I bought Simvibe and got it working more or less. I do have a few lingering questions that are sort of deflating my tires.

Long story short, I don't have the room on my mobo for a sound card. GTX 570's are triple size, so with 2 of them there is no room. So I picked up one of those USB external sound cards, a Startech. It works, alright and for $39 Cnd the price was right. I connected my 2 Aura bass shakers to my 150 watt Dayton amp, then to the front channel (green) on the Startech.
On Simvibe, under "Manage sim setup buttons" then "output mixer" I have 7 buttons, I added engine vibrations. I have yet to tweak the "intensity" or "sensitivity" yet, I may once I become more familiar with Simvibe. So now I want to connect my 2 buttkickers, well one of them for now, because on one of them I over tightened it and it broke the cast iron, dam thing kept sliding off of my buttmount under the seat. I will deal with that later.
Anyway, from what I figured with 3-5 hours sleep over the past 3-5 days, playing with Simvibe sort of rattled me a tad.

Anyway under "settings" then "output devices" then "Simvibe sound card" I would change the settings from "speakers "(2- USB multi-channel audio device)" which is where the Aura bass shakers are connected. I changed it to the on board sound. Then I connected the 3.5mm plug from my buttkicker amp then to my PC, then to Simvibe extensions instead of the Simvibe chassis where the bass shakers are connected. Problem is only one will work but not both. While running iRacing under "options" then "sound" then "simulation" then "device" there is a drop down box to select which option I want to check. Well I check the "speakers (2- USB multi-channel audio device)", if I check my on board sound then I loose the "(2- USB multi-channel audio device)" and my Aura bass shakers. Any ideas? I currently have the buttkicker behind the pedals and the other one under the seat once I get it fixed. I want to connect both buttkickers to the Simvibe extensions.
I really like Simvibe and I see absolutely no purpose of using audio tactile again. Berney and staff hit this one out of the park. If anyone has any ideas that perhaps I am over looking I would like to hear them please.