting it subtle yet noticeable. Then went about adding engine effects and then road bumps. Each effect could have many changes in settings before achieving the sweet spot (personal to the user and their hardware) but the end result I think will pay off.

Simvibe is the best value purchase anyone interested in tactile immersion could possible make, regardless if using a sole or multiple tactile configuration
Simvibe is the best value purchase anyone interested in tactile immersion could possible make, regardless if using a sole or multiple tactile configuration

Indeed it is, but tonight i'm going back to the good old audio tactile

and play the Forza Horizon demo :D
I'm gonna give this a whirl tonight.
My plan is to use on-board audio for extension mode into amp feeding 3 shakers (seat/shifter/pedals) and a separate card for chassis mode into another amp feeding 4 shakers which I'll fix to the corners. I'm thinking I'll put the 2 rears close to the actuator fixing points but not sure if it will serve any benefit as I also have a dampening bar anyway.

If I get time I'll also look to try the rears under the seat (L/R) but my only concern with that is that the rear L/R are meant to portray collisions so I'm not sure how it will feel with being under the seat.

Not sure if Berney will see this (or want to reply) but I'd really like to hear how SimVibe is best setup on one of their motion rigs being that the seat is on a pivot and the rig includes a dampening bar.
I'm gonna give this a whirl tonight.
My plan is to use on-board audio for extension mode into amp feeding 3 shakers (seat/shifter/pedals) and a separate card for chassis mode into another amp feeding 4 shakers which I'll fix to the corners. I'm thinking I'll put the 2 rears close to the actuator fixing points but not sure if it will serve any benefit as I also have a dampening bar anyway.

If I get time I'll also look to try the rears under the seat (L/R) but my only concern with that is that the rear L/R are meant to portray collisions so I'm not sure how it will feel with being under the seat[/B].

Not sure if Berney will see this (or want to reply) but I'd really like to hear how SimVibe is best setup on one of their motion rigs being that the seat is on a pivot and the rig includes a dampening bar.

Yes I will wait for your impressions about this solution:tup:
Hello all I am new to this forum. I just invested in SimVibe. I use tactile feedback a lot (Reference my forum name :) )

I am switching from X-Sim to SimVibe and really like it. Only have one Clark under the seat ATM. Looking forward to having a more descriptive chassis setup when I can get more transducers.

My question is in X-Sim when using with iRacing it had the ability to pick up slide/slip angle and transfer that tactilely. I do not see any such input in SimVibe. Is it possible? I don't believe iRacing delivers wheel slide as telemetry but there are formulas out there for deriving it.
Hate you Berney :crazy: I should be in bed by now lol..
I've gone from a ponderer to hooked in about an hour :drool:

I d/l the trial but thought it may be lacking in features so bought the software and cobbled together a temp setup.

After the obligatory couple of hours of windows rubbish, trying to differentiate between sound cards and outputs etc, I finally got it up and running.

I used on-board sound output for Extension mode into an old Yamaha amp just for pedals at the moment.
I used a 7.1 PCI card for Chassis mode into a Sony 7.1 amp with multi-channel inputs.
I've only fitted a couple of aura shakers to the rear for testing and a miniquake to the pedals but as I use motion I'll need to look at other options for the rears.
I saw berney's message about 2 under the seat and combining front and rear into left and right, but I think I'll see if I can fit the rears to the actual seat and ponder about the fronts.
I've still got a shaker to fit to the H shifter surround.

I'm not worried about my final config just now but I'm more than happy to report I'm gobsmacked :drool:

Once you get the hang of the settings it's very straight forward. I picked it up so quick I worked out why I had a whining noise as soon as I launched GTR Evolution...the engine vibration setting seemed to default to a max rpm of 1037 or something so as soon as the car started it thought it was at max revs 👍 Nice easy fix and it was heavenly. The pedals were immediately the most obvious benefit for me, with the right settings I could feel the car revs through the pedals, it felt so real :sly:

I've cancelled my plans for tomorrow night cos I want to get my teeth stuck into this and fit everything if possible and wire up the extra amps properly.

I only drive 2 racers at the moment, GTR Evolution and Game Stock Car 2012 and of course both are supported.

One thing I noticed, Race07 didn't seem to have a suspension option, is that because the game engine doesn't support it/output the data?

Finally, I tried it together with my motion (xsim2) and no problems at all :)
Hi all, I need some help/education on a matter that I cannot seem to resolve. My research brings me to confusion as the answers I have found are mixed.

I have just installed Simvibe and it's an absolute power house in it's own right, awesome addition to my sim racing immersion. However have a problem that I can't seem to slove.

I have onboard sound (Realtek HD 7.1 audio) + I have a Creative xfi titatium 5.1 sound card. OS is Win7.64

I have 8 bass shakers attached to my rig successfully operating via y-splitting the xfi sound card.

SimVibe requires 2 sound cards to operate effectively, however it does produce results (not great but enough to see it works) working with audio as per my current config above.

My question is: How do you get the onboard sound device to work while using the xfi sound card.?

I've read most posts saying they are using onboard sound and a second card, but How?
I believe it's a win7 issue, even though my information is that Simvibe will sort this out as it should detect them both...and it does within the commander, I can see both cards there, but I get no sound thru the onboard. Back into win7 now, both cards are enabled but only one can be the default card.

appreciate any help on this matter.
I found the initial setup very hit and miss, using Win7.64
I use HDMI for audio/pic from my video card and that's set as my default audio card. I use onboard (Realtek) for Extension mode and PCI (C-media) card for Chassis mode.
I found myself messing around a lot to finally get them to work. I think I had to use both Realtek and C-media GUI's to get cards seen.

I must have gone in and out of the 'speaker config' mode 20 times before finally getting it right.
Only thing I'd say is initially make sure the cards you select in Control Panel/Sound are the ones that say Speaker and not Digital.
Then as per SimVibe instructions, for Extension mode select 5.1 or 7.1 (I had to use 7.1 and my pedals are using Right Rear Surround Back channel) and Chassis mode needs to be set as Quadraphonic.
Hi all, I need some help/education on a matter that I cannot seem to resolve. My research brings me to confusion as the answers I have found are mixed.

I have just installed Simvibe and it's an absolute power house in it's own right, awesome addition to my sim racing immersion. However have a problem that I can't seem to slove.

I have onboard sound (Realtek HD 7.1 audio) + I have a Creative xfi titatium 5.1 sound card. OS is Win7.64

I have 8 bass shakers attached to my rig successfully operating via y-splitting the xfi sound card.

SimVibe requires 2 sound cards to operate effectively, however it does produce results (not great but enough to see it works) working with audio as per my current config above.

My question is: How do you get the onboard sound device to work while using the xfi sound card.?

I've read most posts saying they are using onboard sound and a second card, but How?
I believe it's a win7 issue, even though my information is that Simvibe will sort this out as it should detect them both...and it does within the commander, I can see both cards there, but I get no sound thru the onboard. Back into win7 now, both cards are enabled but only one can be the default card.

appreciate any help on this matter.

You only need to set your soundcard that you want to use to output normal audio as default in Windows. Simvibe can still access whatever output no matter what, but you have to manually select the correct output in the settings of Simvibe.
It is just that all games and programs tend to grab the default soundcard output as the one to use, hence only that has to be selected in windows... For the normal game audio purposes, etc.
More time on this tonight as I setup a shaker for the H shifter (TH8RS).
I'm starting to get to grips with the various settings. I think I'll end up turning off all settings and try out one at a time, but it would be a long job.
I still need to sort another screen (Lilliput) as I'm testing mostly with GTR/Race07 and as I'm using an HDR mod I cant Alt+Tab out of it so have to exit the game when I want to change settings.

I'm still pondering what's best to do with Chassis mode cos I use motion. As I'm using a dampening bar I'm not feeling the L/R rear directional effects so I'm going to try using front L/R on my base and rear L/R on the corners of my seat frame.
Steve I questioned the notion of having 4x Mini LFE actually connected under a seat several times on i-racing forums but do not believe anybody ever commented on the idea.

I also questioned how well the tactile would work via motion configs using a single centre mount for a chair as it seriously looks to restrict how much tactile can travel up into the seat. Berney did say that tactile will travel up the arm/connections at the back no problems but it will be interesting finding out what solution or configuration you and greeze will end up with.

Of course a user may prefer to have the "front chassis" stereo tactile either side of the pedals but I do think some of us will be using separate engine tactile to the pedals anyways as you already discovered.

I would think you have two options:
1) Two up front at either side of the pedals and possibly an "extension" for pedals and two at the back of the seat for rears.

2) Four under the seat in the corners and an "extension" for pedals up front.

A user that does this then incorporates a 5.1 configuration in tactile which will also be suitable for surround/multichannel tactile with consoles etc. With Simvibe the user can determine if to use the centre tactile at the pedals or not.

My own layout will test using dual Chassis config:
4x LFE on corners of the cockpit 2FT+ away from the seat
4x Mini LFE under the seat

The plan is to have the feature for either running, or indeed both running together via separate amplification.
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Steve I questioned the notion of having 4x Mini LFE actually connected under a seat several times on i-racing forums and nobody ever commented on the idea.

I also questioned how well the tactile would work via motion configs using a single centre mount for a chair as it seriously looks to restrict how much tactile can travel up into the seat. Berney did say that tactile will travel up the arm/connections at the back no problems but it will be interesting finding out what solution or configuration you and greeze will end up with.

Of course a user may prefer to have the "front chassis" stereo tactile either side of the pedals but I do think some of us will be using separate engine tactile to the pedals anyways.

I would think you have two options:
1) Two up front at either side of the pedals and possibly an "extension" for pedals and two at the back of the seat for rears.
2) Four under the seat in the corners and an "extension" for pedals up front.

A user that does this then incorporates a 5.1 configuration in tactile which will be suitable for surround/multichannel tactile with consoles etc. With Simvibe the user can determine if to use it or not.

I do plan to use two up front for chassis L/R, just didn't get round to putting them in tonight.

I'm already running Extension mode with one at pedals and one at H shifter. I don't think I'll be using Seat in extension mode.

The current rears which I fitted to the base near the actuator mounts work okay but you dont really get any kind of L/R directional effect. Also the effects don't really travel up the actuator arms because I use a dampening bar, same as SimXperience rigs (and Greeze). Also the actuators are not fixed to the top of the seat (again, same as SimXperience rigs and Greeze's).
I plan to use mounting brackets with 2 x miniquakes and fit them to the rear L/R corners of the seat base frame work and see what it produces.

There'll be plenty of trial and error but as I've got the amps wired up now, it's just a case of moving shakers around and playing with SimVibe settings :) I'm kissing myself for building my rig on an MDF base, so easy to move things around ;)
Yeah I'm a bit the same in needing a complete free day to really get into it.
Their is so much scope for personalisation in the software, hours will be poured into configuring.

Will be interesting to see what solution Berney has for his own cockpits, particularly the rears. IIRC greeze did a nice bracket to the side of his seat and maybe that type of solution would be best for the rears?

I have never bought one of the Quake range to determine how it compares to the Mini LFE. Would you fancy a swap/loan for one sometime? Also didn't you have a "Reckhorn", how do they compare to your Quake?

I'm still very much intrigued on what (for me) will be the best tactile products to use for the best performance. So got loads of testing to look forward to.
Steve I questioned the notion of having 4x Mini LFE actually connected under a seat several times on i-racing forums but do not believe anybody ever commented on the idea.

This solution didn't do well in the user trials or measurements. I think this is largely because it's too "pointed" it literally feels like something directly touches the left rear of your butt for example.

In a vehicle, all of these vibrations have an origination point (most often at the wheels or front end) and transfer through a wide variety of materials to arrive at your feet, seat and hands.

While subtle, it actually takes time for this transfer to occur and of course the result is not pointed. This time is measurable. An accurate result will not originate directly on the users touch points but rather some distance away as we do in SimVibe chassis mode. Then you must get the brackets and intensity correct such that the amount of time and intensity for each touch point aligns with actual measured car data. I realize that not everyone will be able to obtain actual car data. Nontheless, moving the transducers away from user touch points will still be closer to realistic.

This of course assumes that your design goal is realism and not simply powerful vibrations. If the goal is to discard accuracy and feel alot of vibration, you would of course plant a transducer right on your butt , feet and hands.

I would highly suggest at least trying the chassis mode properly implemented. Alot of time and effort went into considering various chassis sizes, materials, etc... to time these effects in a way that will work for most given adequate brackets, transducers, etc..
I would highly suggest at least trying the chassis mode properly implemented. Alot of time and effort went into considering various chassis sizes, materials, etc... to time these effects in a way that will work for most given adequate brackets, transducers, etc..

Anyone with a bit of sense or past history in running multichannel tactile configs will configure their set-up to have the ability to run in your "Quad Chassis" mode. I guess some like experimenting and finding our own preferences not necessarily in just realism but immersion and entertainment value too.

I do however disagree with your implying that increased multiple tactile has to be perceived as crazy overpowering. It can give much more control and wider distribution of the effects (regardless of source) avoiding the problems a small single unit may have coping with high volumes or near it's operational limit.

Just as having a 11.2 home cinema isn't any-more overpowering compared to a 5.1 configuration, it does however create a much greater presence and quality experience.

I will certainly be testing your own findings (on my seat/rig of course) which will always differ from your own cockpits so the results just cannot be identical to your own testing. Do not take it the wrong way it is good to get your feedback, just well we have to try our own thing on our own rigs too.

Example, above not in correct position or distance applied.

Yes I am NUTS!
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