"Standard Car" does not correspond to the interior view.Update read 1st page

  • Thread starter JDMKING13
I'm just glad to hear that every car will be getting a cockpit view. It does not bother me how they're handling the standard cars, because I've only owned 1 car, and still do.

But I've been to numerous cars shows and seen numerous cars to identify certain interior views. I'm just happy that they're going to be 4 views for every car, because racing in cockpit view allows my mind to think I'm being immersed into the GT Racing world.
No, he wasn't able to elaborate - he only said the proper English translation for the footnote should read that standard cars do not "support" interior view (that's the intended translation for the word that Google sees as "correspond").

I was right they don't support it !!!!! :)
haven't you guys read the first post yet? It mentions that the Standard cars WILL have interiors and cockpits just not as detailed as the Premium.
ohh god this is the 2000000 thread on this.
the difference is this
the quality of the finished product, meaning the premium have better detail. THATS IT, also the premium cars get more Cosmetic damage, meaning fenders or guards can be really damaged.

according to the GT5 website. although only the premium cars have this level of cosmetic damage, ALL CARS IN THE GAME will experience degradation of the car if you damage it, meaning you feel that you have done damage because the car behaves differently or harder to drive. all cars will get the "minor damage" meaning little scratches etc, but no loss of fenders etc. all get engine, wheel, tire and suspension, again non premium cars will still feel degradation because of damage to the car, you just wont see drastic fenders falling off etc.
thats it very simple.
The problem is not enough English understanding people so you have a Japanese Man a great Japanese man,cant even say will you give me felatio to a women if he had to. then smiles and has the most hideous teeth outside of Britain (KAz really does have nasty teeth), hiring japanese americans, that are just Corporate biatches, sales people, that just read from talking points, and it all gets lost in translation. they need real race fans helping with the marketing because we would say the exact opposite of what you see on these E3 Vids,example here (hypothetical)
This is what Corporate pole smoker would say
so tell me about the tuning features in GT5. "well in Gt5 you will be able to enjoy great conectivity within your PS3 sony powered box, and within that box, you get a driver game called GT5 ( :) ) and the functionality is second to none, it amazing.

(so a real gamer asks him a Q about the tech aspects of GT5"

well with the tuning in GT5 we have kept the quick tune feature, because we want to make it fun for the driver"
This is how it should of been done.
Great Question fellow racer. its true they will have the quick tune feature like GT5 P had, however being a racer myself and lover of all things GT,they will also have the detailed tuner screens like in previous GT's, such as springs, Dampers, castor, Toe etc.

Thats how it should be answered instead we get these total idiots, Rahhhhhhhh gets me so Peed off. then you have thousands if not millions wondering what a simple difference is.
Well...it's now starting to sound like the Standard cars will be GT5P quality. I assuming that would apply to their interiors, as well.
On the outside I could expect standard cars to look similar to GT5P cars. But as far as the interior goes, GT5P cars have modeled front and back seats and I believe they are premium models (or at least basic models of premium cars. Perhaps they've been worked on even more since Prologue's release).

I cannot see standard cars having that (modeled front or back seats or at least as detailed as GT5P cars.)

As far as cockpits, yes. I think all cars will share this basic driving experience.
Well...it's now starting to sound like the Standard cars will be GT5P quality. I assuming that would apply to their interiors, as well.

I'm not convinced standard cars are GT5p level. It appears they just imported the GT4 models over, although the new lighting system and reflection mapping makes a world difference in terms of realism.


Only way to make sure is to wait until the game comes out, and hopefully PD will update the premium car list through DLC.
So is there a final word on this "Standard/Premium" crap? I keep getting my hopes up and let down in every thread I see about this. I've seen something (not sure how credible it is) on iGameReport here http://igamereport.com/2010/06/23/official-all-cars-in-gt5-will-have-interior-views/ . Does anyone have a for sure answer yet, or should all these threads be locked until we do?

There are some(including some game sites) who think that standard models too will have cockpit but not detailed interiors and some who do not believe it. You have to decide what you want to believe.

I believe that we will have cockpit. Let's wait and see :nervous:
The U.S. site mentions that the standard cars are 'updated' from past Gran Turismo games. I would like to think that implies that they will have a cockpit view as older GT titles did not (disgregard GT PSP).

I actually believe it more than I "hope" it. It just doesn't make sense the other way around. As much as premiums seem cool, I'd rather all the cars have a similar cockpit view than 200 standout ones.

Note: I am a chase cam fan.
The standard car debate.It rages on...,the disapointing thing is.Yes,they are imported from GT4.yes,they have been worked on.No..nowhere near GTPrologue level,clearly.in GT5,the standard cars,look a bit out of place on the track.light does not look right on them,and reflections honestly look like a GT4 HD..all of that,and Im still cool with it.very dissapointed,but fine.just give me a thousand cockpits..
WHY does everyone say that? "No, they're not GT5P level..." How do you or anyone else know? No one has even played the damn game here so all that crap is unfounded. How can you base judgement off an unfinished product you don't own? We haven't even seen gameplay involving standard cars. So far all the vids have shown demos. PD doesn't go the cheap way out. He's not going to leave a big gap between premium and standard cars. Why in the world would he do that with his best/biggest game yet? Every game has had cars brought over from the last and have they looked any worse than the new cars? GT4 had new cars compared to GT3. But did those NEW cars look better than the one's brought over from GT3? No they didn't. All cars were done the same, all cars looked equally as good. To think Kaz would do premium cars any differently than standard cars is a laugh. The thing that separates standard and premium so far is the fact that they have details inside. Not inside being 'cockpit'. But inside or 'interior' meaning 'innards' or 'inner workings' of the car. Such as the engine compartment. Nothing has confirmed either side yet, but my guess is at least gt5prologue levels for standard cars, which included 'cockpit cam' or 'interior view'.
Well...it's now starting to sound like the Standard cars will be GT5P quality. I assuming that would apply to their interiors, as well.

I said quite some time ago that my minimum expectations were that standard cars would have the same level as prologue cars. I was called ungrateful because of that :rolleyes:

Debate is over.

Check the link and see if you see something new.

Props to Timppaq for catching it and posting in the General Discussion thread.

Can you please pin-point what's exactly new?
I said quite some time ago that my minimum expectations were that standard cars would have the same level as prologue cars. I was called ungrateful because of that :rolleyes:

Can you please pin-point what's exactly new?

In the standard cars part of that link.

"*Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views."
In the standard cars part of that link.

"*Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views."

I'm pretty sure that was there since June 16th. Besides - and have in mind that I'm almost convinced they'll not feature a cockpit view and I'm a big critic of this quality difference between standard vs premium - it's open to interpretation in my opinion.

What is interior camera views? Means that Premium cars will have multiple camera views of the cockpit, as seen in some shoots, exploring all the details of the cockpit? Wouldn't it make more sense to talk about "Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera view (singular)." if referring to the cockpit driving view?
I guess views means all kinds of different camerangles inside the cockpit, such as the look through the sidewindows and the rearwindow, just like the dashboardview.