So, who's got all 60 Golds in their licence tests yet?

  • Thread starter Stevisiov
I've golded all 60 of my license tests too. Add me please...:)

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Better late than never I guess. Didn't feel the need to complete these right away since they did absolutely nothing for me except give me a few cars.

Add me to that list, please! :)
And allllllll done on my DS3.

Will update this post with a pic in the AM 👍
I got all golds, too, and it was relatively easy. This is the first GT I've gotten all golds. I think it must be easier than in previous games. And I used the controller, too.
57gold 3 silver.
IC-10, the toyota cone slalom, and the indy slow chicane in the Z370 are all i have left to gold. but i usually leave after 30minutes or so of trying. i keep reading about the S tests being hard. i found them the easiest. golded 9 the very first time i would finish. took less than 5 tries to finish because i would get DQed for bumping. the suzuka test in the 8C with the stupid ASM turned on was hardeest and took a bit longer. took out my 8C to suzuka and went WAY faster without ASM on... forced ASM on was the DUMBEST thing i have ever seen!!!!!

i will come back with a 60gold picture.
Sign me up!!

The last one I got was IC-3 (Indy road course double hairpin). The three before that were IC-1, IC-2 and IC-10

All done with a DS3.

Also, @GHilton, love the Countdown in the PIP!

EDIT: Here is a screen cap. Sorry, didnt realise people couldnt see my profile
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Okay, here you go.... Add me please :)

GTP sn: 'weavty1'
PSN id: 'tylorweaver'


Put in 30mins on the last 2 test I needed to gold, 400m wet braking and toyota slalom and finally made it :)

I guess the proof is in the picture 👍
