Humm, I think the AI needs some work if I'm honest. In GT5P, its not quite so bad as GT4, but its still pretty rubbish. For example, I was on Fuji the other night and was braking for the first corner in my F40, when a F430 came flying into the back of me. Now, obviously the F430 has better brakes, so why didn't he do:
A) Outbrake me on the inside and overtake me!
B) Brake earlier to avoid me altogether
C) Brake as late as he dares, relise he's going to hit me and take avoiding action
But, it has good points too, same track, same car, I went in too hot on the last corner and got a tank slapper on, ended up moving very slowly (off boost) down the first part of the straight. The AI cars cleanly overtook me and didn't run up my behind!
I've just played Forza 3's demo around my mateshouse, and I've gotta me honest, the AI is pretty damn clever. The game itself is pretty poor imo, with glassy feeling steering, floating rather than gripping in corners. Graphics wern't much cop either, but the AI was bloody clever. Overtaking, trying to outbrake me, blocking the inside line... great fun!