Spec II - Master licences

I have to say I'm really enjoying these. Some are very frustrating mostly because of the shift between car and track types.

There is one I will call out as infuriating for me and it's this monstrosity. The rest are breeze through or you really have to dial in and that's the fun/work/frustration reward.

I give you this!!!


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Man i love it that I have something to gold again, but i did expect the license to be a lot harder than the old ones, but until now that isn't realy the case, I can now start on the S laps, so I'm very curious if these are harder! ( and not realy looking forward to MP-4 on Suzuka..... gives me TT flashbacks 🤣🤣🤣
I can’t seem to get gold on B-3,4 and A-1,2
do you guys have any strats?
I had a hard time with B-3 as well, always lost a tiny bit of time compared to demo ghost. Turned off ASM in assists and then it worked 2nd try.
Got all golds in the IB ones for the LFA... that's good for now. That one in the Subaru in the snow was the hardest one. Was able to gold the snow one in the 959 on the first try but the Subaru not so much. Eventually used the handbrake to powerslide around the outside of T1 which made up a lot of time.

Want to gold the Ss for the MP4/4.
Got all golds in the IB ones for the LFA... that's good for now. That one in the Subaru in the snow was the hardest one. Was able to gold the snow one in the 959 on the first try but the Subaru not so much. Eventually used the handbrake to powerslide around the outside of T1 which made up a lot of time.

Want to gold the Ss for the MP4/4.
wait till you get to the Peugeot in the snow on S-xx...... frustrating :lol: :lol:
took me quite some time to get the hang of it :lol:
on the other hand, new track, snow, bumps.... takes some times to get the lines right..... turn 1 remains a mystery to me :lol:
So far only did the M-B and M-A license tests, some were harder than the others, but I think it's ok concerning the difficulty of doing them. Although M-A4 with that F12 did mess me up for quite some time, but eh, it's Gran Turismo. I'm kinda glad they decided to do something like that honestly, has something for everybody
wait till you get to the Peugeot in the snow on S-xx...... frustrating :lol: :lol:
took me quite some time to get the hang of it :lol:
on the other hand, new track, snow, bumps.... takes some times to get the lines right..... turn 1 remains a mystery to me :lol:
Oh great, lol.

T1 is an oddity, it's like you have to handbrake and powerslide around the outside of it. At least that's how I did the Subaru license test. Odd thing is, I golded the 959 test (same sector just the 959 rather than the 22B) on the first try. The Subaru one I was off by like two seconds try after try! Anyway, eventually realized about the powerslide around T1 and that knocked off like 1.5 seconds so just needed to work with that a few times and done.
Well, let me tell you something...

I recently started advancing the game on my 6yo kid account, just to unlock as much as I can to him (the other day he wanted to dirve a "blue pick up truck" and I realised there wasn't much he could do as it was at Level 1 with brand central and GT Auto still locked :D)...

So, "Normal Licences" again... And they are much, much easier than the Master ones... To us it seems no much difference because we mostly did, at least, the National B and National A licences pretty much on day one and now we have a lot of miles on the game, so the Master ones don't seem so hard.
Well, let me tell you something...

I recently started advancing the game on my 6yo kid account, just to unlock as much as I can to him (the other day he wanted to dirve a "blue pick up truck" and I realised there wasn't much he could do as it was at Level 1 with brand central and GT Auto still locked :D)...

So, "Normal Licences" again... And they are much, much easier than the Master ones... To us it seems no much difference because we mostly did, at least, the National B and National A licences pretty much on day one and now we have a lot of miles on the game, so the Master ones don't seem so hard.
yeah maby that plays a big part indeed, altho you can't compare it no more with back then with all the physic update we had,plus i switched from console, what after some efford def made me faster due to the feeling of haptics on the dualsense.
But i thought they would be harder indeed!
Got all golds in the IB ones for the LFA... that's good for now. That one in the Subaru in the snow was the hardest one. Was able to gold the snow one in the 959 on the first try but the Subaru not so much. Eventually used the handbrake to powerslide around the outside of T1 which made up a lot of time.

Want to gold the Ss for the MP4/4.
IB3 was the one with the Subaru in the snow, right? Currently, you can wallride allmost the entire first corner. Go to the outside and touch the left rail while on the straight. Don't know why this Is possible, but they will fix this hopefully.
4 thousandths off gold on B-6, if I brake where the demonstration car brakes the car won't stop in time. :banghead:
Which one is B 6?

I find braking earlier and driving through a bend is faster for a gold time.

But some of them with my .2 offset I need to be in the ghost for the braking zone and acceleration
Which one is B 6?

I find braking earlier and driving through a bend is faster for a gold time.

But some of them with my .2 offset I need to be in the ghost for the braking zone and acceleration
The Porsche RS at La Source. I'm really bad at this corner in every sim so it's 100% just a skill issue but I can't figure it out.
I'm going to go nuts, never had such a problem getting gold than that damn wet braking B2 (I think) ⚰️💩 I'm less than a tenth short and after 50+ attempts trying everything (TC and mid-power, flooring it, short shifting, downright praying to all Greek, Roman and Pagan gods I know of for the past 5,000 years... Can't improve on my 0.098 difference to get a gold 😵🤐
Really enjoying all of these so far, although S-5 has been a nightmare for me to get gold on. Just finally managed to do it after a couple of hours of attempts.

That one has by far been the hardest out of all of them for me up to this point. I somehow managed to pull off a 1:41.8 after about half an hour (no idea where it came from), then couldn't even come close to replicating it for around an hour until I finally started to get the hang of turn 1. Then after some promising runs which kept getting cut short due to hitting the barriers, I somehow smashed the gold and walked away with a 1:40.4. 🥳

The first time the new track appears in Sport mode, it's going to be glorious chaos.
All golds on the S except the daggum snow track. I am close... only about 4.5 seconds off. :lol: Definitely not doing something right there.
You're probably driving the car like a real car would be driven on snow. I've managed to drive 16 winters in Finland so I have "some" idea about how a car handles on snow and ice, and it's anything but like how PD did it. I'd go as far as to say these are the worst winter rally physics I've ever seen in a game and that includes PS1 titles.
Man i love it that I have something to gold again, but i did expect the license to be a lot harder than the old ones, but until now that isn't realy the case, I can now start on the S laps, so I'm very curious if these are harder! ( and not realy looking forward to MP-4 on Suzuka..... gives me TT flashbacks 🤣🤣🤣
I hope you enjoyed A-4.....

patiently waiting for you to scream bloody murder with the new Time Trail
All golds on the S except the daggum snow track. I am close... only about 4.5 seconds off. :lol: Definitely not doing something right there.
After doing it for an hour+ make sure you are using the car’s momentum as much as possible on turns… I hated doing it but it was actually fun once I got the hang of the handling. It just took me forever to get a feel for the car.
The top 10 times for most of these licenses are hilarious. Would love to know the methods they're using. Even for the simple B-1 test they're finding eight tenths of a second above the gold time.