Something funny that might appear in GT5...

  • Thread starter The359
United States
Macungie, PA
As we all know by now, Polyphony loves to put JGTC cars in Gran Turismo. I wonder if they'll put in the Open Interface Tom's Supra this time, because if they do, it will be funny because of a certain sponser ;)

You'd figure the Tom's Supra would have a deal worked out with Polyphony, since it's been in every GT game since day 1. But alas, this ain't the case. If they want, they'll just block out the sponsor.

I liked the "Italian Restaurant" look of the old #36. Now it looks like like they just threw together a some random Cerumo's silver, Denso Sard's red/white, a black wing that doesn't match anything.
On the other hand if there is or will be Pescarolo (Lemans) car in any X-box game, would it suddenly turn out to have M$'s gameconsole theme? ;)
The Dynacity ran the first half of the season for Tom's, then they switched to Open interface. I think the dynacity looks better and I dont think it has Xbox sponcorship so I think PD would do it instead.

The blue Supra would be cool, but (not to be mr. Obvious...) isn't there already enough supras?

Not hatin'...just an observation.

Regarding X-Box decals on a car, that wouldn't be an issue, the decals would be on the car in the game.
Gosh... some of you look for any way to get a cheap laugh. It's like that thread where someone posted about the "Best in Show" winner and talking about what would happen if the winner in class was a Porsche or Ferrari.

On a serious side (more serious to some of you), could this happen? There are a few ways PD will go around it. The first one is obvious- replace the XBOX360 decals with either Sony, PS2 (maybe even PS3), or a Gran Turismo logo. The second option is to simply not include the car. However, there would be a problem if you're wanting to include all Super GT champions until the next build of GT. I think it's also obvious that the Sony/Microsoft rivalry has been around since the PS2 and XBOX gained momentum in the gaming market. I guess the premise for some people is "what if a race car with the livery of another game company or another console (even if it was a rival) was in a Sony-made game?" It is very likely the sponsor may end up on the car as advertised. Someone said it would be funny if Suzuka was included in the next GT with a big "XBOX" banner across the track. It's basically a sponsorship deal. Should have nothing to do with another console maker's sponsorship in a game by another manufactuer over a certain developer.

By the way, I like both Vipers you mentioned Vipfreak. I like the Benihana one better, though.
-> Well the [R]Benihana Viper version is a US D1 Drift car driven by "Tarzan" Yamada. The [R]Eclipse Viper is an JGTC car. That [R]Open Interface Supra will most likely to be in GT5, PD doesn't matter if it has that XBox 360 logo, all that matters is the authencisity of the vehicle to be as real-life as possible. (:
yeah, they could put in oh, I don't know... The Viper
GT2 had the #55 STP Taisan Viper.

Great all-round handling, even if it lacked a few ponies over the other racing Vipers in the game.
oh, sadly I barely remember that game other than one of the souped up supras I loved. I couldn't handle how bad the graphics were and the arcade like handling. :guilty: Stupid new GT versions. I did love that game though. I should check it out anyway. :)👍