SNAIL Parity Racing Series - 86 GT/FR-S/BR-Z Night

  • Thread starter Vol Jbolaz
I'm going to try this one more time tonight. I would like at least five people. If I can't get that by 9:45 Eastern, then I'll open a public room, and we'll see how well that works.
Same as last week? 450pp w/ SM?

PS. Trying to drum up interest from another series.
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I'm almost positive I'll be there to check it out. Any chance to drive with a clean crowd, learn from you fast guys, and have fun, I'm all over it.

I'll be there to check it out, looks like fun.

If you're doing it in your Lounge, add my PSN ID. If you're doing an open Lobby, I assume you'll post the room number?


Now to find a broken in 450 pp car ...
I would like to participate

Psn id: GTP_Aguilar

Add me as soon as you can


If this is not the right way to register please tell me
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Wow, lots of interest this week. If I have time I'll be there.
From the OP :)

'Race sessions will start at 21:30 Eastern Time on Tuesday evenings (02:30 GMT on Wednesday mornings)'

Oops didn't noticed that, sorry.
Its going to be a little hard for me to participate, but i will try anyway.

Oops didn't noticed that, sorry.
Its going to be a little hard for me to participate, but i will try anyway.


No worries, I'm new here and thought I remembered seeing it there. Hope you can make it.
Would like to join SCREAMING_CHIEF psn.

I would like to participate

Psn id: GTP_Aguilar

Add me as soon as you can


If this is not the right way to register please tell me

Oh yeah, if you need it, my psn id is g-MachineRex. Thanks.

If everyone could send me, a_garris, a friend request, it would be easier.

I am excited. I hope we have people show up. I'm guessing this is interest from the SNAIL group. That is something I've been very interested in, just haven't worked into my schedule. Guess I'll have to check it out.
WRX, Cheeb and I are from S.N.A.I.L although I guess to be honest I was from here first if you consider this an evolution of the Lemons Series. :D
WRX, Cheeb and I are from S.N.A.I.L although I guess to be honest I was from here first if you consider this an evolution of the Lemons Series. :D

I saw the lemons series and stole, err borrowed the idea for a sunday afternoon i do with some buddies. We were of varying abilities and i was looking for a way to level the playing field.

Will add you tonight garris.
If everyone could send me, a_garris, a friend request, it would be easier.

I am excited. I hope we have people show up. I'm guessing this is interest from the SNAIL group. That is something I've been very interested in, just haven't worked into my schedule. Guess I'll have to check it out.

sorry mate, but i wount be able to participate in your event.


EDIT: i added you anyway, i'll join you guys another time ;)
I'll pop on for a few races later! I think I'm gonna try and tune up a nice 450pp Evo or something.
I've posted a spreadsheet for the results. Congratulations to Nic. He did a very good job.

For me that was a complete bust. We had five races of six laps and I probably raced for two.

I would like some feedback. I'm not sure how successful this was, so if anyone has any ideas to make it better, please let me know.
I think it would be great if the races were scheduled like at 10PM GMT
Maybe you would get more drivers racing.

Not sure how everyone else felt, but I thought it went pretty good. We definitely weren't bunched up as much as we were when chuyler tested with boost on low, but I wasn't by myself too much unless I wrecked or had an off. My view may be a little slanted, though because my MR2 was quick off the line, so I was generally near the front of the pack after the first turn.

I thought it was fun. I remember battling with Diabolic and Esh a good bit.
I had a few good runs, but spent most of my time near the back. Stupid skill level and accelerator issues (again).

I'll get the pedal sorted and be back for more, 'twas a fun night.