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Michelin Pilot Challenge 2024 - Presented by SNAIL
Hosted by PSN: NOVA-0479
Event #4 / Race #1 Recap
Event #4 - Mount Panorama
Friday February 21, 2025
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The global PSN outage on February 7th forced this event to be rescheduled to February 21st. The changes to the grid from Event #3 to Event #4 are as follows:
Qualifying Table:
- OUT - @Dragonwhisky , @Fudman420 , @RACECAR
- IN - @Buffalo_DRD , @CdnSweetTee , @Mac1032763 , @Wetroadracer , @MrDonovan
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@Kgffy and his BMW put the whole grid on notice right away with a blistering lap in qualifying of 2:10.197, a whole 3/10th ahead of 2nd place @llNovall . We've had 4 events in this series and this is the 4th different manufacturer to claim pole which further illustrates the parity in this field. If this trend continues, I'm looking at @radliffracing 's Toyota or @Worst_Driver 's Aston Martin to grab pole at Event #5 in a few weeks.
Event #4 / Race #1:
LAP #1:
It's lights out down under in the twilight at Mount Panorama. The two BMW's of @Kgffy and @llNovall will start on the first row and they'll have @radliffracing and @Mac1032763 right behind them in the 2nd row.
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With a very short runway and a full grid of 16 cars, we all had to be careful to ensure we all get away cleanly. @Mac1032763 's McLaren was quick off the line and got ahead of @llNovall just before Turn 1. But some chain-reaction bumping led to @llNovall being pushed wide into the sand. He's rejoin the race in 16th position.
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LAP #2:
It was @Kgffy , @Mac1032763 and @bublyman that made the most of their favorable starting positions and got away from the main pack early. At the top of the mountain, @Mac1032763 touches grass and crashes. Knowing he's in a dangerous spot, he graciously waits for traffic to go by before re-entering the track in 15th spot. In this picture, @Bologna_Duc is seen through the tree running 4th while @radliffracing rounds up the top 5.
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LAP #4:
@Kgffy still leads the race. Pictured here is @radliffracing , currently 3rd chasing @bublyman who is in 2nd. @Bologna_Duc again in the background beginning his decent of the mountain is in 4th. A few moments later, @radliffracing would spin out on his decent but would do well to leave his car in the safest spot for traffic to go by. He'd drop from 3rd to 16th.
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LAP #5:
By the time he reached the mountain top in Lap #5, @llNovall has already managed to get himself back to 8th spot from 16th after the turn 1 incident on Lap #1 . I saw him coming up behind like a man on a mission. I thought it pointless to defend too hard and he overtook me to move into 7th, and he wasn't done there.
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LAP #5:
Maybe I'm having a déja-vu but here's once again the Corvettes of @Bologna_Duc and @socalnatv , but instead of doing battle they're working together, from the 4th and 5th position, to try to close the gap between themselves and @bublyman still in 2nd, and @Kgffy still in 1st.
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LAP #6:
For the most part, there's pretty tight racing occurring all over the grid still. @CdnSweetTee manages to catch and pass @Noob01_lmdead at the start of the long straight to move into 9th place. Just behind them is @JDMKING13 's McLaren, currently running 11th.
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LAP #7:
@DublDee in 5th place, feeling the pressure applied by @THMP and goes a little too deep on the lefthander on top of the mountain which would allow @THMP to take the position. And chalk another one up for @llNovall who would also capitalize on the opportunity and move up to 6th.
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LAP #9:
@socalnatv did well to hang around with @Bologna_Duc for a few laps but he would get pulled into a fight with @THMP and @llNovall . @Bologna_Duc , still in 3rd, probably had eyes on his rearview mirror to watch those three go 3-wide up the mountain.
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LAP #11:
@DublDee currently in 7th, is leading three quarters of the White Knuckle Motorsports team rounding turn 1 of lap 11. @DublDee would ride the wall a little bit on the uphill on this lap allowing myself and @CdnSweetTee through. @CdnSweetTee would proceed to pressure me until the end of the race, sometimes from as close as 2/10th of a second but to her credit, I didn't feel the slightest bump from her. Fun few laps @CdnSweetTee !!!
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LAP #13:
Circling back to @Kgffy , it took me awhile to try to frame him in a picture with those chasing him to put perspective on the lead he's built for himself. @bublyman and @Bologna_Duc never stopped trying but with a little over 1 lap to go, the best they can hope for at this point is a mistake by @Kgffy
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LAP #14:
From pole to checkered, @Kgffy put on a masterclass on his controller in this one. He bests his qualifying time by touching into the 2:09's and gets himself and BMW, its first win of the season. @bublyman and @Bologna_Duc would join him on the podium. An impressive run by @llNovall got him from 16th to 4th and @socalnatv rounds up the top 5.
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Final Event #4 / RACE #1 Results Table:
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Event #4 / Race #1 Broadcast:
Final Thoughts:
That's how saw Event #4 / Race #1
- It's a short turnaround until Event #5 at Nurburgring GP. But as always, I encourage all of you to consider Snail's Sunday Night Spec League. The league has a little bit of wind at its back right now. We've had grids of 10 or 11 drivers in both divisions in recent weeks and would love to keep growing.
- I'll try to get Race #2 recap out later this week sometime if time permits.
Director of Media Relations
Driver Race Craft Reminder Bulletin
I want to make sure that this does not come off pointedly towards any one driver, and that this post is simply food for thought when it comes to racecraft, consistency, and patience among our drivers with concessions afforded.
Under normal circusmstances, racing even up...be it Sport, open lobby, or many other online series', drivers of the highest skill level typically are afforded the advantage of running at about 8/10's of their actual pace when racing against the average of the rest of us. As such, their consistency is always strong and mistakes, minimal. Unless challenged by drivers of their same skill set, they are not forced to run at the edge, and even then that is usually only a driver or two on the grid. (unless, of course, they are running in the finals of the GT7 formal Championships). For the rest of us, our 10/10's is the equivalent to their 5/10's to 8/10's....meaning, we need to run on the ragged edge to even be in the same sector as them. This is where our series comes into play. This series allows the average and slightly above average drivers to race comfortably at their 7/10's-8/10's and remain competetive with the fastest among our group. Those at the base, set the average. Those with handicaps are now being forced to run closer to their edge more often, presenting them with this steady challenge, but remaining consistent and competetive.
Those with concessions are afforded the extra grip and power to allow them to not be forced to run past their comfort zone and still be in the pace. The idea is to encourage patience, consistency, and the extra room to hone their race craft without having them at their limits. Basically, our lap consistency across all skill groups should have us lapping in the 8/10's range of our personal driver capability. The extra tenth or two is the reserve available to all of us to lean on when needed, but at the risk of mistakes. This is where the patience and race craft comes in. Knowing when to use that extra and when not to. Our handicapped and base level drivers know how to implement this best, and is something that every driver with a concession should be focusing on. That leads me to the point of this Bulletin.
For our drivers with concessions of hp increase, tire compound advantage, or both, this reminder is focused toward helping you improve your overall patience, consistency, and race craft. With the extra HP and, for some, the extra grip, outright lap times/pace should not be your primary focus. The priority should be placed towards lap consistency (get to know and hit your marks across a lap, over and over), and overall clean driving/race craft.
I have seen many, too many, recent attempts of drivers trying to out-brake the Pro-Am and Pro level drivers going into corners, expecting the added grip of the rm tires to be the difference. Alot of these instances, I see a rm equipped car brake later than a rh equipped car. When this happens, you are already likely to be too late on the brakes, as the Pro-Am and Pro drivers are already more comfortable braking later and more near the threshold. You should be braking at the same point, or even earlier to set up the better exit to then rely on the extra HP to execute the easier pass on the subsequent straight. This is the patience part of it. By setting up the better and more tidy entry, you set yourself up for the better and faster run off the exit. With the added HP advantage, the rest of us should be sitting ducks. And, if you cannot execute the pass on that straight, be ok with backing down to try again. Sometimes, just the pressure will cause the small mistake and hand you the position. By driving with this strategy, you allow yourself oppurtunities without risking incident or loss of time, which then maintains that overall lap consistency. This is race craft. Knowing when to lean on and past your comfort pace and when to stay on strategy to maintain a solid race is what will make you a better driver all around and eventually elevate your pace potential.
I hope everyone views this Bulletin as it is intended. Any questions, feel free to post and discuss in the main thread, or if you prefer to discuss more in private, do not hesitate to pm me. This is an amazing group of drivers at all skill levels with most of us still learning at every race. The goal of this is to enhance and better all of us to achieve even better racing than what we already enjoy. Everyone have a great weekend, and get those laps in for the Nurburgring GP course. See you all on track soon.
NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2.) JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
3.) kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
4.) DRD_Niagara / @Buffalo_DRD (#78)
5.) Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
6.) DUB-L-DEE / @DublDee (#33)
7.) Cdn_Sweet_Tee / @CdnSweetTee (#22)
8.) DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
9.) Fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
10.) Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
11.) cesarr64 / @cesarr64 (#64)
12.) GTP_WorstDriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
13.) Wetroadracer / @Wetroadracer (#187)
14.) Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
15.) MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#46)
16.) radliffpower / @radliffracing (#85)
17.) mac1032763 / @Mac1032763 (#420)
18.) R1600Turbo / @CodeRedR51 (#62)
20.) Thumpleton (THMP) / @THMP (#003)
21.) Ridger23 / @bublyman (#7)
22.) Dragonwhisky / @Dragonwhisky (#5)
23.) CyberSalad_502 / @CyberSalad (#89)
24.) jakeblack3 / @JakeMk8 (#3)
Driver Race Craft Reminder Bulletin
I want to make sure that this does not come off pointedly towards any one driver, and that this post is simply food for thought when it comes to racecraft, consistency, and patience among our drivers with concessions afforded.
Under normal circusmstances, racing even up...be it Sport, open lobby, or many other online series', drivers of the highest skill level typically are afforded the advantage of running at about 8/10's of their actual pace when racing against the average of the rest of us. As such, their consistency is always strong and mistakes, minimal. Unless challenged by drivers of their same skill set, they are not forced to run at the edge, and even then that is usually only a driver or two on the grid. (unless, of course, they are running in the finals of the GT7 formal Championships). For the rest of us, our 10/10's is the equivalent to their 5/10's to 8/10's....meaning, we need to run on the ragged edge to even be in the same sector as them. This is where our series comes into play. This series allows the average and slightly above average drivers to race comfortably at their 7/10's-8/10's and remain competetive with the fastest among our group. Those at the base, set the average. Those with handicaps are now being forced to run closer to their edge more often, presenting them with this steady challenge, but remaining consistent and competetive.
Those with concessions are afforded the extra grip and power to allow them to not be forced to run past their comfort zone and still be in the pace. The idea is to encourage patience, consistency, and the extra room to hone their race craft without having them at their limits. Basically, our lap consistency across all skill groups should have us lapping in the 8/10's range of our personal driver capability. The extra tenth or two is the reserve available to all of us to lean on when needed, but at the risk of mistakes. This is where the patience and race craft comes in. Knowing when to use that extra and when not to. Our handicapped and base level drivers know how to implement this best, and is something that every driver with a concession should be focusing on. That leads me to the point of this Bulletin.
For our drivers with concessions of hp increase, tire compound advantage, or both, this reminder is focused toward helping you improve your overall patience, consistency, and race craft. With the extra HP and, for some, the extra grip, outright lap times/pace should not be your primary focus. The priority should be placed towards lap consistency (get to know and hit your marks across a lap, over and over), and overall clean driving/race craft.
I have seen many, too many, recent attempts of drivers trying to out-brake the Pro-Am and Pro level drivers going into corners, expecting the added grip of the rm tires to be the difference. Alot of these instances, I see a rm equipped car brake later than a rh equipped car. When this happens, you are already likely to be too late on the brakes, as the Pro-Am and Pro drivers are already more comfortable braking later and more near the threshold. You should be braking at the same point, or even earlier to set up the better exit to then rely on the extra HP to execute the easier pass on the subsequent straight. This is the patience part of it. By setting up the better and more tidy entry, you set yourself up for the better and faster run off the exit. With the added HP advantage, the rest of us should be sitting ducks. And, if you cannot execute the pass on that straight, be ok with backing down to try again. Sometimes, just the pressure will cause the small mistake and hand you the position. By driving with this strategy, you allow yourself oppurtunities without risking incident or loss of time, which then maintains that overall lap consistency. This is race craft. Knowing when to lean on and past your comfort pace and when to stay on strategy to maintain a solid race is what will make you a better driver all around and eventually elevate your pace potential.
I hope everyone views this Bulletin as it is intended. Any questions, feel free to post and discuss in the main thread, or if you prefer to discuss more in private, do not hesitate to pm me. This is an amazing group of drivers at all skill levels with most of us still learning at every race. The goal of this is to enhance and better all of us to achieve even better racing than what we already enjoy. Everyone have a great weekend, and get those laps in for the Nurburgring GP course. See you all on track soon.
NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2.) JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
3.) kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
4.) DRD_Niagara / @Buffalo_DRD (#78)
5.) Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
6.) DUB-L-DEE / @DublDee (#33)
7.) Cdn_Sweet_Tee / @CdnSweetTee (#22)
8.) DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
9.) Fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
10.) Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
11.) cesarr64 / @cesarr64 (#64)
12.) GTP_WorstDriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
13.) Wetroadracer / @Wetroadracer (#187)
14.) Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
15.) MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#46)
16.) radliffpower / @radliffracing (#85)
17.) mac1032763 / @Mac1032763 (#420)
18.) R1600Turbo / @CodeRedR51 (#62)
20.) Thumpleton (THMP) / @THMP (#003)
21.) Ridger23 / @bublyman (#7)
22.) Dragonwhisky / @Dragonwhisky (#5)
23.) CyberSalad_502 / @CyberSalad (#89)
24.) jakeblack3 / @JakeMk8 (#3)
Michelin Pilot Challenge 2024 - Presented by SNAIL
Hosted by PSN: NOVA-0479
Event #4 / Race #2 Recap
Event #4 - Mount Panorama
Friday February 21, 2025
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I keep trying to get these out sooner but the days fly-by on me and I sometimes struggle finding the time.
Race #2 goes off with the reverse grid rule in effect. That puts @Wetroadracer on the front row with @radliffracing. @Worst_Driver and @MrDonovan behind them in the 2nd row while the 3rd row is made up of the McLarens of @JDMKING13 and @Mac1032763 .
Event #4 / Race #2:
LAP #1:
Off we go with a short sprint to turn 1. Asides from the expected little bump and nudge, all cars got away cleanly for race #2.
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The clean start is evident as I'm still able to frame all 16 cars together at the top of the mountain. @Wetroadracer leads @radliffracing , @Worst_Driver , @MrDonovan and @JDMKING13 .
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LAP #2:
@DublDee , currently in 5th is leading @Worst_Driver down the hill. Just behind them is @CdnSweetTee , @Noob01_lmdead and @Mac1032763 . @Noob01_lmdead was applying pressure to @CdnSweetTee and did very well using the track runoff not to gain an advantage but to avoid a potential incident.
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LAP #3 - Lead Change
@Wetroadracer went a little wide at the straight on top of the mountain. His dirty tires caused him to lose some grip on the ensuing decent and @radliffracing would take advantage. He's our new leader.
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LAP #3:
Just a few seconds later, @Mac1032763 would end up sliding and end up sideways. He's at a dead stop in the picture below and you'd think that carnage occurred but @Mac1032763 actually does pretty good to throw it back in gear and moves forward a few feet thus providing enough room for the speeding cars to get by. A gentle, controlled spin would get him facing in the right direction where he re-joined the race in 12th spot instead of 16th.
Nicely done @Mac1032763 . This sequence scored you a few points for "Driver of the Race" considerations. (although I have no authority to grant such award)
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LAP #6:
@radliffracing is still leading and @Wetroadracer maintains his spot in 2nd. But the battle for 3rd is pretty heated. @DublDee has been applying pressure to @MrDonovan for a few laps now. However this is as close as he'd get. @CdnSweetTee recently joined this action and would actually move ahead of @DublDee on this lap after emerging from a back-and-forth tussle she had with @JDMKING13 .
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LAP 7:
@socalnatv is running 8th, with @Worst_Driver and @Bologna_Duc chasing him. They'd get congested on the exit of turn 1 and are three wide for a bit but a little contact between @Worst_Driver and @Bologna_Duc would result in a @Worst_Driver spin. A considerate @Bologna_Duc would wait for @Worst_Driver before they'd be on their way again. @Mac1032763 , @Kgffy and @bublyman right behind them could have made this a 6 car drag race down the straight between turns 1 and 2.
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LAP #7:
@MrDonovan is still in 3rd and @CdnSweetTee is in 4th. An unforced error would have @MrDonovan spin coming out of the exit after the mountain's decent. @CdnSweetTee turns the blind corner surprised and t-bones a still spinning @MrDonovan at 97 k/ph.
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The impact sends @MrDonovan spinning again (he's getting dizzy at this point) into the path of @DublDee and gets t-boned again, this time on the driver's side. This sequence would lead to caution flags being waved for the second time this season.
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LAP #9 - Lead Change
@radliffracing is still leading but @Wetroadracer is making him work hard to keep it. At the top of the mountain, @radliffracing would kiss the inside concrete wall and the bounce would send him fast to the right side of the track. He manages to catch his car but the loss of speed allows @Wetroadracer to re-claim his lead.
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LAP #10:
I was going to leave this sequence on the cutting-room floor but I kinda liked this picture...
Approaching the last turn of lap 10, we can see @JDMKING13 in the corner, who is in 6th place, leading @Kgffy , @socalnatv , @Mac1032763 and @bublyman in good hard racing. You can see @socalnatv 's rear right tire touch a few inches of grass. This is all it took to unsettle the car going into the turn.
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@socalnatv would get the worst of it. @Kgffy would go into the sand but was pretty quick to get himself back on the track. @Mac1032763 looks like he's spinning in this picture but corrects himself nicely while @bublyman escapes unharmed.
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LAP #13:
Lap #13 is a pretty eventful lap. @Wetroadracer is having a great drive. He's been leading for 4 laps but it's his turn to touch grass on the mountain. He does an excellent job maintaining control and avoids catastrophe but the loss of speed causes him to give back much of the lead he's built over the last few laps.
@THMP and @llNovall have been exchanging the 2nd and 3rd positions. @radliffracing is in 4th and @Mac1032763 (how is this guy still here?) is in 5th.
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LAP #13 - Lead Change
The combination of @Wetroadracer 's loss of speed and dirty tires cause him to exit the mountain a little slower than usual and @THMP has kept himself in great position to take advantage, and the lead.
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LAP #13 - Lead Change
@Wetroadracer 's slower exit out of the previous corner wasn't bad enough that he couldn't put himself into @THMP 's slipstream. He uses this well and slingshots himself back into the lead at the very end of the straight. @llNovall is still there in 3rd, applying pressure on the two in front of him.
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LAP #13 - Lead Change
My job here is to recap the race and I wouldn't be doing the race any justice if I ignored it. But near the end of lap 13 of 14, @Wetroadracer found himself deep into the grass. But just as he's shown 1 minute ago on top of the mountain, he does exceptionally well keeping his car straight and able to rejoin the track in 3rd position.
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Lap #14:
@THMP is the first to see the checkered flag. @llNovall pressed him hard at times on the last lap but will have to settle for 2nd. @Wetroadracer manages to keep his spot on the podium at 3rd. The duo of @radliffracing and @Mac1032763 round off the top 5 in this one. This is a very strong race by the folks from the Cat 5 Racing Team.
It's AMG's second win of the season after @DublDee 's win in Event #2 / Race #2 at the Glen.
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Final Event #4 / Race #2 Results Table:
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Event #4 / Race #2 Broadcast:
Driver of the Race Award:
As I review the reply to pull pictures and then again to create and post a broadcast, some things stand out to me. So I take the opportunity give a shout-out to the following for Event #4 / Race #2:
And an honorable mention to @Mac1032763 , who at lap #3 is parked sideways and has to watch car after car go by before getting back into it in 12th spot. To finish in the top 5 shows you've strung together 11 consistent, safe laps.
- @Wetroadracer - Fantastic race. Started on pole, lost the lead, regained the lead. Found yourself in the grass a few times and did great to maintain control and re-enter with minimal time loss.
Final Thoughts:
That's how I interpreted Event #4 / Race #2.
- Congrats to @Kgffy , @llNovall and @Bologna_Duc for their Top 3 Overall Event #4 finishes.
- My typical shameless plug for the Sunday Snail League. Whether on a full-time or a part-time basis, a little of you is better than none of you.
- I'm off to Nurburgring GP for some testing. I know many of you are already in practice lobbies, I'm a little behind. Haven't run any laps yet.
Director of Media Relations
Thank you sir, that is kind of you to sayThanks @Buffalo_DRD i feel I had a really good 2nd race. I definitely made some mistakes and ultimately that’s what cost me the win, that and a little help from Thumpon lap 13 haha. But seriously mistakes happen and it is what it is, Thump ran a great race and he deserved the win!