So, who's got all 60 Golds in their licence tests yet?

  • Thread starter Stevisiov
You actually keeping track of a list for this Sigma :) Don't think its a achievement to be honest but can put me down, was the first thing I did in gt5...get all licences gold lol :)
I am on S9 right now on my euro disc, already have all golds on my u.s. edition. Now almost have 60 gold again. I forgot how much a PITA IC-1 was hahah
I'm working towards mine right now. I've got 41 golds and all i have left is the ia and ib licenses. That 1000m braking test took me forever. At one point i missed it by .001 seconds.
I'm working towards mine right now. I've got 41 golds and all i have left is the ia and ib licenses. That 1000m braking test took me forever. At one point i missed it by .001 seconds.

My first post but I've learned heaps from this forum. 👍

I did exactly the same 0.001 on 1000m :ouch: Took about 50 goes.

I joined the all gold license club a few days ago. :)
I did this quite some time ago using the DS3, only got the proof recently:D

I just got all 60 golds last night!
I never once changed the driver options until I was stuck at 58 golds... man you drive so much faster without any driving aids! I wish I would of known that earlier.
I'm at 59 gold and 1 silver with a DS3. I think the slalom test with the yellow Toyota is going to require my wheel, I just can't even get close.
I have gold B license, and 2 golds in A, and I think I'm gonna have to get the wheel out. There's just no way I'll be able to do it with a DS3.
Just like Terry's, I'm all gold! :lol:

Just got sixty golds. Either I'm getting good at the game, or the licences are getting easier, because this is the first time I have ever managed to get all golds on an GT! 👍

60 golds with DS3. Now I can move on! Could you add me to the list please? Cheers!

Most satisfying win: S-8 (Suzuku Circuit); spent a lot of time on this one and ended up perfecting the entire track, I smashed first and second out of the water!

Last license that to gold: IC-10 ; this one was a struggle when I first got the game to even bronze, so I left this til last to go back to (also after hearing other people were struggling with it). Finally golded it today, it was actually a lot of fun and not too difficult. I passed the lead car before the last hairpin, finally !

Other difficult mentions: IB-3 Toyota Slalom. Took a lot of attempts, ending up with 17.988 after a gruelling hour. I hate cone slaloms. Never thought I'd do it, was a lucky run to be honest! S-4 was hard as well (Tokyo R246) as I was reluctant to get to grips with the car and the track. It was my final remaining bronze that I had to improve, but I put my mind to it and it turned out pretty straight forward

License tests 10/10 golded, in order (first achieved to last achieved):
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Those of you who have managed to get to all 60 golds really have my respect. It is no trouble after a reasonable amount of tries to get silver on any of these, but some just seem unfairly hard to get gold on.

Right now I am stuck on A-7 or A-8 (The Schumacher S one). I've come within .03 of gold once after hundreds of tries (and this is using a wheel). If I ever manage this one, I have the stupid cone slalom ones to try for, as I just stink at this test in general. The good news is that I watched a video for the Schumacher S one, and now see what I might be doing wrong. It looks like I am entering the corner just a tad too late. Hopefully tonight will be the night on this one!
Right now I am stuck on A-7 or A-8 (The Schumacher S one). I've come within .03 of gold once after hundreds of tries (and this is using a wheel). If I ever manage this one, I have the stupid cone slalom ones to try for, as I just stink at this test in general.

If you're that close it's only a matter of time before you gold it. Just be persistent.

And I had problems with the slalom as well, until I remembered how they do it in real slalom (the winter sport). You have to start each turn early and be almost finished with it when you pass the cone. Don't do symmetrical turns around the cones. And then it's just a matter of aiming as close to the cones as possible.

The one license test you're going to hate is IC-3. The one with the S-curve on the Indy road course with a Fairlady if I remember correctly. I never thought I would gold that one but persistence pays off. :)
30 Gold 29 Silver 1 Bronze for me using DS3.
S License 1-3 Tries gold, but some others hardly silver. (Cone Slalom is my bronze)
I don´t want to sit a couple of hours trying to gold all => i´ll let it be

I can remember that the S-License-tests where the Hardest ones in GT2/-3/-4 but in GT5 I thought they where pretty easy. (S-4 and S-8 where the toughest ones)
I think this is the perfect thread to write my first GTPlanet post in.:)
I did the licenses a while ago, so i dont remember too much about them.
I just remember IC 1 was terrible until i turned ABS off and IC 10 was hard but also really fun. Did it with a G25, manual transmission and driving aids turned off
(whenever possible, there were some tests where the off option wasnt choosable for all of them) except for ABS 1.
Some of those tests really were a pain, but it was a good feeling to finally have done them all. I even learned a thing or two :)


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