"Standard Car" does not correspond to the interior view.Update read 1st page

  • Thread starter JDMKING13
the fact is:
casual gamers will consider the whole bunch of 1000 cars (external view)
simulation fans will consider only the premium cars, and maybe some of the standard cars to use with hood view.
That's why the took gt4 cars and port them over to GT5.
the fact is:
casual gamers will consider the whole bunch of 1000 cars (external view)
simulation fans will consider only the premium cars, and maybe some of the standard cars to use with hood view.
That's why the took gt4 cars and port them over to GT5.

i will consider and use only the premium cars cause i just can't drive with a wheel without cockpit view. So the other 800 cars dont' even exist for me. :grumpy:
👍 Its real hard to keep a mature conversation on GTP, I created this thread so people can have a place to discuss their opinion on this cockpit matter so we did not have to see it all over the forums. Majority of people will say it was alot of great information at E3, however we still havent heard the juicy details to come. With this said the cockpit issue has plagued this fourm in ways some folks cannot enjoy the fact GT5 is on the verge of being in everyones living room. To the people who express their opinion in a mature matter agreeing or not agreeing about the cockpit situation i thank you very much. Happy Fathers day to all the GT dad out there like my self 👍

Many thanks for the Happy Fathers day, and hope you have a very Happy one as well. :)
Dude, all I can say is that I've accepted the fact that only 200 premium cars have cockpit view. I just want to play GT5 on 2 November whatever it is. Let GT6 and PS4 do the rest of the requirements from all fans. Undoubtedly, the standard of GT5 must be over my expectation. So, what I just need to do is wait and see what I'll be given.
i will consider and use only the premium cars cause i just can't drive with a wheel without cockpit view. So the other 800 cars dont' even exist for me. :grumpy:

Paul ,

are you saying that you'd rather let 800 different car's go just like that instead of adapting .Think of it this way ,everyone to a certain degree is starting fresh with the physics engine so why not start with a new view and the 200 premium cars are only an added bonus due to the fact that new feel more at home with the cockpit view .

I play a lot of different games on different views .I play GRID on both cockpit view and exterior view , I play GT/Prologue in bumper view ,but I'm not going to just dismis 800 car's because I can't use the view ,I adapt to what is needed and change my style to fit .To get use to any view you play is only a matter of practice .
Paul ,

are you saying that you'd rather let 800 different car's go just like that instead of adapting .Think of it this way ,everyone to a certain degree is starting fresh with the physics engine so why not start with a new view and the 200 premium cars are only an added bonus due to the fact that new feel more at home with the cockpit view .

I play a lot of different games on different views .I play GRID on both cockpit view and exterior view , I play GT/Prologue in bumper view ,but I'm not going to just dismis 800 car's because I can't use the view ,I adapt to what is needed and change my style to fit .To get use to any view you play is only a matter of practice .

You may even be able to customize the interiors, we don't know. so can say they have generic interiors and moan about there not being a cockpit view because we are still simply speculating you cant say its definitely something until November the 2nd.
As he promised me Darin asked PD Producer the right question about the cockpit view he did not get the right answer though here is Darin's email to me:

Darin Gangi to me

Looks like they will not have cockpits. I specifically asked the "Associate Producer" we interviewed and he wouldn't give us a specific comment. I also went to the break out session and they mentioned the premiums would have interiors and standards they didn't say wouldn't, but didn't say that they would.

Not looking good though at the moment for the 800 standard cars.. I will try to get a definite answer from my Sony rep..
👍 Its real hard to keep a mature conversation on GTP, I created this thread so people can have a place to discuss their opinion on this cockpit matter so we did not have to see it all over the forums. Majority of people will say it was alot of great information at E3, however we still havent heard the juicy details to come. With this said the cockpit issue has plagued this fourm in ways some folks cannot enjoy the fact GT5 is on the verge of being in everyones living room. To the people who express their opinion in a mature matter agreeing or not agreeing about the cockpit situation i thank you very much. Happy Fathers day to all the GT dad out there like my self 👍

This. 👍

I'm really disappointed to not getting cockpit in all cars, one of the coolest features in my opinion, however that alone doesn't make the game a complete pile of trash. We're getting many new features, gorgeous graphics, updated physics, online, day/night transition and * stops to take a breathe * ....... we must stop to criticize and nitpick at every little detail that doesn't come as we were expecting, PD was limited by the size of the team and of course by the time.

And PD will probably be gradually updating the Standard cars to Premium in the next versions of the game, for GT5, what we're getting is an awesome pack. 👍
I think they should do something like in SCC - when you play from bumper cam you see speedometer and rpm gauge from the car (color, shape etc). I really like that idea. Every car with same UI (different scale of course) is just "no no" on PS3.

About "gt4 models" ported to gt5 - i couldnt care less, i dont play this game for models.
From member Guffaluff

I just recieved a reply to my email regarding the Kotaku GT5 article. This is what I wrote (I apologize for some minor brown-nosing :

Hello there .

I've been following your website for quite a while now, and all I can say is thumbs up! .

I just read your E3 article on GT5, and I have one question, if you don't mind .

It's about this segment of the article:

"The developers have created fully modeled interiors for the Premium cars, as well as doing detailed modeling for the car's undercarriage and even the exhaust pipes! The Standard cars apparently won't have the exact interior modeling. For example, an Enzo's interior will look like the real deal, but your typical Mustang's will look like exactly like Mustang's."

Maybe you have noticed, but there has been quite a lot of fuss regarding the recent announcement of Premium and Standard cars in GT5, and if the latter have cockpit view or not. What you write in the above segment indicates that the standard cars do indeed have a cockpit/dashboard view, just not nearly as detailed as the premium cars.

Could you by any chance clarify this? Because according to some other articles, it suggests that the Standard cars don't have any form of cockpit/dashboard view. So do the standard cars have some sort of a cockpit/dashboard view? Also, if you happen to know, are the Standard cars simply upscaled GT4 models, or have the car models been improved so thy don't look out of place in a race with premium cars?

If you have the time and info to answer those questions, I (and probably all of GTplanet.com :P ) would be really thankful .

Best regards

And this is the reply I got:

"What you write in the above segment indicates that the standard cars do indeed have a cockpit/dashboard view, just not nearly as detailed as the premium cars."

That's correct. And that's why I wrote it.

He didn't comment on if the standard cars would be simply upscaled GT4 models or not, but this indicates that the standard cars should have a cockpit view, just not with the same amount of details as the premium cars.

Just wanted to let you guys know
Did he say the part I quoted? Or was that you or the E-Mailer? If it was then then it doesn't really prove anything.

in th Kotaku GT5 article, the guy said we were going to get cockpit views for the standard car however member Guffaluff send him a email asking him to clairfy the issue, and what i posted before from member Guffaluff is what he wrote back
in th Kotaku GT5 article, the guy said we were going to get cockpit views for the standard car however member Guffaluff send him a email asking him to clairfy the issue, and what i posted before from member Guffaluff is what he wrote back

i hope kotaku guys know what they're saying. A less detailed cockpit with only the dashboard would be fantastic.
in th Kotaku GT5 article, the guy said we were going to get cockpit views for the standard car however member Guffaluff send him a email asking him to clairfy the issue, and what i posted before from member Guffaluff is what he wrote back

Did the guy from Kotaku say, "That's correct. And that's why I wrote it. " in his email, Or did Guffaluff put that?

or did Kotaku guy only reply with
"What you write in the above segment indicates that the standard cars do indeed have a cockpit/dashboard view, just not nearly as detailed as the premium cars."
Did the guy from Kotaku say, "That's correct. And that's why I wrote it. " in his email, Or did Guffaluff put that?

or did Kotaku guy only reply with

Kotaku said "that correct and that why i wrote it"

I just recieved a reply to my email regarding the Kotaku GT5 article. This is what I wrote (I apologize for some minor brown-nosing :

Hello there .

I've been following your website for quite a while now, and all I can say is thumbs up! .

I just read your E3 article on GT5, and I have one question, if you don't mind .

It's about this segment of the article:

"The developers have created fully modeled interiors for the Premium cars, as well as doing detailed modeling for the car's undercarriage and even the exhaust pipes! The Standard cars apparently won't have the exact interior modeling. For example, an Enzo's interior will look like the real deal, but your typical Mustang's will look like exactly like Mustang's."

Maybe you have noticed, but there has been quite a lot of fuss regarding the recent announcement of Premium and Standard cars in GT5, and if the latter have cockpit view or not. What you write in the above segment indicates that the standard cars do indeed have a cockpit/dashboard view, just not nearly as detailed as the premium cars.

Could you by any chance clarify this? Because according to some other articles, it suggests that the Standard cars don't have any form of cockpit/dashboard view. So do the standard cars have some sort of a cockpit/dashboard view? Also, if you happen to know, are the Standard cars simply upscaled GT4 models, or have the car models been improved so thy don't look out of place in a race with premium cars?

If you have the time and info to answer those questions, I (and probably all of GTplanet.com :P ) would be really thankful .

Best regards

And this is the reply I got:

"What you write in the above segment indicates that the standard cars do indeed have a cockpit/dashboard view, just not nearly as detailed as the premium cars."

That's correct. And that's why I wrote it.

He didn't comment on if the standard cars would be simply upscaled GT4 models or not, but this indicates that the standard cars should have a cockpit view, just not with the same amount of details as the premium cars.

Just wanted to let you guys know
1:1 steering animation would be nice. That was already confirmed once by sony emplyee but there has not been any solid evidense.
And this is the reply I got:

"What you write in the above segment indicates that the standard cars do indeed have a cockpit/dashboard view, just not nearly as detailed as the premium cars."

That's correct. And that's why I wrote it.

He didn't comment on if the standard cars would be simply upscaled GT4 models or not, but this indicates that the standard cars should have a cockpit view, just not with the same amount of details as the premium cars.

Just wanted to let you guys know

I think it would have been better if it looked like this:

And this is the reply I got:

"What you write in the above segment indicates that the standard cars do indeed have a cockpit/dashboard view, just not nearly as detailed as the premium cars.

That's correct. And that's why I wrote it. "

He didn't comment on if the standard cars would be simply upscaled GT4 models or not, but this indicates that the standard cars should have a cockpit view, just not with the same amount of details as the premium cars.

Just wanted to let you guys know
I think it would have been better if it looked like this:

Technically it would be "'What you write in the above segment indicates that the standard cars do indeed have a cockpit/dashboard view, just not nearly as detailed as the premium cars.'

That's correct. And that's why I wrote it. "

Am I right? Because the Kotaku writer or whoever responded is quoting that segment from the original e-mail sent to them. Even better would have been:
E-Mail Response
"What you write in the above segment indicates that the standard cars do indeed have a cockpit/dashboard view, just not nearly as detailed as the premium cars."

That's correct. And that's why I wrote it.

I just love using quote tags I guess :lol:

On a side note, the way they responded seemed kind of low. Maybe if they expressed themselves properly then they wouldn't get e-mails asking what they meant.

For example, an Enzo's interior will look like the real deal, but your typical Mustang's will look like exactly like Mustang's.
So the interior of the Enzo looks realistic but not exactly like the Enzo's? On the flip side the Mustang's looks exactly like the Mustang's but not like the real deal?

I don't know maybe I'm just nitpicking because of the way they replied.

Anyways I'm keeping my hopes up but hearing about all the amazing stuff we're getting I won't be too disappointed if we don't get cockpits.